
#Requires -Version 3
function Move-RubrikMountVMDK
      Moves the VMDKs from a Live Mount to another VM

      The Move-RubrikMountVMDK cmdlet is used to attach VMDKs from a Live Mount to another VM, typically for restore or testing purposes.

      Written by Chris Wahl for community usage
      Twitter: @ChrisWahl
      GitHub: chriswahl


      Move-RubrikMountVMDK -SourceVMID (Get-RubrikVM -Name 'SourceVM').id -TargetVM 'TargetVM'
      This will create a Live Mount using the latest snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM", using the VM's Rubrik ID.
      The Live Mount's VMDKs would then be presented to the VM named "TargetVM"

      Move-RubrikMountVMDK -SourceVM 'SourceVM' -TargetVM 'TargetVM'
      This will create a Live Mount using the latest snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM"
      The Live Mount's VMDKs would then be presented to the VM named "TargetVM"

      Move-RubrikMountVMDK -SourceVM 'SourceVM' -TargetVM 'TargetVM' -Date '01/30/2016 08:00'
      This will create a Live Mount using the January 30th 08:00AM snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM"
      The Live Mount's VMDKs would then be presented to the VM named "TargetVM"
      Note: The Date parameter will start at the time specified (in this case, 08:00am) and work backwards in time until it finds a snapshot.
      Precise timing is not required.
      Move-RubrikMountVMDK -SourceVM 'SourceVM' -TargetVM 'TargetVM' -ExcludeDisk @(0,1)
      This will create a Live Mount using the latest snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM"
      Disk 0 and 1 (the first and second disks) would be excluded from presentation to the VM named "TargetVM"
      Note: that for the "ExcludeDisk" array, the format is @(#,#,#,...) where each # represents a disk starting with 0.
      Example: To exclude the first and third disks, the value would be @(0,2).
      Example: To exclude just the first disk, use @(0).

      Move-RubrikMountVMDK -Cleanup 'C:\Users\Person1\Documents\SourceVM_to_TargetVM-1234567890.txt'
      This will remove the disk(s) and live mount, effectively reversing the initial request
      This file is created each time the command is run and stored in the $HOME path as a text file
      The file contains the TargetVM name, MountID value, and a list of all presented disks

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    # Source virtual machine Rubrik ID to use as a live mount
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    # Source virtual machine to use as a Live Mount based on a previous backup
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    # Target virtual machine to attach the Live Mount disk(s)
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    # Backup date to use for the Live Mount
    # Will use the current date and time if no value is specified
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    # An array of disks to exclude from presenting to the target virtual machine
    # By default, all disks will be presented
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create')]
    # The path to a cleanup file to remove the live mount and presented disks
    # The cleanup file is created each time the command is run and stored in the $HOME path as a text file with a random number value
    # The file contains the TargetVM name, MountID value, and a list of all presented disks
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Destroy')]
    # Rubrik server IP or FQDN
    [String]$Server = $global:RubrikConnection.server,
    # API version
    [String]$api = $global:RubrikConnection.api

  Begin {



  Process {
    if (!$Cleanup)
      if (!$Date) 
        Write-Verbose -Message 'No date entered. Taking current time.'
        $Date = Get-Date
      else {
        # Strip training Z from $Date. Using a date directly from an API response will cause PowerShell to create an inaccurate datetime object
        $Date = $Date.TrimEnd("Z")

        # Validate provided date
        try {
          $Date = [datetime]$Date
        catch {
          throw "Invalid Date"

      Write-Verbose -Message "Validating Source and Target VMs"
      if($SourceVM -and !$SourceVMID){
        Write-Warning -Message "-SourceVM has been deprecated as a parameter. The code will attempt to match the correct Rubrik VM ID, but please use -SourceVMID."
        $SourceVMID = (Get-RubrikVM -Name $SourceVM -PrimaryClusterID local).id
          throw "$SourceVM is invalid. Please use a valid VM."
        } elseif ($SourceVMID.Count -gt 1) {
          throw "$souceVM has mutliple results. Please use -SourceVMID to specific the VM you want to use."

