
function New-TimeColumn
    Creates a column object representing an Time datatype.
    Use this function in the `Column` script block for `Add-Table`:
        Add-Table 'WithTime' {
            Time 'ColumnName'
    ## ALIASES
     * Time
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { New-TimeColumn 'CreatedAt' 5 -NotNull }
    Demonstrates how to create a required `time` column with a given scale when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { Time 'CreatedAt' -Sparse }
    Demonstrate show to create a nullable, sparse `time` column when adding a new table.
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { Time 'CreatedAt' -NotNull -Default 'convert(`time`, getutcdate())' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `time` column with a default value, in this case the current time. You alwyas use UTC, right?
    Add-Table 'WithTime' { Time 'CreatedAt' -NotNull -Description 'The `time` the record was created.' }
    Demonstrates how to create a `time` column with a description.

        # The column's name.

        # The number of decimal digits for the fractional seconds. SQL Server's default is `7`, or 100 nanoseconds..

        # Don't allow `NULL` values in this column.

        # Store nulls as Sparse.

        # A SQL Server expression for the column's default value
        # A description of the column.

    $dataSize = $null
    if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Scale') )
        $dataSize = New-Object Rivet.Scale $Scale
    $nullable = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
    if( $nullable -eq 'Null' -and $Sparse )
        $nullable = 'Sparse'

    [Rivet.Column]::Time($Name, $dataSize, $nullable, $Default, $Description)
Set-Alias -Name 'Time' -Value 'New-TimeColumn'