
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# Copyright 2019 Ryan James Decker

function Invoke-AnyConnectVpnCli {
        Invokes VPNCLI.EXE from Cisco AnyConnect for Windows.
        This is a wrapper for VPNCLI.EXE from Cisco's AnyConnect VPN client for Windows.


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Option Help")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Option Version")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Option Standard Input")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Connect")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Disconnect")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Hosts")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command State")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Stats")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Connect", Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Disconnect", Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Hosts", Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command State", Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Command Stats", Position = 1)]


        $_nl = [System.Environment]::NewLine

        $_vpnCli = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\vpncli.exe"

        if ((Test-Path $_vpnCli)) {
            Write-Verbose "Found Cisco AnyConnect installation at `"$_vpnCli`""

        } else {
            Write-Error "Cisco AnyConnect installation not found at `"$_vpnCli`""


        $Arguments = ""
        if ($Help.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "-h"}

        if ($Version.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "-v"}

        if ($ReadFromStandardInput.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "-s"}

        if ($Connect.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "connect"}

        if ($Disconnect.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "disconnect"}

        if ($Hosts.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "hosts"}

        if ($State.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "state"}

        if ($Stats.IsPresent) {$Arguments += "stats"}


        $Message = "$_nl`Using command `"$_vpnCli $Arguments $ComputerName`""

        if ($Message[-2] -eq " ") {
            $Message = $Message.Substring(0,($Message.Length-2)) + "`"$_nl"
        } else {
            $Message += "$_nl"

        Write-Host $Message

        & $_vpnCli $Arguments $ComputerName | ? {$_}



function Invoke-TightVncViewer {
        Starts a Tight Vnc Viewer (vnc client) session

        This is a PowerShell wrapper for TVNVIEWER.EXE - Tight VNC's VNC client software.

        .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Enter an array of IP addresses or hostnames of computers running TVNSERVER.EXE (Tight VNC's VNC server software) to which you'd like to connect.

        .PARAMETER Port
        Enter the TCP port on which the machine running TVNSERVER.EXE (Tight VNC's VNC server software) is listening.

        .PARAMETER PromptForPassword
        Enter the Tight VNC password configured on the server.

        .PARAMETER OptionsFile
        Enter the path to the Tight VNC options file.

        .PARAMETER Help
        Use this switch to invoke "TVNVIEWER.EXE -help"





        [uint16]$InvocationLimit = 10,

        $_nl = [System.Environment]::NewLine

        if ($ComputerName.GetType() -eq [object[]] -and $ComputerName.length -gt $InvocationLimit) {
            $_connectionCount = $ComputerName.length
            $_message = 
                "You're trying to start connections to $_connectionCount " + 
                "computers and the limit of connections is " + 
                "$InvocationLimit. To fix this, connect to less computers " + 
                "or change the -InvocationLimit parameter."

            Write-Error $_message

            $_initializationFailed = $true


        Write-Verbose "Invocation Limit is $InvocationLimit."

        $_tightVncViewer = 'C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnviewer.exe'

        if ($PromptForPassword.IsPresent) {

            $_credential = 
                "-password=" + 
                (Get-Credential "TightVncViewer").GetNetworkCredential().Password

            $_hiddenPassword = '-password=******'


        if ($Port -and $Port -ne 0) {

                $Port = "-port=$Port"

        } else {
            Remove-Variable Port


        if ($OptionsFile) {$OptionsFile = "-optionsfile=$OptionsFile"}

    Process {
        if ($_initializationFailed) {return}

        if ($ComputerName) {
            $Computername | % {
                Write-Verbose "Using command: `"$_tightVncViewer -host=$_ $Port $_hiddenPassword`"$_nl"

                & $_tightVncViewer "-host=$_" $Port $_credential


        } elseif ($OptionsFile) {
            Write-Verbose "Using command: `"$_tightVncViewer $OptionsFile`"$_nl"

            & $_tightVncViewer $OptionsFile

        } elseif ($Help.IsPresent) {
            Write-Verbose "Using command: `"$_tightVncViewer -Help`"$_nl"

            & $_tightVncViewer -Help

        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Using command: `"$_tightVncViewer $Port`"$_nl"

            & $_tightVncViewer $Port

function Invoke-WindowsRdpSession {
    Wrapper for mstsc.exe

    This command basically follows mstsc.exe exactly. If you'd like to see the original help content for the mstsc.exe program, use the -MstscHelp parameter on this command.

    Use the -MstscHelp switch on this command to get more help.

    New-RemoteDesktopSession -Help

    New-RemoteDesktopSession -Server HostnameOrIpAddress

    New-RemoteDesktopSession -Path 'C:\Default.rdp'

    New-RemoteDesktopSession 'C:\Default.rdp' -Edit


    DefaultParameterSetName = 'ConnectionFile'


        ParameterSetName = "ConnectionFile",
        Position = 0
        ParameterSetName = "Edit",
        Mandatory = $true,
        Position = 0

        ParameterSetName = "Edit",
        Mandatory = $true

        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile",
        Mandatory = $true,
        Position = 0

        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile",
        Position = 1

        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile",
        Position = 2

        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"

        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"

        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "NoConnectionFile"
        ParameterSetName = "Help",
        Mandatory = $true


Begin {
    $_mstscCommand = 'mstsc'

    [string[]]$_mstscArguments = @()

    if ($Edit) {$_mstscArguments += '/edit'}

    if ($ConnectionFilePath) {$_mstscArguments += "$ConnectionFilePath"}

    if ($Server) {

        $_serverArgument = "/v:$Server"
        if ($Port) {
            $_serverArgument += ":$Port"

        $_mstscArguments += $_serverArgument


    if ($Gateway) {$_mstscArguments += "/g:$Gateway"}

    if ($Admin) {$_mstscArguments += '/admin'}

    if ($FullScreen) {$_mstscArguments += '/f'}

    if ($Width) {$_mstscArguments += "/w:$Width"}

    if ($Height) {$_mstscArguments += "/h:$Height"}

    if ($Public) {$_mstscArguments += '/public'}

    if ($Span) {$_mstscArguments += '/span'}

    if ($MultiMon) {$_mstscArguments += '/multimon'}

    if ($RestrictedAdmin) {$_mstscArguments += '/restrictedAdmin'}

    if ($RemoteGuard) {$_mstscArguments += '/remoteGuard'}

    if ($Prompt) {$_mstscArguments += '/prompt'}

    if ($RemoteGuard) {$_mstscArguments += '/remoteGuard'}

    if ($Shadow) {$_mstscArguments += "/shadow:$Shadow"}

    if ($Control) {$_mstscArguments += '/control'}

    if ($NoConsentPrompt) {$_mstscArguments += '/noConsentPrompt'}

    if ($MstscHelp) {$_mstscArguments += '/?'}

Process {
    $_statusMessage = "Using command `"$_mstscCommand"
    if ($_mstscArguments.Length -gt 0) {$_statusMessage += ' '}
    $_statusMessage += "$_mstscArguments`""

    Write-Host $_statusMessage
    & $_mstscCommand $_mstscArguments


End {}