
function Start-RunspacePool {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [int]$MaxJobs = $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS,
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]$InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault(),
        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
                if ($_ -match '(([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])') {
                    return $true
                else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "The CleanupInterval must be HH:MM:SS."
        [System.TimeSpan]$CleanupInterval = "00:15:00"
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Starting runspace pool with $MaxJobs max jobs."
            $return = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxJobs, $initialSessionState, $host)
            $return.CleanupInterval = $CleanupInterval
            $powerShell = [powershell]::Create()
            $powerShell.RunspacePool = $return
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."
        if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($return))) {
            Write-Output $return

function Start-RunspacePoolJob {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                   Position = 0)]
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
        if ($RunspacePool.IsDisposed) {
            Write-Error -Message "The runspace pool has been closed." -Category InvalidOperation
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Processing script block for using variables."
            $usingVariables = @(GetUsingVariables $ScriptBlock)
            if ($usingVariables.count -gt 0) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Using variables were found. Processing script using variables."
                $usingVar = $usingVariables | Group-Object SubExpression | ForEach-Object {
                    $_.Group | Select-Object -First 1
                #Write-Debug "CommandOrigin: $($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)"
                $usingVariableValues = @(foreach ($var in $usingVar) {
                        try {
                            if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') {
                                $value = Get-Variable -Name $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath
                            else {
                                $value = ($PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath))
                                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) {
                                    throw 'No value!'
                                Name = $var.SubExpression.Extent.Text
                                Value = $value.Value
                                NewName = ('$__using_{0}' -f $var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath)
                                NewVarName = ('__using_{0}' -f $var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath)
                        catch {
                            throw "The value of the using variable '$($var.SubExpression.Extent.Text)' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set in the local session."
                #endregion Get Variable Values
                Write-Verbose -Message ("$functionName`: Found {0} `$Using: variables!" -f $usingVariableValues.count)
            if (($UsingVariableValues.Count -gt 0) -or ($HashTable)) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Converting script with using variables."
                $convertScriptParams = @{
                    ScriptBlock         = $ScriptBlock
                    HasParam            = ($SBParamVars.Count -ne 0)
                    UsingVariables      = $UsingVariables
                    UsingVariableValues = $UsingVariableValues
                    HashTable           = $HashTable
                $NewScriptBlock = ConvertScript @convertScriptParams
            else {
                $NewScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: running:"
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: $($NewScriptBlock | Out-String)"
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Build the PowerShell runspace and assign it to the pool."
            $powerShell = [powershell]::Create()
            $powerShell.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
            $powerShell.AddScript($NewScriptBlock) | Out-Null
            Write-Verbose "$functionName`: Checking for Using: variables"
            if ($UsingVariableValues.count -gt 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $UsingVariableValues.count; $i++) {
                    Write-Verbose "$functionName`: Adding Param: $($UsingVariableValues[$i].Name) Value: $($UsingVariableValues[$i].Value)"
                    [void]$powerShell.AddParameter($UsingVariableValues[$i].NewVarName, $UsingVariableValues[$i].Value)
            if ($HashTable) {
                Write-Verbose "$functionName`: Adding HashTable param to script."
                [void]$powerShell.AddParameter('HashTable', $HashTable)
            $return = $powerShell.BeginInvoke()
        catch {
            $continue = $false
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."
        if ($return) {
            Write-Output $return

function Stop-RunspacePool {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'High',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            $msg = 'Running Stop-RunspacePool will terminate all jobs immediately and cancel all pending jobs.'
            $prompt = 'Do you want to continue?'
            if (($Force) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($msg, $prompt, $msg))) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Stopping runspace pool with the ID: $($RunspacePool.InstanceId)."
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."

function New-SynchronizedHashTable {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
    param ()
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Creating synchronized hash table."
            $return = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."
        Write-Output $return

function New-HashTableKey {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                   Position = 2)]
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
        if ($HashTable.IsReadOnly) {
            Write-Error -Message "Hash table is read only."
        if (Get-HashTableKey -HashTable $HashTable -Key $Key) {
            if ($Force) {
                Set-HashTableKey -HashTable $HashTable -Key $Key -Value $Value
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "A key with the name '$Key' already exists in this hash table. Use -Force or Set-HashTableKey."
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Adding key '$($Key.tostring())' and value '$($Value.tostring())'."
            $HashTable.Add($Key, $Value)
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."
        Write-Output $return

function Get-HashTableKey {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1)]
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Getting key '$Key'."
            $return = $HashTable["$Key"]
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."
        Write-Output $return

function Remove-HashTableKey {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1)]
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
        if ((-not (Get-HashTableKey -HashTable $HashTable -Key $Key)) -and (-not ($Force))) {
            Write-Warning -Message "'$Key' does not exist in the hash table."
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Removing key '$Key'."
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."

function Set-HashTableKey {
    .EXTERNALHELP RunspacePoolManager.psm1-Help.xml

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                   Position = 2)]
    begin {
        $functionName = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).Name
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the begin block."
        if ($HashTable.IsReadOnly) {
            Write-Error -Message "Hash table is read only."
        if (-not (Get-HashTableKey -HashTable $HashTable -Key $Key)) {
            if ($Force) {
                New-HashTableKey -HashTable $HashTable -Key $Key -Value $Value
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "A key with the name '$Key' was not found in this hash table. Use -Force or New-HashTableKey"
    process {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the process block."
        try {
            Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Setting key '$($Key.tostring())' too value '$($Value.tostring())'."
            $HashTable["$Key"] = $Value
        catch {
            $exception = "$($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
            $msg = "Unhandled error: $_"
            Write-Warning -Message $exception
            Write-Warning -Message $msg
    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$functionName`: Entering the end block."