
function Stop-Migration
    Stops a migration from getting poppped.
    The `Stop-Migration` operation stops a migration from getting popped. When put in your migration's `Pop-Migration` function, the migration will fail when someone attempts to pop it. Use this operation to mark a migration as irreversible.
    `Stop-Migration` was added in Rivet 0.6.
    Demonstrates how to use use `Stop-Migration`.
    Stop-Migration -Message 'The datatabase's flibbers have been upgraed to flobbers. This operation can't be undone. Sorry.'
    Demonstrates how to display a message explaining why the migration isn't reversible.

        # A message to show that explains why the migrations isn't reversible. Default message is `This migration is irreversible and can't be popped.`.
        $Message = 'This migration is irreversible and can''t be popped.'

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    New-Object -TypeName 'Rivet.Operations.IrreversibleOperation' -ArgumentList $Message