
function Invoke-Rivet
        # Creates a new migration.
        # Applies migrations.
        # Reverts migrations.
        # Reverts a migration, then re-applies it.

        # The name of the migrations to create, push, or pop. Matches against the migration's ID, Name, or file name (without extension). Wildcards permitted.
        # The number of migrations to pop. Default is 1.
        $Count = 1,

        # Pop all migrations

        # Force popping a migration you didn't apply or that is old.

        # The database(s) to migrate. Optional. Will operate on all databases otherwise.

        # The environment you're working in. Controls which settings Rivet loads from the `rivet.json` configuration file.

        # The path to the Rivet configuration file. Default behavior is to look in the current directory for a `rivet.json` file. See `about_Rivet_Configuration` for more information.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

    [Rivet.Configuration.Configuration]$settings = Get-RivetConfig -Database $Database -Path $ConfigFilePath -Environment $Environment

    if( -not $settings.Databases )
        Write-Error (@'
Found no databases to migrate. This can be a few things:
 * There are no database directories in ''{0}''. Please create a database directory there or supply an explicit database name with the `Database` parameter.
 * You supplied an explicit database name, but that database is on the ignore list. Remove it from the ignore list in ''{1}'' or enter a database name that isn't ignored.
 * You supplied an explicit database name, but no directory for migrations exist on the file system (under {0}). Create a migrations directory or enter the name of a database that exists.
 -f $settings.DatabasesRoot,$settings.Path)

    Import-RivetPlugin -Path $settings.PluginPaths

        if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'New' )
            $settings.Databases | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'MigrationsRoot' -Unique |
                ForEach-Object { New-Migration -Name $Name -Path $_ }

        foreach( $databaseItem in $settings.Databases )
            $databaseName = $databaseItem.Name
            $dbMigrationsPath = $databaseItem.MigrationsRoot
            $result = Connect-Database -SqlServerName $settings.SqlServerName `
                                       -Database $databaseName `
                                       -ConnectionTimeout $settings.ConnectionTimeout
            if( -not $result )
                Initialize-Database -Configuration $settings

                $updateParams = @{
                                    Path = $dbMigrationsPath;
                                    Configuration = $settings;

                if( -not (Test-Path -Path $dbMigrationsPath -PathType Container) )
                    Write-Warning ('{0} database migrations directory ({1}) not found.' -f $databaseName,$dbMigrationsPath)
                if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name') )
                    $updateParams.Name = $Name    # Join-Path $dbMigrationsPath ("*_{0}.ps1" -f $Name)

                Write-Debug -Message ('# {0}.{1}' -f $Connection.DataSource,$Connection.Database)
                if( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Push' )
                    Update-Database @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Pop' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Count 1 -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopByName' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopByCount' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Count $Count -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif ( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PopAll' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -All -Force:$Force @updateParams
                elseif( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Redo' )
                    Update-Database -Pop -Count 1 @updateParams
                    Update-Database @updateParams
                $firstException = $_.Exception
                while( $firstException.InnerException )
                    $firstException = $firstException.InnerException
                Write-Error ('{0} database migration failed: {1}.' -f $databaseName,$firstException.Message)

Set-Alias -Name rivet -Value Invoke-Rivet