
function New-BinaryColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Binary datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Images' {
            Binary 'Bits' 256
    ## ALIASES
     * Binary
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' 256 }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `binary` column with a maximum length of 256 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' 256 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `binary` column with maximum length of 256 bytes.
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' -Max }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional `binary` column with the maximum length (2^31 -1 bytes).
    Add-Table 'Images' { Binary 'Bytes' -Max -FileStream }
    Demonstrates now to create an optional `binary` column with the maximum length, and stores the data in a filestream data container.

        # The column's name.

        # The number of bytes the column will hold.

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value
        # A description of the column.

    $sizetype = New-Object Rivet.CharacterLength $Size

    $nullable = 'Null'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
        $nullable = 'NotNull'
    elseif( $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::Binary($Name, $sizetype, $nullable, $Default, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Binary' -Value 'New-BinaryColumn'