
function Set-ObjectTypeName($typename, $result) {
        Assigns an Object TypeName to cmdlet results
        In order to better display results for cmdlets returning many objects with many properties TypeName formats may be used.
        This function will assign a TypeName if it exists to a set of returned objects.
        .PARAMETER typename
        The name of the TypeName to insert
        .PARAMETER result
        The response content which recieves the typename.

    if ($null -ne $result -and $null -ne $typename) {
        if ( "True" -eq $Global:rubrikOptions.ModuleOption.ApplyCustomViewDefinitions) {
            # Using ForEach-Object instead of .ForEach as .ForEach doesn't support single results.
            Write-Verbose -Message "Applying $typename TypeName to results"
            $result | ForEach-Object {
                $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, $typename)

    return $result