
Function Invoke-RoboCopy {
    Invoke Robocopy with PowerShell
    See for an extensive documentation on Robocopy switches.
    Some parameters are in use by the function: /bytes /TEE /np /njh /fp /ndl /ts.
    .PARAMETER Confirm
    Prompts you for confirmation before running the function.
    Shows what would happen if the function runs. The function is not run.
    Copy with Recurse
    Invoke-RoboCopy -Source "E:\Google Drive\Script Library" -Destination G:\Temp\ -Recurse -Unit Bytes
    Source : E:\Google Drive\Script Library
    Destination : G:\Temp\
    Command : Robocopy.exe "E:\Google Drive\Script Library" "G:\Temp" *.* /r:3 /w:3 /e /bytes /TEE /np /njh /fp /ndl /ts
    DirCount : 589
    FileCount : 1220
    DirCopied : 588
    FileCopied : 1220
    DirIgnored : 1
    FileIgnored : 0
    DirMismatched : 0
    FileMismatched : 0
    DirFailed : 0
    FileFailed : 0
    DirExtra : 0
    FileExtra : 1
    TotalTime : 00:00:02
    StartedTime : 7/16/2019 10:03:28 PM
    EndedTime : 7/16/2019 10:03:30 PM
    TotalSize : 18839977 B
    TotalSizeCopied : 18839977 B
    TotalSizeIgnored : 0 B
    TotalSizeMismatched : 0 B
    TotalSizeFailed : 0 B
    TotalSizeExtra : 557048280 B
    Speed : 12957343 B/s
    ExitCode : 3
    Success : True
    LastExitCodeMessage : [SUCCESS]Some files were copied. Additional files were present. No failure was encountered.
    This will only list all your files to verbose and output information. No copy, delete or mirror will be done.
    Invoke-RoboCopy -Source "C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\" -Destination NULL -List -Recurse -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Performing the operation "List" on target "NULL from C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\".
    VERBOSE: "List File" on "Item C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\desktop.ini" to target "NULL" Status on Item "New File". Length on Item "282". TimeStamp on Item "6/22/2019 2:28:00 PM"
    VERBOSE: "List File" on "Item C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\SteamSetup.exe" to target "NULL" Status on Item "New File". Length on Item "1573568". TimeStamp on Item "6/27/2019 9:20:02 AM"
    VERBOSE: "List File" on "Item C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\VeeamBackup&Replication_9.5.4.2753.Update4a.iso" to target "NULL" Status on Item "New File". Length on Item "5208592384". TimeStamp on Item
    "7/11/2019 8:54:34 PM"
    VERBOSE: "List File" on "Item C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\Windows10Upgrade9252.exe" to target "NULL" Status on Item "New File". Length on Item "6254480". TimeStamp on Item "6/22/2019 11:15:55 AM"
    Source : C:\Users\Simon\Downloads\
    Destination : NULL
    Command : Robocopy.exe "C:\Users\Simon\Downloads" "NULL" *.* /r:3 /w:3 /e /l /bytes /TEE /np /njh /fp /v /ndl /ts
    DirCount : 1
    FileCount : 4
    DirCopied : 1
    FileCopied : 4
    DirIgnored : 0
    FileIgnored : 0
    DirMismatched : 0
    FileMismatched : 0
    DirFailed : 0
    FileFailed : 0
    DirExtra : 0
    FileExtra : 0
    TotalTime : 00:00:00
    StartedTime : 7/16/2019 10:16:39 PM
    EndedTime : 7/16/2019 10:16:39 PM
    TotalSize : 4.9 GB
    TotalSizeCopied : 4.9 GB
    TotalSizeIgnored : 0 B
    TotalSizeMismatched : 0 B
    TotalSizeFailed : 0 B
    TotalSizeExtra : 0 B
    Speed : 0 B/s
    ExitCode : 1
    Success : True
    LastExitCodeMessage : [SUCCESS]All files were copied successfully.
    Invoke-RoboCopy -Source C:\temp\from -Destination C:\temp\to -Mirror -SaveJob C:\temp\job
    Original script by Keith S. Garner ( - 6/23/2014
    Originally posted on
    With inspiration by Trevor Sullivan @pcgeek86
    Updated by Ninjigen - 01/08/2018


    Param (

        # Specifies the path to the source directory. Must be a folder.
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True,
        [Alias('Path', 'FullPath')]

        # Specifies the path to the destination directory. Must be a folder.
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True,

        # Specifies the file or files to be copied. You can use wildcard characters (* or ?), if you want. If the File parameter is not specified, *.* is used as the default value.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [String[]] $Files = '*.*',

