
#Requires -Version 3
function New-RscMssqlRestore {
    Starts an in-place recovery of a MSSQL Database
    Starts an in-place recovery of a MSSQL Database
    Be aware. Do not use this if you are attempting to copy a database. In that case you should use Export. This will take the point in time provided and recover your database
    back to the original host, original instance, and the original database name to the point in time provided.
    Schema reference:
    .PARAMETER RscMssqlDatabase
    Database object returned from Get-RscMssqlDatabase
    .PARAMETER FinishRecovery
    Allows the database to be fully recovered and operational. If you omit this parameter, then when the database finishes being restored, the database will be left in
    NORECOVERY mode.
    .PARAMETER maxDataStreams
    This controls the number of streams used for the restore. By default, Rubrik will use 2 streams. This cannot exceed a value of 8.
    In general, the default value of 2 performs best. However in some cases, increasing the value can provide better performance of the restore. Do not change this value in a
    production setting without running some tests in a non-production environment.
    .PARAMETER RecoveryDateTime
    Use Get-RscMssqlDatabaseRecoveryPoint to get a fully formatted date and time for the recovery point
    # .PARAMETER RecoveryLSN
    Performs an in-place recovery of AdventureWorks2019 to a specific point in time.
    $RscMssqlDatabase = Get-RscMssqlDatabase -Name AdventureWorks2019
    New-RscMssqlRestore -RscMssqlDatabase $RscMssqlDatabase -RecoveryDateTime "2023-10-27 08:37:00.000Z"

            Mandatory = $true

            Mandatory = $false

        [ValidateRange(1, 8)]
            Mandatory = $false
        )][int]$MaxDataStreams = 2,

            Mandatory = $true

        # [Parameter(
        # ParameterSetName = 'Recovery_LSN',
        # Mandatory = $false,
        # ValueFromPipeline = $false
        # )]
        # [string]$RecoveryLSN,
    Process {
        Write-Debug "- Running New-RscMssqlRestore"
        #region Create Query
        $query = New-RscMutationMssql -Operation RestoreDatabase
        $query.Var.input = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RestoreMssqlDatabaseInput
        $ = "$($RscMssqlDatabase.Id)"

        $query.Var.input.config = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.RestoreMssqlDbJobConfigInput
        $query.Var.input.config.finishRecovery = $FinishRecovery
        If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($maxDataStreams)){$query.Var.input.config.maxDataStreams = $maxDataStreams}

        $query.Var.input.config.recoveryPoint = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.MssqlRecoveryPointInput
        $ = $RecoveryDateTime
        $result = $query.Invoke()