
    Crop Extension
    Crops Video, using the ffmpeg crop filter

# If set, will crop video

# The crop width

# The crop height

# The crop top coordinate

# The crop left coordinate

# A crop expression, consisting of width/height/left/top. This value is returned from CropDetect

# If set, subsampled videos will be cropped at exact width/height/x/y as specified and will not be rounded to nearest smaller value.

# If set, will keep the aspect ratio. Defaults to false.

$filterArgs  =@(
    if ($CropExpression)
        $CropExpression -replace '^crop='
    else {
        if ($CropWidth) {
        if ($CropHeight) {
        if ($CropLeft) {
        if ($CropTop) {
    if ($KeepAspectRatio) {
    if ($ExactCrop) {
) -join ':'

"crop='$filterArgs'" -replace '=$'