
function Submit-Request($uri, $header, $method = $($resources.Method) , $body) {
    # The Submit-Request function is used to send data to an endpoint and then format the response for further use
    # $uri = The endpoint's URI
    # $header = The header containing authentication details
    # $method = The action (method) to perform on the endpoint
    # $body = Any optional body data being submitted to the endpoint

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($id, $resources.Description)) {
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Submitting the request'
            if ($resources.method -eq 'Delete') {
                # Delete operations generally have no response body, skip JSON formatting and store the response from Invoke-WebRequest
                $response = Invoke-RubrikWebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers $header -Method $method -Body $body
                # Parse response to verify there is nothing in the body
                $result = ExpandPayload -response $response
                # If $result is null, build a $result object to return to the user. Otherwise, $result will be returned.
                if ($null -eq $result) {   
                    # If if HTTP status code matches our expected result, build a PSObject reflecting success
                    if($response.StatusCode -eq [int]$resources.Success) {
                        $result = @{
                            Status = 'Success'
                            HTTPStatusCode = $response.StatusCode
                    # If a different HTTP status is returned, surface that information to the user
                    # This code may never run due to non-200 HTTP codes throwing an HttpResponseException
                    else {
                        $result = @{
                            Status = 'Error'
                            HTTPStatusCode = $response.StatusCode
                            HTTPStatusDescription = $response.StatusCode
            else {
                # Because some calls require more than the default payload limit of 2MB, ExpandPayload dynamically adjusts the payload limit
                $result = ExpandPayload -response (Invoke-RubrikWebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers $header -Method $method -Body $body)
        catch {
            switch -Wildcard ($_) {
                'Route not defined.' {
                    Write-Warning -Message "The endpoint supplied to Rubrik is invalid. Likely this is due to an incompatible version of the API or references pointing to a non-existent endpoint. The URI passed was: $uri" -Verbose
                    throw $_.Exception 
                'Invalid ManagedId*' {
                    Write-Warning -Message "The endpoint supplied to Rubrik is invalid. Likely this is due to an incompatible version of the API or references pointing to a non-existent endpoint. The URI passed was: $uri" -Verbose
                    throw $_.Exception 
                '{"errorType":*' {
                    # Parses the Rubrik generated JSON warning into something a bit more human readable
                    # Fields are: errorType, message, and cause
                    [Array]$rubrikWarning = ConvertFrom-Json $_.ErrorDetails.Message
                    if ($rubrikWarning.errorType) {Write-Warning -Message $rubrikWarning.errorType}
                    if ($rubrikWarning.message) {Write-Warning -Message $rubrikWarning.message}
                    if ($rubrikWarning.cause) {Write-Warning -Message $rubrikWarning.cause}
                    throw $_.Exception
                default {
                    throw $_

        return $result 
