
    Blurs Video
    Blurs Video, using a variety of FFMpeg filters.

[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        'Box', 'boxblur', 
        'Directional', 'dblur', 
        'Gaussian', 'gblur',
        'Smart', 'smartblur'        
$BlurType = "boxblur",

# The radius of the blur.
[Alias('BlurLumaRadius', 'BlurSigma', 'BlurSizeX')]

# Set vertical radius size, if zero it will be same as sizeX. Default is 0.
# With avgblur, this will be the sizeX parameter
# With gblur, this will be the sigmaV parameter.
[Alias('BlurChromaRadius', 'BlurSigmaV', 'BlurSizeY')]

# The angle of the blur. Used in dblur.



# Set the luma threshold used as a coefficient to determine whether a pixel should be blurred or not.
# The option value must be an integer in the range [-30,30].
# A value of 0 will filter all the image, a value included in [0,30] will filter flat areas and a value included in [-30,0] will filter edges.
# Default value is 0.

# Set the chroma threshold used as a coefficient to determine whether a pixel should be blurred or not.
# The option value must be an integer in the range [-30,30].
# A value of 0 will filter all the image, a value included in [0,30] will filter flat areas and a value included in [-30,0] will filter edges.
# Default value is 0.

# Set which planes to filter. By default all planes are filtered.
$blurValues = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.BlurType.Attributes.ValidValues

$filterName = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $blurValues.Count; $i++) {
    if ($BlurType -eq $blurValues[$i]) {
        if ($blurValues[$i] -match '^\p{Lu}'){
            do {
            } while ($i -lt ($blurValues.Count - 1) -and 
            $blurValues[$i + 1] -notmatch '^\p{Lu}')


$filterArgs = @(
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BlurRadius")) {
        if ($filterName -eq 'avgblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'dblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'gblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'yeapblur') {
        if ($filterName -in 'smartblur', 'boxblur') {

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BlurRadiusY")) {
        if ($filterName -eq 'avgblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'gblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'yeapblur') {
        if ($filterName -in 'smartblur', 'boxblur') {

    if ($BlurLumaStrength) {
        if ($filterName -eq 'boxblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'smartblur') {

    if ($BlurLumaThreshold -and $filterName -eq 'smartblur') {

    if ($BlurChromaThreshold -and $filterName -eq 'smartblur') {

    if ($BlurChromaStrength) {
        if ($filterName -eq 'boxblur') {
        if ($filterName -eq 'smartblur') {

    if ($BlurAngle -and $filterName -eq 'dblur') {
    if ($BlurPlanes) {
) -join ':'

"$filterName=$filterArgs" -replace '=$'