
# Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)

    This downloads catalog items from a folder to disk

    This downloads catalog items from a folder server to disk.
    Currently the script only downloads reports, datasources, datasets and resources.

.PARAMETER ReportServerUri (optional)
    Specify the Report Server URL to your SQL Server Reporting Services Instance.
    Has to be provided if proxy is not provided.

.PARAMETER ReportServerUsername (optional)
    Specify the user name to use when connecting to your SQL Server Reporting Services Instance.

.PARAMETER ReportServerPassword (optional)
    Specify the password to use when connecting to your SQL Server Reporting Services Instance.

.PARAMETER proxy (optional)
    Report server proxy to use.
    Has to be provided if ReportServerUri is not provided.

.PARAMETER Recurse (optional)
    Recursively download subfolders.

    Path to folder on report server to download catalog items from.

.PARAMETER Destination
    Folder to download catalog items to.

    Out-RsFolderContent -ReportServerUri 'http://localhost/reportserver_sql2012' -Path /MonthlyReports -Destination C:\reports\MonthlyReports
    Downloads catalogitems from /MonthlyReports into folder C:\reports\MonthlyReports


function Out-RsFolderContent
        $ReportServerUri = 'http://localhost/reportserver',


    if (-not $Proxy)
        $Proxy = New-RSWebServiceProxy -ReportServerUri $ReportServerUri -Credentials $ReportServerCredentials 
    if ($Recurse) 
        $items = Get-RsCatalogItems -proxy:$Proxy -Path:$Path -Recurse
        $items = Get-RsCatalogItems -proxy:$Proxy -Path:$Path

    foreach ($item in $items)
        if (($item.TypeName -eq 'Folder') -and $Recurse)
            $relativePath = $item.Path
            if($Path -ne "/")
                $relativePath = Clear-Substring -string $relativePath -substring $Path -position front
            $relativePath = $relativePath.Replace("/", "\")
            $newFolder = $Destination + $relativePath
            Write-Verbose "Creating folder $newFolder"
            mkdir $newFolder -Force | Out-Null
            Write-Information "Folder: $newFolder was created successfully."
        if ($item.TypeName -eq "Resource" -or 
            $item.TypeName -eq "Report" -or 
            $item.TypeName -eq "DataSource" -or 
            $item.TypeName -eq "DataSet")
            # We're relying on the fact that the implementation of Get-RsCatalogItems will show us the folder before their content,
            # when using the -recurse option, so we can assume that any subfolder will be created before we download the items it contains
            $relativePath = $item.Path
            if($Path -ne "/")
                $relativePath = Clear-Substring -string $relativePath -substring $Path -position front
            $relativePath = Clear-Substring -string $relativePath -substring ("/" + $item.Name) -position back
            $relativePath = $relativePath.replace("/", "\")

            $folder = $Destination + $relativePath
            Out-RsCatalogItem -proxy $proxy -Path $item.Path -Destination $folder