        <#Copy options:>

        # Copies subdirectories. Note that this option excludes empty directories.

        # Copies subdirectories. Note that this option includes empty directories.
        [Alias('e', 'Recurse')]

        # Copies only the top N levels of the source directory tree.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Alias('lev', 'Depth')]

        # Copies files in restartable mode.

        # Copies files in Backup mode.

        # Copies files in restartable mode. If file access is denied, switches to backup mode.

        # Copies using unbuffered I/O (recommended for large files).

        # Copies all encrypted files in EFS RAW mode.

        # Specifies the file properties to be copied. The default value for CopyFlags is DAT (data, attributes, and time stamps). D = Data. A = Attributes. T = Time stamps.S = NTFS access control list (ACL). O =Owner information. U = Auditing information
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('D', 'A', 'T', 'S', 'O', 'U')]

        # Specifies what to copy in directories. The valid values for this option are:D - Data, A - Attributes, T - Time stamps. The default value for this option is DA (data and attributes).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('D', 'A', 'T')]

        # Copies files with security (equivalent to /copy:DATS).

        # Copies all file information (equivalent to /copy:DATSOU).

        # Copies no file information.

        # Fixes file security on all files, even skipped ones.

        # Fixes file times on all files, even skipped ones.

        # Deletes destination files and directories that no longer exist in the source.

        # Mirrors a directory tree
        [Alias('mir', 'Sync')]

        # Moves files, recursively, and deletes them from the source after they are copied. Folders will still be in source directory.

        # Moves files and directories, and deletes them from the source after they are copied.

        # Adds the specified attributes to copied files.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('R', 'A', 'S', 'H', 'C', 'N', 'E', 'T')]

        # Removes the specified attributes from copied files.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('R', 'A', 'S', 'H', 'C', 'N', 'E', 'T')]

        # Creates a directory tree and zero-length files only.

        # Creates destination files by using 8.3 character-length FAT file names only.

        # Turns off support for very long paths.

        # Monitors the source, and runs again when more than N changes are detected.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Monitors source, and runs again in M minutes if changes are detected.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Creates multi-threaded copies with N threads. N must be an integer between 1 and 128. Cannot be used with the InterPacketGap and EFSRAW parameters. The /MT parameter applies to Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Alias('MT', 'MultiThread')]

        # Specifies run times when new copies may be started.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Checks run times on a per-file (not per-pass) basis.

        # Specifies the inter-packet gap to free bandwidth on slow lines.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Copy Junctions as junctions instead of as the junction targets.

        # Copy Symbolic Links as links instead of as the link targets.

        # Copies no directory info (the default /dcopy:DA is done).

        # Copies files without using the Windows Copy Offload mechanism.

        # Requests network compression during file transfer, if applicable.

        <# File selection options: #>

        # Copies only files for which the Archive attribute is set.

        # Copies only files for which the Archive attribute is set, and resets the Archive attribute.

        # Includes only files for which any of the specified attributes are set.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('R', 'A', 'S', 'C' , 'H', 'N', 'E', 'T', 'O')]

        # Excludes files for which any of the specified attributes are set.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('R', 'A', 'S', 'C' , 'H', 'N', 'E', 'T', 'O')]

        # Excludes files that match the specified names or paths. Note that FileName can include wildcard characters (* and ?).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Excludes directories that match the specified names and paths.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Excludes changed files.

        # Excludes newer files.

        # Excludes older files.

        # Excludes extra files and directories.

        # Excludes "lonely" files and directories.

        # Include modified files (differing change times).

        # Includes the same files.

        # Includes "tweaked" files.

        # Specifies the maximum file size (to exclude files bigger than N bytes).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Specifies the minimum file size (to exclude files smaller than N bytes).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Specifies the maximum file age (to exclude files older than N days or date).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Specifies the minimum file age (exclude files newer than N days or date).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Specifies the maximum last access date (excludes files unused since N).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Specifies the minimum last access date (excludes files used since N) If N is less than 1900, N specifies the number of days. Otherwise, N specifies a date in the format YYYYMMDD.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Excludes junction points, which are normally included by default.

        # Assumes FAT file times (two-second precision).

        # Compensates for one-hour DST time differences.

        # Excludes junction points for directories.

        # Excludes junction points for files.

        <#Retry Options#>

        # Specifies the number of retries on failed copies. Default is 3.
        [int]$Retry = 3,

        # Specifies the wait time between retries, in seconds. The default value of N is 3.
        [int]$Wait = 3,

        # Saves the values specified in the /r and /w options as default settings in the registry.

        # Specifies that the system will wait for share names to be defined (retry error 67).

        # Using /LFSM requests robocopy to operate in 'low free space mode'. In that mode, robocopy will pause whenever a file copy would cause the destination volume's free space to go below ten percent of the destination volume's size.

