
function Rename-DataType
    Renames data types.
    This function wraps the `sp_rename` stored procedure, and can be used to rename `USERDATATYPE` types.
    Use `Rename-Index` to rename an index. Use `Rename-Column` to rename a column. Use `Rename-Object` to rename an object.
    Rename-DataType -Name 'FooBar' -NewName 'BarFoo'
    Changes the name of the `FooBar` type to `BarFoo`.
    Rename-DataType -SchemaName 'fizz' -Name 'Buzz' -NewName 'Baz'
    Demonstrates how to rename a data type that is in a schema other than `dbo`.

        # The schema of the table. Default is `dbo`.
        $SchemaName = "dbo",

        # The current name of the table.
        # The new name of the table.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object 'Rivet.Operations.RenameOperation' $SchemaName, $Name, $NewName, 'USERDATATYPE'
