
# Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)

function Set-RsDatabaseCredentials
            This script configures the credentials used to connect to the database used by SQL Server Reporting Services.

            This script configures the credentials used to connect to the database used by SQL Server Reporting Services. You must be an admin in RS and SQL Server in order to perform this operation successfully.
        .PARAMETER ReportServerInstance (optional)
            Specify the name of the SQL Server Reporting Services Instance.

        .PARAMETER ReportServerVersion (optional)
            Specify the version of the SQL Server Reporting Services Instance.

        .PARAMETER DatabaseCredentialType
            Indicate what type of credentials to use when connecting to the database. 0 for Windows, 1 for SQL, and 2 for Service Account.

        .PARAMETER DatabaseCredential
            Specify the credentials to use when connecting to the SQL Server.
            Note: This parameter will be ignored whenever DatabaseCredentialType is set to 2!

        .PARAMETER IsRemoteDatabaseServer
            Specify this parameter when the database server is on a different machine than the machine Reporting Services is on.

            Set-RsDatabaseCredentials -DatabaseCredentialType 0 -DatabaseCredential $myCredentials
            This command will configure Reporting Services to connect to the database using Windows credentials ($myCredentials).

            Set-RsDatabaseCredentials -DatabaseCredentialType 1 -DatabaseCredential $sqlCredentials
            This command will configure Reporting Services to connect to the database using SQL credentials ($sqlCredentials).

            Set-RsDatabaseCredentials -DatabaseCredentialType 2
            This command will configure Reporting Services to connect to the database using Service Account credentials.


        $ReportServerVersion ='13',




    $wmi = New-RsConfigurationSettingObject -SqlServerInstance $ReportServerInstance -SqlServerVersion $ReportServerVersion 

    # converting database credential type into its appropriate number
    $databaseCredentialTypeInt = 0
    $username = ''
    $password = $null
    switch ($DatabaseCredentialType.ToLower())
        'windows' { $databaseCredentialTypeInt = 0 }
        'sql' { $databaseCredentialTypeInt = 1}
            $databaseCredentialTypeInt = 2
            $username = $wmi.WindowsServiceIdentityActual
            $password = ''
            Write-Error "Invalid Database Credential Type specified! Valid database credential types are: Windows, SQL or Service Account." 
            Exit 1 

    if ($databaseCredentialTypeInt -ne 2)
        if ($DatabaseCredential -eq $null)
            Write-Error "No Database Credential specified! Database credential must be specified."
            Exit 1 
        $username = $DatabaseCredential.UserName
        $password = $DatabaseCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    $databaseName = $wmi.DatabaseName
    $databaseServerName = $wmi.DatabaseServerName
    $isWindowsAccount = ($databaseCredentialTypeInt -eq 0) -or ($databaseCredentialTypeInt -eq 2)

    # Step 1 - Generate database rights script
    Write-Verbose "###### Generating database rights script..."
    $result = $wmi.GenerateDatabaseRightsScript($username, $databaseName, $IsRemoteDatabaseServer, $isWindowsAccount)
    $script = ''
    if ($result.HRESULT -ne 0) 
        Write-Error "###### Fail!"
        Exit 1
        $script = $result.Script
        Write-Verbose "###### Complete!"

    # Step 2 - Run Database rights script
    Write-Verbose "###### Executing database rights script..."
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $DatabaseServerName -Query $script
    Write-Verbose "###### Complete!"

    # Step 3 - Update Reporting Services to connect to new database now
    Write-Verbose "###### Updating Reporting Services to connect to new database..."
    $result = $wmi.SetDatabaseConnection($databaseServerName, $databaseName, $databaseCredentialTypeInt, $username, $password)
    if ($result.HRESULT -ne 0) 
        Write-Error "###### Fail!"
        Exit 1
        Write-Verbose "###### Complete!"