        # Using /LFSM requests robocopy to operate in 'low free space mode'. In that mode, robocopy will pause whenever a file copy would cause the destination volume's free space to go below a 'floor' value, which can be explicitly specified by the n[KMG] form of the flag where n=number and K:kilobytes ,M:megabytes or G:gigabytes.

        <# Logging #>

        # Specifies that files are to be listed only (and not copied, deleted, or time stamped).

        # Report all eXtra files, not just those selected & copied.

        # Specifies that file sizes are not to be logged.

        # Specifies that file sizes are not to be logged.

        # Specifies that file names are not to be logged.

        # Writes the status output to the log file (overwrites the existing log file).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Writes the status output to the log file (appends the output to the existing log file).
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

        # Displays the status output as Unicode text.

        # Writes the status output to the log file as Unicode text (overwrites the existing log file).

        # Writes the status output to the log file as Unicode text (appends the output to the existing log file).

        <#Job options#>

        # Specifies that parameters are to be derived from the named job file.

        # Specifies that parameters are to be saved to the named job file.

        # Quits after processing command line to view parameters.

        # NO Source Directory is specified.

        # NO Destination Directory is specified.

        # Include the following Files.

        <# Other #>

        # What unit the sizes are shown as
        [ValidateSet('Auto', 'PB', 'TB', 'GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'Bytes')]
        [String]$Unit = 'Auto'

    Process {
        # Remove trailing backslash because Robocopy can sometimes error out when spaces are in path names
        $ModifiedSource = $Source -replace '\\$'
        $ModifiedDestination = $Destination -replace '\\$'

        # We place "" so we can use spaces in path names
        $ModifiedSource = '"' + $ModifiedSource + '"'
        $ModifiedDestination = '"' + $ModifiedDestination + '"'

        # RobocopyArguments are not the final variable that countain all robocopy parameters
        $RobocopyArguments = $ModifiedSource, $ModifiedDestination + $Files

        # We add wait and retry with the default from their parameters, else Robocopy will try a million time before time out
        $RobocopyArguments += '/r:' + $Retry
        $RobocopyArguments += '/w:' + $Wait

        # Copy options
        if ($IncludeSubDirectories) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/s'; $action = 'Copy'
        if ($IncludeEmptySubDirectories) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/e'; $action = 'Copy'
        if ($Level) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/lev:' + $Level
        if ($BackupMode) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/b'
        if ($RestartMode) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/z'
        if ($RestartAndBackupMode) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/zb'
        if ($UnbufferedIO) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/j'
        if ($EFSRaw) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/efsraw'
        if ($CopyFlags) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/copy:' + (($CopyFlags | Sort-Object -Unique) -join '')
        If ($DirectoryCopyFlags) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/dcopy:' + (($DirectoryCopyFlags | Sort-Object -Unique) -join '')
        if ($CopyWithSecurity) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/sec'
        If ($CopyAllFileInformation) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/copyall'
        if ($NoCopy) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/nocopy'
        if ($SecurityFix) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/secfix'
        if ($Timefix) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/timfix'
        if ($Purge) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/purge' ; $action = 'Purge'
        if ($Mirror) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/mir'; $action = 'Mirror'
        if ($MoveFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/mov'; $action = 'Move'
        if ($MoveFilesAndDirectories) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/move' ; $action = 'Move'
        if ($AddAttribute) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/a+:' + (($AddAttribute | Sort-Object -Unique) -join '')
        if ($RemoveAttribute) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/a-:' + (($RemoveAttribute | Sort-Object -Unique) -join '')
        if ($Create) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/create'
        if ($fat) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/fat'
        if ($IgnoreLongPath) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/256'
        if ($MonitorChanges) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/mon:' + $MonitorChanges
        if ($MonitorMinutes) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/mot:' + $MonitorMinutes
        if ($Threads) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/MT:' + $Threads
        if ($RunTimes) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/rh:' + $RunTimes
        if ($UsePerFileRunTimes) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/pf'
        if ($InterPacketGap) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/ipg:' + $InterPacketGap
        if ($CopyJunction) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/sj'
        if ($SymbolicLink) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/sl'
        if ($NoDirectoryInformation) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/nodcopy'
        if ($NoOffload) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/nooffload'
        if ($Compress) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/compress'