      $HostID = (Get-RubrikVM -VM $TargetVM -PrimaryClusterID local).hostId
        throw "$targetvm is invalid."
      Write-Verbose -Message "Creating a powered off Live Mount of $SourceVMID"
      $mount = Get-RubrikSnapshot -id $SourceVMID -Date $Date | New-RubrikMount -HostID $HostID
      if(-not $mount) {throw 'No mounts were created. Check that you have declared a valid VM.'}

      Write-Verbose -Message "Waiting for request $($ to complete"
      while ((Get-RubrikRequest -ID $ -Type "vmware/vm").status -ne 'SUCCEEDED')
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Live Mount is now available'
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Gathering Live Mount ID value'

      foreach ($link in ((Get-RubrikRequest -ID $ -Type "vmware/vm").links))
        # There are two links - the request (self) and result
        # This will filter the values to just the result
        if ($link.rel -eq 'result')
          # We just want the very last part of the link, which contains the ID value
          $MountID = $link.href.Split('/')[-1]
          Write-Verbose -Message "Found Live Mount ID $MountID"

      Write-Verbose -Message "Gathering details on Live Mount ID $MountID"
      $MountVM = Get-RubrikVM -id (Get-RubrikMount -id $MountID).mountedVmId
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Migrating the Mount VMDKs to VM'
      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TargetVM,'Migrating Live Mount VMDK(s)'))
        [array]$MountVMdisk = Get-HardDisk $
        $MountedVMdiskFileNames = @()
        [int]$j = 0
        foreach ($_ in $MountVMdisk)
          if ($ExcludeDisk -contains $j)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping Disk $j" -Verbose
              Remove-HardDisk -HardDisk $_ -DeletePermanently:$false -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
              New-HardDisk -VM $TargetVM -DiskPath $_.Filename | Out-Null
              $MountedVMdiskFileNames += $_.Filename
              Write-Verbose -Message "Migrated $($_.Filename) to $TargetVM"
              throw $_

      $Diskfile = "$Home\Documents\"+$SourceVM+'_to_'+$TargetVM+'-'+(Get-Date).Ticks+'.txt'
      $TargetVM | Out-File -FilePath $Diskfile -Encoding utf8 -Force
      $MountID | Out-File -FilePath $Diskfile -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force      
      $MountedVMdiskFileNames | Out-File -FilePath $Diskfile -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force
      # Return information needed to cleanup the mounted disks and Live Mount
      $response = [pscustomobject]@{
        'Status' = 'Success'
        'CleanupFile' = $Diskfile
        'TargetVM' = $TargetVM
        'MountID' = $MountID
        'MountedVMdiskFileNames' = $MountedVMdiskFileNames
        'Example' = "Move-RubrikMountVMDK -Cleanup '$Diskfile'"
      return $response

    elseif ($Cleanup) 
      if ((Test-Path $Cleanup) -ne $true) 
        throw 'File does not exist'
      $TargetVM = (Get-Content -Path $Cleanup -Encoding UTF8)[0]
      $MountID = (Get-Content -Path $Cleanup -Encoding UTF8)[1]
      $MountedVMdiskFileNames = (Get-Content -Path $Cleanup -Encoding UTF8) | Select-Object -Skip 2
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing disks from the VM'
      [array]$SourceVMdisk = Get-HardDisk $TargetVM
      foreach ($_ in $SourceVMdisk)
        if ($MountedVMdiskFileNames -contains $_.Filename)
          Write-Verbose -Message "Removing $_ from $TargetVM"
          Remove-HardDisk -HardDisk $_ -DeletePermanently:$false -Confirm:$false
      Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting the Live Mount named $($"
      Remove-RubrikMount -id $MountID -Confirm:$false
    } #end Try
    catch {
      #IF any error occurs, bail out of the script before any damage is done.
      throw $_

    } #end Catch

  } # End of process
} # End of function