
function Merge-Migration
    Creates a cumulative set of operations from migration scripts.
    The `Merge-Migration` functions creates a cumulative set of migrations from migration scripts. If there are multiple operations across one or more migration scripts that touch the same database object, those changes are combined into one operation. For example, if you create a table in one migration, add a column in another migrations, then remove a column in a third migration, this function will output an operation that represents the final state for the object: a create table operation that includes the added column and doesn't include the removed column. In environments where tables are replicated, it is more efficient to modify objects once and have that change replicated once, than to have the same object modified multiple times and replicated multiple times.
    This function returns `Rivet.Migration` objects. Each object will have zero or more operations in its `PushOperations` property. If there are zero operations, it means the original operation was consolidated into another migration. Each operation has `Source` member on it, which is a list of all the migrations that contributed to that operation.
    Get-Migration | Merge-Migration
    Demonstrates how to run `Merge-Migration`. It is always used in conjunction with `Get-Migration`.

        # The path to the rivet.json file to use. By default, it will look in the current directory.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

        function Get-ColumnIndex
                # The column to check for.

                # The column collection to modify

            $columnIdx = $null
            for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $List.Count; ++$idx )
                if( $List[$idx].Name -eq $Name )
                    return $idx

        filter Add-Column
                # The column to check for.

                # The column collection to modify

                # Replace only, don't add.

            $columnIdx = Get-ColumnIndex -Name $Column.Name -List $List
            if( $columnIdx -eq $null )
                if( -not $ReplaceOnly )
                    [void] $List.Add( $column )
                    return $true
                $null = $List.RemoveAt( $columnIdx )
                $List.Insert( $columnIdx, $column )
                return $true

            return $false

        filter Remove-Column
                # The column to check for.

                # The column collection to modify

            $columnIdx = Get-ColumnIndex -Name $Name -List $List
            if( $columnIdx -ne $null )
                [void] $List.RemoveAt( $columnIdx )
                return $true

            return $false

        $databaseName = $null
        $migrations = New-Object 'Collections.Generic.List[Rivet.Migration]'
        [Collections.Generic.Hashset[string]]$preExistingObjects = $null
        [Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$newTables = $null
        [Collections.ArrayList]$operations = $null

        function Reset-OperationState
            Set-Variable -Name 'newTables' -Scope 1 -Value (New-Object 'Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]')
            # list of every single operation we encounter across migrations
            Set-Variable -Name 'operations' -Scope 1 -Value (New-Object 'Collections.ArrayList')
            Set-Variable -Name 'preExistingObjects' -Scope 1 -Value (New-Object 'Collections.Generic.Hashset[string]')


        #$DebugPreference = 'Continue'

        foreach( $currentMigration in $Migration )
            if( $databaseName -ne $Migration.Database )
                $databaseName = $Migration.Database

            function Register-Source
                Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

                #$DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Write-Debug -Message     ('Current Migration Name: <{0}>' -f $migrationName)
                Write-Debug -Message     ('Operation Type: <{0}>' -f $Operation.GetType().FullName)
                Write-Debug -Message     ('Start Source Count: <{0}>' -f $Operation.Source.Count)
                foreach( $source in $Operation.Source )
                    Write-Debug -Message ('Source Migration Name: <{0}>' -f $source.FullName)
                    if( $source.FullName -eq $migrationName )

                $Operation.Source.Add( $currentMigration )
                Write-Debug -Message     ('End Source Count: <{0}>' -f $Operation.Source.Count)

            $migrationName = '{0}_{1}' -f $currentMigration.ID,$currentMigration.Name
            Write-Debug -Message ('{0}' -f $currentMigration.Path)

            $migrations.Add( $currentMigration )

            $pushOpIdx = 0
            for( $pushOpIdx = 0; $pushOpIdx -lt $currentMigration.PushOperations.Count; ++$pushOpIdx )
                function Remove-CurrentOperation
                    if( $pushOpIdx -ge $currentMigration.PushOperations.Count )
                        Write-Debug 'WTF?!'
                    $operation = $currentMigration.PushOperations[$pushOpIdx]
                    $currentMigration.PushOperations.RemoveAt( $pushOpIdx )
                    Set-Variable -Name 'pushOpIdx' -Scope 1 -Value ($pushOpIdx - 1)
                    Remove-Operation $operation

                function Remove-Operation

                    for( $idx = $operations.Count - 1; $idx -ge 0; --$idx )
                        if( $operations[$idx] -eq $Operation )
                            $operations.RemoveAt( $idx )

                function Remove-OperationFromMigration

                    $opIdx = -1
                    $originalMigration = $Operation.Source[0]
                    $ops = $originalMigration.PushOperations
                    for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $ops.Count; ++$idx )
                        if( $ops[$idx] -eq $Operation )
                            $opIdx = $idx
                    if( $opIdx -gt -1 )
                        $ops.RemoveAt( $opIdx )
                        if( $originalMigration -eq $currentMigration )
                            Set-Variable -Name 'pushOpIdx' -Scope 1 -Value ($pushOpIdx - 1)
                        Remove-Operation $Operation

                $op = $currentMigration.PushOperations[$pushOpIdx]
                $previousObjectOps = $operations | 
                                        Where-Object { $_ } |
                                        Where-Object { Get-Member -InputObject $_ -Name 'ObjectName' } |
                                        Where-Object { Get-Member -InputObject $op -Name 'ObjectName' } |
                                        Where-Object { $_.ObjectName -eq $op.ObjectName }
                [void]$operations.Add( $op )
                $source = New-Object -TypeName 'Collections.Generic.List[Rivet.Migration]'
                $op | Add-Member -Name 'Source' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $source
                Register-Source $op

                if( $op -is [Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation] )
                    [void]$newTables.Add( $op.ObjectName )

                if( $op -is [Rivet.Operations.RenameColumnOperation] )
                    $tableName = '{0}.{1}' -f $op.SchemaName,$op.TableName
                    for( $idx = 0 ; $idx -lt $operations.Count; ++$idx )
                        $tableOp = $operations[$idx]
                        if( $tableOp -isnot [Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation] )

