
function Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall {
Provides generic interface to make Rubrik GraphQL API calls

The Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall allows users to make raw API endpoint calls to the Rubrik GraphQL interface. To find out more about the GraphQL endpoint take a look at the Rubrik GraphQL Playground project that is hosted on GitHub:

Written by Jaap Brasser for community usage
Twitter: @jaap_brasser
GitHub: jaapbrasser


Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -Body '{"query":"{vmwareVcenterTotalCount}"}' -Verbose

Will retrieve the total count of VMware vCenter Servers connected to the Rubrik cluster as a PowerShell object

Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -ReturnJSON -Body '{"query":"query{vms {\nnumProtected\n numUnprotected\n}}"}'

Returns the number of protected and unprotected VMware VM objects as a JSON string

Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -ReturnJSON -Verbose -Body '{"query":"query{\r\n vmwareVirtualMachineConnection(name: \"jbrasser-win\", primaryClusterId: \"local\") {\nedges {\n node {\n name,\n id,\n primaryClusterId,\n configuredSlaDomainId\n }\n}\r\n }\r\n}"}'

Returns the 'jbrasser-win' VM on the local Rubrik cluster as a JSON string, while displaying Verbose information

Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -ReturnNode -Body '{"query":"query ( $name: String) {\nvmwareVirtualMachineConnection(name: $name, primaryClusterId: \"local\") {\n edges {\nnode {\n name,\n id,\n primaryClusterId,\n configuredSlaDomainId\n}\n }\n}\r\n}","variables":{"name":"jbrasser-lin"}}'

Returns the 'jbrasser-lin' VM on the local Rubrik cluster as the VM Object, using a variable as input for vmwareVirtualMachineConnection

Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -ReturnNode -Body '{"query":"query{\r\n vmwareVirtualMachineConnection{\nedges {\n node {\nhostId\neffectiveSlaDomain {\nid\nname\n}\nprimaryClusterId\nconfiguredSlaDomainId\nid\nvmwareToolsInstalled\nisRelic\nname\nvcenterId\nfolderPath {\nid\nname\n}\ninfraPath {\nid\nname\n}\nagentStatus {\nagentStatus\ndisconnectReason\n}\nhostName\nclusterName\n }\n}\r\n }\r\n}","variables":{}}'

Returns all VMware VMs on the Rubrik Cluster and displays the individual objects by using the -ReturnNode parameter

Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -ReturnNode -Body '{"query":"query OrganizationSummary(\n $name: String,\n $isGlobal: Boolean,\n $sortBy: String,\n $sortOrder: String,\n $first: Int,\n $after: String,\n) {\n organizationConnection(\n name: $name,\n isGlobal: $isGlobal,\n sortBy: $sortBy,\n sortOrder: $sortOrder,\n first: $first,\n after: $after\n ) {\n nodes {\n id\n name\n isGlobal\n exclusivenessLevel\n admins {\n id\n name\n }\n envoyStatus\n }\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n }\n}\n","variables":{"sortBy":"name","sortOrder":"asc","first":3,"name":"org","isGlobal":false}}'

Returns informations on Rubrik Organizations, filtered by name in ascending order and only including organizations with 'org' in their name property. Returns the individual organization objects using the -ReturnNode parameter

(Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -Body '{"query":"query HostsWithSnappables(\n $effectiveSlaDomainId: String,\n $hostname: String,\n $operatingSystemType: String,\n $status: String,\n $primaryClusterId: String,\n $sortBy: String,\n $sortOrder: String,\n $templateId: String,\n $snappableStatus: String,\n $first: Int,\n $after: String,\n) {\n hostConnection(\n effectiveSlaDomainId: $effectiveSlaDomainId,\n hostname: $hostname,\n operatingSystemType: $operatingSystemType,\n status: $status,\n primaryClusterId: $primaryClusterId,\n sortBy: $sortBy,\n sortOrder: $sortOrder,\n templateId: $templateId,\n snappableStatus: $snappableStatus,\n first: $first,\n after: $after,\n )\n {\n nodes {\n id\n hostname\n primaryClusterId\n operatingSystem\n operatingSystemType\n status\n filesets\n {\n hostName\n operatingSystemType\n excludes\n configuredSlaDomainName\n effectiveSlaDomainId\n isEffectiveSlaDomainRetentionLocked\n primaryClusterId\n hostId\n includes\n configuredSlaDomainId\n configuredSlaDomainType\n templateId\n allowBackupNetworkMounts\n exceptions\n effectiveSlaDomainName\n allowBackupHiddenFoldersInNetworkMounts\n templateName\n useWindowsVss\n isRelic\n name\n id\n isPassthrough\n enableSymlinkResolution\n enableHardlinkSupport\n pendingSlaDomain {\n objectId,\n pendingSlaDomainId,\n pendingSlaDomainName,\n isPendingSlaDomainRetentionLocked\n }\n }\n hostVfdDriverState\n volumeGroup\n {\n isPaused\n configuredSlaDomainName\n effectiveSlaDomainId\n isEffectiveSlaDomainRetentionLocked\n primaryClusterId\n slaAssignment\n effectiveSlaSourceObjectId\n volumes {\n mountPoints\n isCurrentlyPresentOnSystem\n id\n size\n includeInSnapshots\n fileSystemType\n }\n effectiveSlaSourceObjectName\n hostId\n configuredSlaDomainId\n configuredSlaDomainType\n effectiveSlaDomainName\n hostname\n isRelic\n name\n volumeIdsIncludedInSnapshots\n id\n }\n storageArrayVolumeGroups\n {\n id\n name\n storageArrayId\n storageArrayName\n storageArrayType\n hostId\n hostname\n proxyHostId\n proxyHostname\n volumes {\n id\n serial\n name\n storageArrayId\n storageArrayType\n }\n configuredSlaDomainId\n configuredSlaDomainType\n configuredSlaDomainName\n effectiveSlaDomainId\n isEffectiveSlaDomainRetentionLocked\n effectiveSlaDomainName\n slaAssignment\n primaryClusterId\n }\n },\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n }\n}\n","variables":{"first":50,"operatingSystemType":"Windows","primaryClusterId":"local","sortBy":"hostname","sortOrder":"asc","snappableStatus":"Protectable"}}').hostconnection.nodes | % {[pscustomobject]@{hostname=$_.Hostname;volumegroup=$;volumegroupsla=$_.volumegroup.effectivesladomainname}}

Queries all hosts with volumegroups for the SLA set on that specific volumegroup. Returns 3 properties: hostname, volumegroup, volumegroupsla

Invoke-RubrikGraphQLCall -Body '{"query":"fragment counts on GraphQlProtectedObjectCount {\n numProtected\n numUnprotected\n numNoSla\n numDoNotProtect\n}\nquery TallyCounts {\n vms { ...counts },\n vcdVapps { ...counts },\n mssqlDbs { ...counts },\n linuxHosts { ...counts },\n windowHosts { ...counts },\n nasShares { ...counts },\n hypervVms { ...counts },\n cloudNativeVms { ...counts }\n managedVolumes {...counts},\n nutanixVms { ...counts },\n oracleDbs { ...counts }\n}\n","variables":{}}'

Gives a count of Protected, Unprotected, NoSla & DoNotProtect for cloudNativeVms, hypervVms, linuxHosts, managedVolumes, mssqlDbs, nasShares, nutanixVms, oracleDbs, vcdVapps, vms, windowHosts

    Param (
        # GraphQL Body to send to GraphQL endpoint
        # Return the JSON object instead of converting it to PowerShell custom objects
        # Return the objects in the Node(s) property rather than returning the output as a single custom Object
        # Rubrik server IP or FQDN
        [String]$Server = $global:RubrikConnection.server,
        # API version
        [String]$api = $global:RubrikConnection.api

    begin {
        #connect to Rubrik if not already connected

    process {
        #execute GraphQL operation
        try {

            #construct uri
            [string]$uri = New-URIString -server $Server -endpoint "/api/internal/graphql"
            Write-Verbose -Message "Body = $Body"

            if ($ReturnJSON) {
                $WebSplat = @{
                    Uri = $uri
                    Headers = $Header
                    ContentType = 'application/json'
                    Body = $Body
                    Method = 'POST'
                    UseBasicParsing = $true

                if (Test-PowerShellSix) {
                    if ($rubrikOptions.ModuleOption.DefaultWebRequestTimeOut) {
                        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -SkipCertificateCheck -TimeoutSec $rubrikOptions.ModuleOption.DefaultWebRequestTimeOut @WebSplat |
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
                    } else {
                        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -SkipCertificateCheck @WebSplat |
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
                } else {
                    if ($rubrikOptions.ModuleOption.DefaultWebRequestTimeOut) {
                        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -TimeoutSec $rubrikOptions.ModuleOption.DefaultWebRequestTimeOut @WebSplat |
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
                    } else {
                        $result = Invoke-WebRequest @WebSplat |
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content
            } elseif ($ReturnNode) {
                $result = Submit-Request -uri $uri -header $Header -method POST -body $Body |
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty data
                if (($newresult = $result.$($ {
                    $result = $newresult
                } elseif (($newresult = $result.$($ {
                    $result = $newresult
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Nodes property not found in $($, either no results or results are nested."
            } else {
                $result = Submit-Request -uri $uri -header $Header -method POST -body $Body |
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty data
        catch {
            throw $_

        return $result