
function Remove-UserDefinedFunction
    Removes a user-defined function.
    Removes a user-defined function. Will throw an exception and rollback the migration if the user-defined function doesn't exist.
    By default, the user-defined function is assumed to be in the `dbo` schema. Use the `Schema` parameter to specify a different schema.
    You can conditionally delete a user-defined function only if it exists using the `IfExists` switch.
    Remove-UserDefinedFunction -Name MyFunc
    Removes the `dbo.MyFunc` user-defined function.
    Remove-UserDefinedFunction -Name MyFunc -SchemaName rivet
    Removes the `rivet.MyFunc` user-defined function.

        # The name of the user-defined function to remove/delete.
        # The schema of the user-defined function. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = 'dbo'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RemoveUserDefinedFunctionOperation' $SchemaName, $Name