        # File selection options
        if ($Archive) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/a'
        if ($ResetArchiveAttribute) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/m'
        if ($IncludeAttribute) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/ia:' + ($IncludeAttribute | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ''
        if ($ExcludeAttribute) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xa:' + ($ExcludeAttribute | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ''
        if ($ExcludeFileName) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xf ' + ($ExcludeFileName | ForEach-Object { '"' + $_ + '"' }) -join ' '
        if ($ExcludeDirectory) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xd ' + ($ExcludeDirectory | ForEach-Object { '"' + $_ + '"' }) -join ' '
        if ($ExcludeChangedFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xc'
        if ($ExcludeNewerFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xn'
        if ($ExcludeOlderFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xo'
        if ($ExcludeExtraFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xx'
        if ($ExcludeLonelyFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xl'
        if ($IncludeModifiedFile) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/im'
        if ($IncludeSameFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/is'
        if ($IncludeTweakedFiles) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/it'
        if ($MaximumFileSize) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/max:' + $MaximumFileSize
        if ($MinimumFileSize) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/min:' + $MinimumFileSize
        if ($MaximumFileAge) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/maxage:' + $MaximumFileAge
        if ($MinimumFileAge) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/minage:' + $MinimumFileAge
        if ($MaximumFileLastAccessDate) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/maxlad:' + $MaximumFileLastAccessDate
        if ($MinimumFileLastAccessDate) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/minlad:' + $MinimumFileLastAccessDate
        if ($ExcludeJunctionPoints) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xj'
        if ($ExcludeFileJunctionPoints) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xjf'
        if ($ExcludeDirectoryJunctionPoints) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/xjd'
        if ($AssumeFATFileTime) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/fft'
        if ($CompensateDST) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/dst'
        if ($SaveRetrySettings) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/reg'
        if ($WaitForShareName) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/tbd'
        If ($LowFreeSpaceMode) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/LFSM'
        If ($LowFreeSpaceModeValue) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/LFSM:' + $LowFreeSpaceModeValue

        # Logging Options
        If ($List) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/l' ; $action = 'List'
        If ($ReportExtraFile) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/x'
        If ($Verbose -eq $True) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/v'
        If ($NoSizeToLog) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/ns'
        If ($NoClassToLog) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/nc'
        If ($NoFileNameToLog) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/nfl'
        If ($LogFile) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/log:' + $LogFile
        If ($LogFileWithAppend) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/log+:' + $LogFileWithAppend
        If ($Unicode) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/unicode'
        If ($UnicodeLog) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/unilog:' + $UnicodeLog
        If ($UnicodeLogWithAppend) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/unilog+:' + $UnicodeLogWithAppend

        # Job Options
        If ($JobName) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/job:' + $JobName
        If ($SaveJob) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/save:' + $SaveJob
        If ($Quit) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/quit'
        If ($NoSourceDirectory) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/NOSD'
        If ($NoDestinationDirectory) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/NODD'
        If ($IncludeFollowingFile) {
            $RobocopyArguments += '/IF' + " $IncludeFollowingFile"

        # Reason why ShouldProcess is this far down is because $action is not set before this part
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Destination from $Source" , $action)) {

            if (-not (Get-Command -Name robocopy -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Action failed because robocopy.exe could not be found."

            # Arguments of the copy command. Fills in the $RoboLog temp file
            $RoboArgs = $RobocopyArguments + "/bytes /TEE /np /njh /fp /ndl /ts" -split " "

            If ($Quit) {
                # If Quit is used output parameters and break
                Robocopy.exe $RoboArgs

            If (!(Test-Path -path $Source -PathType Container)) {
                $Exception = [Exception]::new("Cannot find source directory $Source because it does not exist.")
                $TargetObject = $source
                $ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(

            #region All Logic for the robocopy process is handled here. Including what to do with the output etc.
            Robocopy.exe $RoboArgs | Where-Object { $PSItem -ne "" } | Invoke-RobocopyParser -Unit $unit | & {
                process {
                    If ($ -eq "Verbose") {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('"{0} File" on "Item {1}" to target "{2}" Status on Item "{3}". Length on Item "{4}". TimeStamp on Item "{5}"' -f $action, $psitem.FullName , $Destination, $psitem.status, $psitem.length, $psitem.TimeStamp)

                    ElseIf ($ -eq "Error") {

                        If ($psitem.exception) {
                            $Exception = [Exception]::new($psitem.exception)
                        Else {
                            $Exception = [Exception]::new($psitem.Value)

                        $ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(
                            $TargetObject # usually the object that triggered the error, if possible

                    ElseIf ($ -eq "Warning") {
                        Write-Warning $psitem.value

                    ElseIf ($ -eq "Information") {
                        Write-Information $psitem.Value

                    Else {
                        # This will output the pscustomobject with information as source, destination, success and more