
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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# Copyright 2019 Ryan James Decker

function Get-SelectionFromMenu(


) {
    Create an easy menu for interactive PowerShell scripts

    Get-SelectionFromMenu was created as an alternative to New-EasyMenu for
    versions of PowerShell which do not support the EasyMenu module.
    .PARAMETER Message
    Enter a message for users to read before showing options.

    .PARAMETER Options
    Enter an array of options which will be numbered for the user among which
    to choose.

    Get-SelectionFromMenu -Message "What is your favorite color?" -Options @("Red","Yellow","Blue")
    ...That is the basic syntax

    switch( `
        Get-SelectionFromMenu `
            -Message "What would you rather eat?" `
            -Options @( `
                "pizza", `
                "cheesecake" `
            ) `
    ) { `
        1 { `
            Write-Host "I like pizza too."; `
            Break `
        } `
        2 { `
            Write-Host "Oh really? I'd rather eat cheesecake"; `
            Break `
        } `
        Default { `
            Write-Host "Invalid selection"; `
            Break `
        } `

    ...As you can see, Get-SelectionFromMenu works very well in a switch


    System.Int32 This function should return an integer based on the user's

    Find more of my software here: https://Rhyknowscerious.bitbucket.com

    Learn more about PowerShell modules and how to use them here: https://activedirectorypro.com/install-powershell-modules/

    To install modules for a user, save modules here:

    To install modules for all users, save modules here

        C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\<PutModuleFolderHere>


    $_nl = [System.Environment]::NewLine

    Write-Host $Message$_nl

    $_optionCount = 0
    $Options | % {

        $_optionCount ++
        Write-Host "$_optionCount) $_"


    $_output = Read-Host "$_nl`Pick a number"

    return $_output