
function Add-Table
    Creates a new table in the database.
    The column's for the table should be created and returned in a script block, which is passed as the value of the `Column` parameter. For example,
        Add-Table 'Suits' {
            Int 'id' -Identity
            TinyInt 'pieces -NotNull
            VarChar 'color' -NotNull
    Add-Table -Name 'Ties' -Column { VarChar 'color' -NotNull }
    Creates a `Ties` table with a single column for each tie's color. Pretty!

        # The name of the table.

        # The table's schema. Defaults to 'dbo'.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',

        # A script block that returns the table's columns.

        # Creates a [FileTable]( table.

        # Specifies the partition scheme or filegroup on which the table is stored, e.g. `ON $FileGroup`

        # The filegroup where text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), and varbinary(max) columns are stored. The table has to have one of those columns. For example, `TEXTIMAGE_ON $TextImageFileGroup`.

        # Specifies the filegroup for FILESTREAM data, e.g. `FILESTREAM_ON $FileStreamFileGroup`.

        # Specifies one or more table options.

        # A description of the table.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $columns = & $Column
    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $columns, $FileTable, $FileGroup, $TextImageFileGroup, $FileStreamFileGroup, $Option, $Description

    $addDescriptionArgs = @{
                                SchemaName = $SchemaName;
                                TableName = $Name;

    if( $Description )
        Add-Description -Description $Description @addDescriptionArgs

    $columns | 
        Where-Object { $_.Description } |
        ForEach-Object { Add-Description -Description $_.Description -ColumnName $_.Name @addDescriptionArgs }