
function Enable-Constraint
    Enable a check or foreign key constraint.
    The `Enable-Constraint` operation enables a check or foreign key constraint on a table. Only check and foreign key constraints can be enabled/disabled.
    Enable-Constraint 'Migrations' 'FK_Migrations_MigrationID'
    Demonstrates how to disable a constraint on a table. In this case, the `FK_Migrations_MigrationID` constraint on the `Migrations` table is disabled. Is it a check constraint? Foreign key constraint? It doesn't matter!

        # The name of the constraint's table.
        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo',
        # The name of the constraint.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.EnableConstraintOperation' $SchemaName, $TableName, $Name, $false

Set-Alias -Name 'Enable-CheckConstraint' -Value 'Enable-Constraint'