
function New-Migration
    Creates a new migration script.
    Creates a migration script with a given name. The script is prefixed with the current timestamp (e.g. yyyyMMddHHmmss). The script is created in `$Path\$Database\Migrations`.

        # The name of the migration to create.
        # The path to the directory where the migration should be saved.

    foreach( $nameItem in $Name )
        $id = $null
        $id = [int64](Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
        while( (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) -and `
               (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter ('{0}_*' -f $id) ) )

        $filename = '{0}_{1}.ps1' -f $id,$nameItem

        $importRivetPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\Import-Rivet.ps1' -Resolve

        $migrationPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $filename
        $migrationPath = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $migrationPath )
        New-Item -Path $migrationPath -Force -ItemType File

        $template = @"
Your migration is ready to go! For the best development experience, please
write your migration in the PowerShell 3 ISE. Run the following at a
PowerShell prompt:
    PS> ise "{0}"
or right-click the migration in Windows Explorer and choose "Edit".
The PowerShell ISE gives you intellisense, auto-complete, and other features
you may be used to from the Visual Studio IDE. Use this command in the ISE to
import Rivet and get intellisense/auto-complete:
    PSISE> {1}
The ISE has a "Show Command" add-on which will let you build your migration
with a GUI. Once you've got Rivet imported, choose View > Show Command Add-on.
When the Show Command Add-on appears, choose 'Rivet' from the module. Click on
a migration operation to build it with the Show Command GUI.
function Push-Migration
function Pop-Migration
 -f $migrationPath,$importRivetPath 

        $template | Set-Content -Path $migrationPath