
    Detect black periods in a video.
    Detects black periods within a video, using the blackdetect filter.

# It's an extension
# that extends Get-Media
# that is not inherited.
# If set, will find black within a video.

# The duration of darkness this is considered black. By default, a half second.
$BlackDetectDuration = '00:00:00.50',

# The perctange of the screen blackness that constitutes a cut. By default, 15%.
# Due to encoding and equipment, very few fades to black are actually truly black.
# They are often very dark grey instead.
$BlackDetectThreshold = 0.32

$filterArgs = 
    if ($BlackDetectDuration) {
    if ($BlackDetectThreshold) {
    ) -ne '' -join ":"

$filterParam = "blackdetect=$filterArgs" -replace '\=$'
$filterName = 'blackdetect'

$ffArgs = @(
    '-i', "`"$ri`"", "-vf", $filterParam, '-f', 'null', '-'

Use-FFMpeg -FFMpegPath $ffMpegPath -FFMpegArgument $ffArgs | 
. {

    process {
        if ($line -like "*black_start*") {
            $blackDetectLine = $line
            $lineParts = $blackDetectLine -replace '\[.+?\]' -split "[ :]"  -ne ''
            $blackStart = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(($lineParts[1] -as [double]))
            $BlackEnd = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(($lineParts[3] -as [double]))
                InputPath = "$ri"
                FilterName = $filterName
                Start = $blackStart
                End   = $BlackEnd            
            if ($theDuration -and $progId) {
                $perc = $blackStart.TotalMilliseconds * 100 / $theDuration.TotalMilliseconds
                Write-Progress "$ri - $filterName" " " -PercentComplete $perc -Id $ProgId
            $lastBlackDetectEnd = $BlackEnd
            $null = $null
            Write-Verbose "$_"