
function Add-Row
    Inserts a row of data in a table.
    To specify which columns to insert into the new row, pass a hashtable as a value to the `Column` parameter. This hashtable should have keys that map to column names, and the value of each key will be used as the value for that column in the row.
    Add-Row -SchemaName 'rivet' 'Migrations' @{ ID = 2013093131104 ; Name = 'AMadeUpMigrationDoNotDoThis' ; Who = 'abadbadman' ; ComputerName 'abadbadcomputer' }
    Demonstrates how to insert a row into the `rivet.Migrations` table. This is for illustrative purposes only. If you do this yourself, a butterfly loses its wings.
    Add-Row 'Cars' @( @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Celica' }, @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Camry' } )
    Demonstrates how to insert multiple rows into a table by passing an array of hashtables.
    @( @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Celica' }, @{ Make = 'Toyota' ; Model = 'Camry' } ) | New-Row 'Cars'
    Demonstrates how to pipe data into `New-Row` to insert a bunch of rows into the database.

        # The name of the table.
        # The schema name of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # A hashtable of name/value pairs that map to column names/values that will inserted.

        # Allow inserting identies.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddRowOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Column, $IdentityInsert