
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:RoboDave.Extensions">
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Extensions.GetTxtBtwn(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
                Gets the txt that lies between these two strings
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Extensions.GetLastTxtBtwn(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
                Gets the txt that lies between these two strings
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Extensions.GetTxtBtwn(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
                Gets the txt that lies between these two strings
        <member name="T:RoboDave.StatisticsExtensions">
            Extensions for Statistics
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.TypedImage.Random">
            Random bits of color
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.TypedImage.Pixel">
            Blocks of random color
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.TypedImage.SimpleShape">
            Simple Shapes drawn randomly
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.TypedImage.GridShapes">
            Inserts simple shapes in blocks
        <member name="T:RoboDave.Generators.RandomImage">
            <para type="synopsis">Generates a new random image based on given patterns</para>
            <para type="description"></para>
                <code>New-RandomImage -Type Random</code>
                <para>Creates a random bitmap</para>
                <code>New-RandomImage -Type Pixel -PixelSize 64 -Width 1024 -Height 1024</code>
                <para>Creates an image of size 1024x1024 with 'blocks' of 64 pixels</para>
                <code>New-RandomImage -Type SimpleShape -Width 1024 -Height 1024 -Shape Circle -ShapeCount 2 -IsFilled $true</code>
                <para>Creates an image of size 1024x1024 two filled circles of random size and color</para>
                <code>New-RandomImage -Type SimpleShape -Width 1024 -Height 1024 -Shape RandomPolygon -PolygonPointCount 22</code>
                <para>Creates an image of size 1024x1024 with one random polygon with 22 points</para>
                <code>New-RandomImage -Type SimpleShape -Width 1024 -Height 1024 -Shape RandomShape -ShapeCount 20 -IsFilled $true</code>
                <para>Creates an image of size 1024x1024 with twenty random filled shapes of random size and color</para>
                <code>New-RandomImage -Type GridShapes -Width 1024 -Height 1024 -PixelSize 64 -Shape RandomShape -IsFilled $true -PolygonPointCount 5</code>
                <para>Creates an image of size 1024x1024 with 16x16 blocks each with a random filled shape (and if its a polygon then it will have 5 points)</para>
        <member name="P:RoboDave.Generators.RandomImage.Type">
            <para type="description">Defines which algorithm to use to generate the image</para>
        <member name="T:RoboDave.Generators.VHash.HashType">
            Type of Visual Hash
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.VHash.HashType.Direct">
            Direct - directly convert data (bytes) into 8Bit indexed BMP
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.VHash.HashType.Flag">
            Flag - directly convert data (bytes) into FLAG
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.VHash.HashType.HashedFlag">
            HashedFlag - uses hash of data to turn into FLAG
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Generators.VHash.HashType.Emoji">
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.FindPoint(RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate,System.Double,System.Double)">
            Finds a new coordinate based on an initial coordinate, a distance (feet), and a bearing (degrees from North)
            <param name="start">Initial Coordinate</param>
            <param name="distance">Distance (in feet)</param>
            <param name="bearing">Bearing (in degrees from North) </param>
            <returns>new coordinate</returns>
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.FindBearing(RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate,RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate)">
            Finds the bearing (in degrees from North) from two points
            <param name="one">One Point</param>
            <param name="two">Another Point</param>
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.FindMidPoint(RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate,RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate)">
            Finds the mid point between two points
            <param name="one"></param>
            <param name="two"></param>
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.FindDistance(RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate,RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate)">
            Returns the distance (in feet) between two coordinates using the haversine formula
            <param name="one">First coordinate point</param>
            <param name="two">Second coordinate point</param>
            <returns>distance in feet</returns>
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.DegreesToRadians(System.Double)">
            Converts degrees to radians
            <param name="angle">angle in degrees</param>
        <member name="M:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.RadiansToDegrees(System.Double)">
            Converts radians to degrees
            <param name="angle">angle in radians</param>
        <member name="F:RoboDave.Geo.Coordinate.R">
            This is the standard mean radius of the earth in feet
        <member name="T:RoboDave.Random.MadLib">
            TODO: Update summary.
        <member name="T:RoboDave.Random.StringType">
            Types of Strings
        <member name="T:RoboDave.Random.StringGenerator">
            Generates a String