                        if( $tableOp.ObjectName -ne $tableName )

                        $originalColumn = $tableOp.Columns | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $op.Name }
                        if( $originalColumn )
                            $originalColumn.Name = $op.NewName
                            Register-Source $tableOp

                if( $op -is [Rivet.Operations.RenameOperation] )
                    $objectName = '{0}.{1}' -f $op.SchemaName,$op.Name
                    for( $idx = 0 ; $idx -lt $operations.Count; ++$idx )
                        $existingOp = $operations[$idx]
                        if( $existingOp -isnot [Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation] )

                        if( $existingOp.ObjectName -ne $objectName )

                        $existingOp.Name = $op.NewName
                        Register-Source $existingOp

                if( $op -isnot [Rivet.Operations.ObjectOperation] )

                $opTypeName = $op.GetType().Name
                $isRemoveOperation = $opTypeName -like 'Remove*' 

                # If the first action against this object is a removal
                if( $isRemoveOperation -and -not $previousObjectOps -and $op -is [Rivet.Operations.ObjectOperation] )
                    [void]$preexistingObjects.Add( $op.ObjectName )

                foreach( $existingOp in $previousObjectOps )
                    if( $existingOp -eq $op )

                    Register-Source $existingOp

                    if( $isRemoveOperation )
                        for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $operations.Count; ++$idx )
                            if( $operations[$idx] -eq $existingOp )
                                $operations[$idx] = $null

                        $originalMigration = $existingOp.Source[0]
                        # Remove the original add operation from its migration
                        Remove-OperationFromMigration -Operation $existingOp

                        if( $op -is [Rivet.Operations.RemoveTableOperation] )
                            for( $idx = $operations.Count - 1; $idx -ge 0 ; --$idx )
                                $tableOp = $operations[$idx]
                                if( $tableOp -and ($tableOp | Get-Member 'ObjectName') )
                                    Write-Debug $tableOp.ObjectName
                                if( $tableOp -isnot [Rivet.Operations.TableObjectOperation] )

                                Write-Debug ' is a table object operation'
                                $tableOpTableName = '{0}.{1}' -f $tableOp.SchemaName,$tableOp.TableName
                                if( $op.ObjectName -eq $tableOpTableName )
                                    Remove-OperationFromMigration -Operation $tableOp

                        if( $existingOp -and -not $preexistingObjects.Contains($existingOp.ObjectName) )

                    elseif( $opTypeName -eq 'UpdateTableOperation' )
                        if( $existingOp -is [Rivet.Operations.AddTableOperation] )
                            $op.AddColumns | Add-Column -List $existingOp.Columns | Out-Null
                            $op.UpdateColumns | Add-Column -List $existingOp.Columns | Out-Null
                            $op.RemoveColumns | Remove-Column -List $existingOp.Columns | Out-Null
                        elseif( $existingOp -is [Rivet.Operations.UpdateTableOperation] )
                            if( $op.AddColumns -and $op.AddColumns.Count -gt 0 )
                                # If adding a column that was previously removed, remove the removal
                                $op.AddColumns | 
                                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name' | 
                                    ForEach-Object {
                                        $columnName = $_
                                        $columnIdx = -1
                                        for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $existingOp.RemoveColumns.Count; ++$idx )
                                            if( $existingOp.RemoveColumns[$idx] -eq $columnName )
                                                $columnIdx = $idx
                                        if( $columnIdx -ge 0 )
                                            $existingOp.RemoveColumns.RemoveAt( $columnIdx )

                                # Add new columns to the original operation
                                for( $colIdx = 0; $colIdx -lt $op.AddColumns.Count; ++$colIdx )
                                    Add-Column -Column $op.AddColumns[$colIdx] -List $existingOp.AddColumns | Out-Null
                                    $op.AddColumns.RemoveAt( $colIdx-- )

                            # Replace existing column definitions
                            for( $colIdx = 0; $colIdx -lt $op.UpdateColumns.Count; ++$colIdx )
                                $column = $op.UpdateColumns[$colIdx]
                                $moved = Add-Column -Column $column -List $existingOp.AddColumns -ReplaceOnly
                                $moved = $moved -or (Add-Column -Column $column -List $existingOp.UpdateColumns)
                                if( $moved )
                                    $op.UpdateColumns.RemoveAt( $colIdx-- )

                            # Remove columns
                            for( $colIdx = 0; $colIdx -lt $op.RemoveColumns.Count; ++$colIdx )
                                $columnName = $op.RemoveColumns[$colIdx]
                                # Remove a column we previously added
                                $removedFromAddedColumns = Remove-Column -List $existingOp.AddColumns -Name $columnName
                                $removedFromUpdatedColumns = Remove-Column -List $existingOp.UpdateColumns -Name $columnName

                                $op.RemoveColumns.RemoveAt( $colIdx-- )
                                if( -not ($removedFromAddedColumns -or $removedFromUpdatedColumns) )
                                    [void] $existingOp.RemoveColumns.Add( $columnName )

                            if( -not $op.ToQuery() )

                            if( -not $existingOp.ToQuery() )
                                Remove-OperationFromMigration -Operation $existingOp
                            Write-Error ('Unhandled operation of type ''{0}''.' -f $existingOp.GetType())
