
    .VERSION 1.0
    .GUID cc1197a7-88f1-4411-9161-f952f390a949
    .AUTHOR Vikas Sukhija
    Created with: ISE
    Created on: 6/14/2021 1:46 PM
    Created by: Vikas Sukhija
    Filename: RestrictUserAccounts.ps1

    This script will restrict the accounts in OU with List of computers

param (
  [string]$OU = 'OU=Lab,OU=PTU,OU=WVD,OU=InfrastructureServices,DC=lab,DC=labtest,DC=com',
  [string]$Machinelist = 'machines.txt',
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
function New-FolderCreation
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  $logpath  = (Get-Location).path + "\" + "$foldername" 
  $testlogpath = Test-Path -Path $logpath
  if($testlogpath -eq $false)
    $null = New-Item -Path (Get-Location).path -Name $foldername -Type directory
}####new folder creation
function Write-Log
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create',Position = 0)][switch]$Create,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Message')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Message')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = 'Message')]
    [string]$Severity = 'Information',
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Message',Position = 0)][Switch]$MSG
  switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
      $log = @()
      $date1 = Get-Date -Format d
      $date1 = $date1.ToString().Replace("/", "-")
      $time = Get-Date -Format t
      $time = $time.ToString().Replace(":", "-")
      $time = $time.ToString().Replace(" ", "")
      New-FolderCreation -foldername $folder
      foreach ($n in $Name)
      {$log += (Get-Location).Path + "\" + $folder + "\" + $n + "_" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.$Ext"}
      return $log
      $date = Get-Date
      $concatmessage = "|$date" + "| |" + $message +"| |" + "$Severity|"
        "Information"{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Green}
        "Warning"{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Yellow}
        "Error"{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Red}
      Add-Content -Path $path -Value $concatmessage
} #Function Write-Log
####################Load variables and log#######################################
$log = Write-Log -Name "RestrictMFGAccounts-Log" -folder "logs" -Ext "log"
$machinefile = (get-location).Path  + "\" + $Machinelist

Write-Log -Message "Start ................Script" -path $log
Write-Log -Message "Check Machine Sanity" -path $log
$collmachines = @()
get-content $machinefile | ForEach-Object{
  $machine = $_.trim()
  $getmachine = Get-ADComputer -Identity $machine -ea silentlycontinue
    Write-Log -Message "Found - $machine" -path $log
    $collmachines += $machine
    $collmachines += $machine
Write-Log -Message "Fetched all Computers from the file" -path $log
[string]$LogonWorkstations = $collmachines -join ","
Write-Log -Message "WS from File - $LogonWorkstations" -path $log
Write-Log -Message "Fetch all Users accounts from $OU" -path $log
$getadusers = get-aduser -SearchBase $OU -filter * | Select -ExpandProperty samaccountname
Write-Log -Message "Start restricting the accounts" -path $log
if($operation -eq 'RestrictionADD'){
  $getadusers | ForEach-Object{
    $samname = $_
      $getexistingws =  (Get-ADUser -Identity $samname -Properties LogonWorkstations).LogonWorkstations
        $LogonWorkstations = $LogonWorkstations + "," + $getexistingws
        Write-log -message "existiingLogonWS - $getexistingws" -path $log
        Write-log -message "Select Unique values of machines" -path $log
        $arrlogonws = $LogonWorkstations -split ","
        $LogonWorkstations = ($arrlogonws | Select -Unique) -join ","
        Write-log -message "FinalWS - $LogonWorkstations" -path $log
      Write-Log -Message "$samname - Set logon workstations to $LogonWorkstations" -path $log
      Set-ADUser -Identity $samname -LogonWorkstations $LogonWorkstations
      $exception = $_.Exception.Message
      Write-Log -Message "$samname - exception $exception has occured" -path $log -Severity Error
if($operation -eq 'RestrictionRemove'){
  $getadusers | ForEach-Object{
    $samname = $_
      $getexistingws =  (Get-ADUser -Identity $samname -Properties LogonWorkstations).LogonWorkstations
        Write-log -message "existiingLogonWS - $getexistingws" -path $log
        $arrexistingWS = $getexistingws -split ","
        $compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $arrexistingWS -DifferenceObject $collmachines -IncludeEqual
        $CollectWS = $compare | where{$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} | Select -ExpandProperty InputObject
        [string]$LogonWorkstations = $CollectWS  -join ","
        Write-log -message "FinalWS - $LogonWorkstations" -path $log
          Write-Log -Message "$samname - Set logon workstations to $LogonWorkstations" -path $log
          Set-ADUser -Identity $samname -LogonWorkstations $LogonWorkstations
          Write-Log -Message "$samname - Set logon workstations to Null" -path $log
          Set-ADUser -Identity $samname -LogonWorkstations $null
      $exception = $_.Exception.Message
      Write-Log -Message "$samname - exception $exception has occured" -path $log -Severity Error
if($operation -eq 'UnRestrict'){
  $getadusers | ForEach-Object{
    $samname = $_
      $getexistingws =  (Get-ADUser -Identity $samname -Properties LogonWorkstations).LogonWorkstations
        Write-log -message "existiingLogonWS - $getexistingws" -path $log
      Write-Log -Message "$samname - Set logon workstations to Null" -path $log
      Set-ADUser -Identity $samname -LogonWorkstations $null
      $exception = $_.Exception.Message
      Write-Log -Message "$samname - exception $exception has occured" -path $log -Severity Error
Write-Log -Message "Accounts restricted/Unrestricted - check for errors in the logs, if there are errors - reprocess after fixing" -path $log
Write-Log -Message "Script Finished" -path $log