
function Get-ShouldProcessTargetWmi
            Creates the target string for a should process call of Wmi functions.
            Creates the target string for a should process call of Wmi functions.
        .PARAMETER BoundParameters
            The actual PSBoundParameters object of the calling function should be passed here.
        .PARAMETER Target
            Additional piece of targeting string to be appended to the base info.
            Get-ShouldProcessTargetWmi -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
            Returns a string for use as target in the ShouldProcess calls of Wmi queries.
            The string will contain the actual values used for ComputerName, SqlVersion and SqlInstance:
            "<ComputerName> (<SqlVersion>) \ <SqlInstance>"
            e.g.: "Server01 (SqlServer2016) \ ReportServer"
            Get-ShouldProcessTargetWmi -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Target "Foo"
            Returns a string for use as target in the ShouldProcess calls of Wmi queries.
            The string will contain the actual values used for ComputerName, SqlVersion and SqlInstance, and also have a custom value appended:
            "<ComputerName> (<SqlVersion>) \ <SqlInstance> : <Target>"
            e.g.: "Server01 (SqlServer2016) \ ReportServer : Foo"

    Param (
    if ($BoundParameters["ComputerName"])
        $Server = $BoundParameters["ComputerName"]
    elseif ([Microsoft.ReportingServicesTools.ConnectionHost]::ComputerName)
        $Server = [Microsoft.ReportingServicesTools.ConnectionHost]::ComputerName
        $Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    if ($BoundParameters["ReportServerVersion"])
        $Version = $BoundParameters["ReportServerVersion"]
        $Version = [Microsoft.ReportingServicesTools.ConnectionHost]::Version
    if ($BoundParameters["ReportServerInstance"])
        $Instance = $BoundParameters["ReportServerInstance"]
        $Instance = ([Microsoft.ReportingServicesTools.ConnectionHost]::Instance)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Target"))
        return "$Server ($Version) \ $Instance : $Target"
        return "$Server ($Version) \ $Instance"

function Get-ShouldProcessTargetWeb
            Creates the target string for a should process call of Web functions.
            Creates the target string for a should process call of Web functions.
        .PARAMETER BoundParameters
            The actual PSBoundParameters object of the calling function should be passed here.
        .PARAMETER Target
            Additional piece of targeting string to be appended to the base info.
            Get-ShouldProcessTargetweb -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
            Returns a string for use as target in the ShouldProcess calls of Web queries.
            The string will contain the actual value used for ReportServerUri:
            Get-ShouldProcessTargetweb -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Target "Foo"
            Returns a string for use as target in the ShouldProcess calls of Web queries.
            The string will contain the actual value used for ReportServerUri and also have a custom value appended:
            "<ReportServerUri> : <Target>"

    Param (
    if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey("ReportServerUri"))
        if ($Target)
            return "$($BoundParameters["ReportServerUri"]) : $Target"
            return $BoundParameters["ReportServerUri"]
        if ($Target)
            return "$([Microsoft.ReportingServicesTools.ConnectionHost]::Uri) : $Target"
            return [Microsoft.ReportingServicesTools.ConnectionHost]::Uri