
    Youtube Downloader
    Extends Get-Media to enable the downloading of videos from YouTube and other sources, using YouTubeDL

# that is not inherited (this is the default).

# The YouTubeDL Output File. See [documentation](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#output-template)

# If set, will force a download of the latest YouTubeDL (even if one is already found). It will be placed in $home/.RoughDraft/.

# If set, will download auto-generated subtitles.

# If set, will download all subtitles.


# If set, will return the information about the download, instead of downloading.
[Alias('YouTubeDLInfo', 'YouTubeInfo')]

$roughDraftRoot = Join-Path $home ".RoughDraft"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $roughDraftRoot)) {
    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $roughDraftRoot

$YouTubeDLName =
    if ($PSVersionTable.PlatForm -like 'Win*' -or -not $PSVersionTable.Platform) {
    } else {
$YouTubeDLPath = Join-Path $roughDraftRoot $YouTubeDLName

if ($DownloadLatestYouTubeDL -or -not (Test-Path $YouTubeDLPath)) {
    $latestRelease = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://api.github.com/repos/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases?per_page=1
    $assetUrl = $latestRelease.Assets | Where-Object Name -eq $YouTubeDLName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Browser_Download_Url
    [Net.WebClient]::new().DownloadFile($assetUrl, "$YouTubeDLPath")

$AllYouTubeDLArgs  = @(
    if ($AutoGeneratedSubtitle) {
    if ($AllSubtitle) {
    if ($YouTubeDownloadInformation) {
    if ($YouTubeOutputFile) {

if ($YouTubeDownloadArgumentList -like '--json' -or $YouTubeDownloadInformation) {
    @(& $YouTubeDLPath $YouTubeURL @AllYouTubeDLArgs) -join [Environment]::NewLine | ConvertFrom-Json
elseif ($YouTubeDownloadArgumentList) {
    @(& $YouTubeDLPath $YouTubeURL @AllYouTubeDLArgs)
else {
    $YouTubeDestinations = @()
    $progId = Get-Random
    & $YouTubeDLPath $YouTubeURL @AllYouTubeDLArgs *>&1 |
        ForEach-Object {
            $outLine  = "$_"
            Write-Verbose "$outline"
            if ($outline -like 'ERROR:*') {
                Write-Error ($outline -replace '^ERROR:')
            if ($outLine-match '^\[download\]\s+(?<p>[\d\.]+)+%') {
                Write-Progress "Downloading" " $youTubeURL" -PercentComplete $matches.p -Id $progId
            } elseif ($outLine -match '^\[download\] Destination:') {
                $YouTubeDestinations += $outLine -replace '^\[download\] Destination:\s+'

            if ($outline -match 'has already been downloaded\s{0,}$') {
                $YouTubeDestinations += $outline -replace 'has already been downloaded\s{0,}$' -replace '^\[download\]\s+'
        } -End {
            Write-Progress "Downloading" " $youTubeURL" -Completed -Id $progId

    foreach ($YouTubeDestination in $YouTubeDestinations) {
        if (Test-Path $YouTubeDestination) {
            Get-Item $YouTubeDestination