
function New-Column
    Creates a column object of an explicit datatype which can be used with the `Add-Table` or `Update-Table` migrations.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'Members' {
            New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime'
    This column is useful for creating columns of custom types or types for which Rivet doesn't have a specific function.
    Returns an object that can be used when adding columns or creating tables to get the SQL needed to create that column.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `datetime` column.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'float(7)' -NotNull }
    Demonstrates that the value of the `DataType` parameter should also include any precision/scale/size specifiers.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `datetime` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -NotNull -Default 'getdate()' }
    Demonstrates how to create a date column with a default value, in this case the current date. (You alwyas use UTC dates, right?) Probably not a great example, setting someone's birthday to the current date. Reasons are left as an exercise for the reader.
    Add-Table 'Members' { New-Column 'Birthday' 'datetime' -Description 'The members birthday.' }
    Demonstrates how to create an optional date column with a description.


        # The Name of the new column.

        # The datatype of the new column. Scale/size/precision clause is optional.

        # Allow the column to be its maximum size. Sets the columnn's size clause to `(max)`. Only use this with columns whose underlying type supports it. If you supply this argument, the `Size`, `Precision`, and `Scale` parameters are ignored.

        # The size/length of the column. Sets the column's size clause to `($Size)`. Ignored if `Max` parameter is used. If provided, the `Precision` and `Scale` parameters are ignored.

        # The precision of the column. Set's the columns size clause to `($Precision)`. If `Scale` is also given, the size clause is set to `($Precision,$Scale)`. Ignored if the `Max` or `Size` parameters are used.

        # The scale of the column. Set's the column's size clause to `($Scale)`. If `Precision` is also given, the size clause is set to `($Precision,$Scale)`. Ignored if the `Max` or `Size` parameters are used.

        # Make the column an identity.

        # The starting value for the identity column.

        # The increment between new identity values.

        # Don't replicate the identity column value.

        # Optimizes the column storage for null values. Cannot be used with the `NotNull` switch.

        # Makes the column not nullable. Cannot be used with the `Sparse` switch.

        # The collation of the column.

        # Whether or not to make the column a `rowguidcol`.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value.

        # A description of the column.
        # Whether or not the column is a filestream.

    [Rivet.ColumnSize]$sizeParam = $null
    if( $Max )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.CharacterLength]::new()
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Size') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.CharacterLength]::new($Size)
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Precision') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.PrecisionScale]::new($Precision,$Scale)
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Precision') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.PrecisionScale]::new($Precision)
    elseif( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $sizeParam = [Rivet.Scale]::new($Scale)

    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Identity' )
        [Rivet.Identity]$identityParam = [Rivet.Identity]::new($NotForReplication)
        if( $Seed -or $Increment )
            $identityParam = [Rivet.Identity]::new($Seed,$Increment,$NotForReplication)
        $nullable = 'Null'
        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NotNull' )
            $nullable = 'NotNull'
        elseif( $Sparse )
            $nullable = 'Sparse'
