
Enters a new restartable PowerShell session.
Enters a new restartable PowerShell session. Throws a non-terminating error when the caller is already in a restartable session or the host is not a ConsoleHost.
The PowerShell executable that called this function is used to create a new session.
ScriptBlock that is called at the start of the restartable session.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments that is passed to the OnStart script block.
Enter-RSSession -OnStart {'Hi'}
# Automatically restart a session and reload the module on file save.
$onStart = {
    Import-Module $modulePath
    Start-RSRestartFileWatcher -Path $modulePath -IncludeSubdirectories
Enter-RSSession -OnStart $onStart -ArgumentList D:\ScriptModuleTest

function Enter-RSSession
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NoOnStart', Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='OnStart', Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='OnStart', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

        if ([RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::IsInRestartableSession())
            Write-Error -Message 'Already in a RS Session.' -Category InvalidOperation

        if ($host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost')
            Write-Error -Message 'Only ConsoleHost is supported.' -Category InvalidOperation

        $powershellExe = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
        $command = {
            # This is executed in the created new session scope.
            # Don't use any temporary variables as they are visible to users.

            Import-Module RestartableSession
            [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::RestartCount = $args[0]
            [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::OriginalPromptFunction = (Get-Command Prompt).ScriptBlock

            function Prompt
                $restartCount = [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::RestartCount
                "RS($restartCount) " + [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::OriginalPromptFunction.Invoke()

            if ($args[1])
                if ($args.Length -gt 2)
                    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($args[1])) -NoNewScope -ArgumentList $args[2..($args.Length-1)]
                    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($args[1])) -NoNewScope

        $restartCount = 1
        while ($true)
            $arguments = @($restartCount, $OnStart) + $ArgumentList

            & $powershellExe -NoExit -Command $command -Args $arguments

            if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq [RestartableSession.GlobalVariable]::kExitCodeToBreak)