
    Watermarks a video
    Watermarks a video, using the overlay filter.

# The path to the watermark file.

# The X coordinate for the watermark.
# If the coordinate is positive, then it will be relative to the top.
# If the coordinate is negative, it will be relative to the bottom.
$WatermarkX = -5,

# The Y coordinate for the watermark
# If the coordinate is positive, then it will be relative to the top.
# If the coordinate is negative, it will be relative to the bottom.
$WatermarkY = -5,

# If set, will put the watermark at the center of the video. X and Y will be ignored

if ($CenterWatermark) {
    $ComplexFilterParts = @()
    $ComplexFilterParts += 
        if ($PSBoundParameters.WatermarkX) { 
            if ($WatermarkX -ge 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
    $ComplexFilterParts +=
        if ($PSBoundParameters.WatermarkY) {
            if ($WatermarkY -ge 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
    $TheComplexFilter = "overlay=$($ComplexFilterParts -join ':')"
} else {
    $ComplexFilterParts = @()
    $ComplexFilterParts += 
        if ($WatermarkX -ge 0) {
        } else {
    $ComplexFilterParts +=
        if ($WatermarkY -ge 0) {
        } else {
    $TheComplexFilter = "overlay=$($ComplexFilterParts -join ':')"

$ComplexFilterParts = @()
$ComplexFilterParts += 
    if ($PSBoundParameters.WatermarkX) { 
        if ($X -ge 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
$ComplexFilterParts +=
    if ($PSBoundParameters.WatermarkY) {
        if ($Y -ge 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
$TheComplexFilter = "overlay=$($ComplexFilterParts -join ':')"
$wri = 
 if ([IO.File]::Exists($WatermarkPath)) {
} else {