
Function Find-LdapObject {
    Searches LDAP server in given search root and using given search filter
    Searches LDAP server identified by LDAP connection passed as parameter.
    Attributes of returned objects are retrieved via ranged attribute retrieval by default. This allows to retrieve all attributes, including computed ones, but has impact on performace as each attribute generated own LDAP server query. Tu turn ranged attribute retrieval off, set parameter RangeSize to zero.
    Optionally, attribute values can be transformed to complex types using transform registered for an attribute with 'Load' action.
    Search results as custom objects with requested properties as strings or byte stream
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection [string]::Empty -SearchFilter:"(&(sn=smith)(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"cn=Users,dc=myDomain,dc=com"
This command connects to domain controller of caller's domain on port 389 and performs the search
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -SearchFilter:'(&(cn=jsmith)(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))' -SearchBase:'ou=Users,dc=myDomain,dc=com' -PropertiesToLoad:@('sAMAccountName','objectSid') -BinaryProps:@('objectSid')
This command connects to to domain controller of caller's domain and performs the search, returning value of objectSid attribute as byte stream
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer:mydc.mydomain.com -EncryptionType:SSL
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(sn=smith)(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"ou=Users,dc=myDomain,dc=com"
This command connects to given LDAP server and performs the search via SSL
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com"
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection:$Ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(sn=smith)(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"cn=Users,dc=myDomain,dc=com"
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection:$Ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(cn=myComputer)(objectClass=computer)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"ou=Computers,dc=myDomain,dc=com" -PropertiesToLoad:@("cn","managedBy")
This command creates the LDAP connection object and passes it as parameter. Connection remains open and ready for reuse in subsequent searches
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com"
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection:$Ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(cn=SEC_*)(objectClass=group)(objectCategory=group))" -SearchBase:"cn=Groups,dc=myDomain,dc=com" | `
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection:$Ldap -ASQ:"member" -SearchScope:"Base" -SearchFilter:"(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -propertiesToLoad:@("sAMAccountName","givenName","sn") | `
Select-Object * -Unique
This one-liner lists sAMAccountName, first and last name, and DN of all users who are members of at least one group whose name starts with "SEC_" string
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -Credential (Get-Credential)
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(cn=myComputer)(objectClass=computer)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"ou=Computers,dc=myDomain,dc=com" -PropertiesToLoad:@("cn","managedBy") -RangeSize 0
This command creates explicit credential and uses it to authenticate LDAP query.
Then command retrieves data without ranged attribute value retrieval.
$Users = Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection (Get-LdapConnection) -SearchFilter:"(&(sn=smith)(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"cn=Users,dc=myDomain,dc=com" -AdditionalProperties:@("Result")
foreach($user in $Users)
        #do some processing
        #report processing error
#report users with results of processing for each of them
This command connects to domain controller of caller's domain on port 389 and performs the search.
For each user found, it also defines 'Result' property on returned object. Property is later used to store result of processing on user account
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer:ldap.mycorp.com -AuthType:Anonymous
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(sn=smith)(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"ou=People,ou=mycorp,o=world"
This command connects to given LDAP server and performs the search anonymously.
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer:ldap.mycorp.com
$dse = Get-RootDSE -LdapConnection $conn
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $ldap -SearchFilter:"(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson))" -SearchBase:"ou=People,ou=mycorp,o=world" -RangeSize -1 -PropertiesToLoad *
This command connects to given LDAP server and performs the direct search, retrieving all properties with value from objects found by search
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #existing LDAPConnection object retrieved with cmdlet Get-LdapConnection
            #When we perform many searches, it is more effective to use the same conbnection rather than create new connection for each search request.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #Search filter in LDAP syntax

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #DN of container where to search

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Search scope
            #Default: Subtree

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #List of properties we want to return for objects we find.
            #Default: empty array, meaning no properties are returned

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Name of attribute for ASQ search. Note that searchScope must be set to Base for this type of seach
            #Default: empty string

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Page size for paged search. Zero means that paging is disabled
            #Default: 500

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            # Specification of attribute value retrieval mode
            # Negative value means that attribute values are loaded directly with list of objects
            # Zero means that ranged attribute value retrieval is disabled and attribute values are returned in single request.
            # Positive value means that each attribute value is loaded in dedicated requests in batches of given size. Usable for loading of group members
            # Note: Default in query policy in AD is 1500; we use 1000 as default here.
            # Note: Default value indicates ranged retrieval, so as we're on safe side and do the best for retrieval of all values in attribute, even if it means performance impact
            # Default: 1000

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #List of properties that we want to load as byte stream.
            #Note: Those properties must also be present in PropertiesToLoad parameter. Properties not listed here are loaded as strings
            #Default: empty list, which means that all properties are loaded as strings

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            List of properties that we want to be defined on output object, but we do not want to load them from AD.
            Properties listed here must NOT occur in propertiesToLoad list
            Command defines properties on output objects and sets the value to $null
            Good for having output object with all props that we need for further processing, so we do not need to add them ourselves
            Default: empty list, which means that we don't want any additional propertis defined on output object


        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #additional controls that caller may need to add to request

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Number of seconds before request times out.
            #Default: 120 seconds
        $Timeout = (New-Object System.TimeSpan(0,0,120))

        #remove unwanted props
        $PropertiesToLoad=@($propertiesToLoad | where-object {$_ -notin @('distinguishedName','1.1')})
        #if asterisk in list of props to load, load all props available on object despite of required list
        if($propertiesToLoad.Count -eq 0) {$NoAttributes=$true} else {$NoAttributes=$false}
        if('*' -in $PropertiesToLoad) {$PropertiesToLoad=@()}

        #configure LDAP connection
        #preserve original value of referral chasing
        $referralChasing = $LdapConnection.SessionOptions.ReferralChasing
        if($pageSize -gt 0) {
            #paged search silently fails in AD when chasing referrals

    Process {
        #build request
        $rq=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest

        #search base
        #we support passing $null as SearchBase - user for Global Catalog searches
        if($null -ne $searchBase)
            #we support pipelining of strings, or objects containing distinguishedName property
            switch($searchBase.GetType().Name) {
                    if($null -ne $searchBase.distinguishedName)

        #search filter in LDAP syntax

        #search scope

        #paged search control for paged search
        if($pageSize -gt 0) {
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultRequestControl]$pagedRqc = new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultRequestControl($pageSize)
            #asking server for best effort with paging
            $rq.Controls.Add($pagedRqc) | Out-Null

        #add additional controls that caller may have passed
        foreach($ctrl in $AdditionalControls) {$rq.Controls.Add($ctrl) | Out-Null}

        #server side timeout

        #Attribute scoped query
        if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($asq)) {
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl]$asqRqc=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AsqRequestControl($ASQ)
            $rq.Controls.Add($asqRqc) | Out-Null
            #just run as fast as possible when not loading any attribs
            GetResultsDirectlyInternal -rq $rq -conn $LdapConnection -PropertiesToLoad $PropertiesToLoad -AdditionalProperties $AdditionalProperties -BinaryProperties $BinaryProps -Timeout $Timeout -NoAttributes
        else {
            #load attributes according to desired strategy
                {$_ -lt 0} {
                    #directly via single ldap call
                    #some attribs may not be loaded (e.g. computed)
                    GetResultsDirectlyInternal -rq $rq -conn $LdapConnection -PropertiesToLoad $PropertiesToLoad -AdditionalProperties $AdditionalProperties -BinaryProperties $BinaryProps -Timeout $Timeout
                0 {
                    #query attributes for each object returned using base search
                    #but not using ranged retrieval, so multivalued attributes with many values may not be returned completely
                    GetResultsIndirectlyInternal -rq $rq -conn $LdapConnection -PropertiesToLoad $PropertiesToLoad -AdditionalProperties $AdditionalProperties -AdditionalControls $AdditionalControls -BinaryProperties $BinaryProps -Timeout $Timeout
                {$_ -gt 0} {
                    #query attributes for each object returned using base search and each attribute value with ranged retrieval
                    #so even multivalued attributes with many values are returned completely
                    GetResultsIndirectlyRangedInternal -rq $rq -conn $LdapConnection -PropertiesToLoad $PropertiesToLoad -AdditionalProperties $AdditionalProperties -AdditionalControls $AdditionalControls -BinaryProperties $BinaryProps -Timeout $Timeout -RangeSize $RangeSize

        if(($pageSize -gt 0) -and ($null -ne $ReferralChasing)) {
            #revert to original value of referral chasing on connection

Function Get-RootDSE {
    Connects to LDAP server and retrieves metadata
    Retrieves LDAP server metadata from Root DSE object
    Current implementation is specialized to metadata foung on Windows LDAP server, so on other platforms, some metadata may be empty.
    Custom object containing information about LDAP server
Get-LdapConnection | Get-RootDSE
This command connects to domain controller of caller's domain on port 389 and returns metadata about the server
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
            #existing LDAPConnection object retrieved via Get-LdapConnection
            #When we perform many searches, it is more effective to use the same conbnection rather than create new connection for each search request.
        #initialize output objects via hashtable --> faster than add-member
        #create default initializer beforehand
            rootDomainNamingContext=$null; configurationNamingContext=$null; schemaNamingContext=$null; `
            'defaultNamingContext'=$null; 'namingContexts'=$null; `
            'dnsHostName'=$null; 'ldapServiceName'=$null; 'dsServiceName'=$null; 'serverName'=$null;`
            'supportedLdapPolicies'=$null; 'supportedSASLMechanisms'=$null; 'supportedControl'=$null; 'supportedConfigurableSettings'=$null; `
            'currentTime'=$null; 'highestCommittedUSN' = $null; 'approximateHighestInternalObjectID'=$null; `
            'dsSchemaAttrCount'=$null; 'dsSchemaClassCount'=$null; 'dsSchemaPrefixCount'=$null; `
            'isGlobalCatalogReady'=$null; 'isSynchronized'=$null; 'pendingPropagations'=$null; `
            'domainControllerFunctionality' = $null; 'domainFunctionality'=$null; 'forestFunctionality'=$null; `
            'subSchemaSubEntry'=$null; `
            'msDS-ReplAllInboundNeighbors'=$null; 'msDS-ReplConnectionFailures'=$null; 'msDS-ReplLinkFailures'=$null; 'msDS-ReplPendingOps'=$null; `
            'dsaVersionString'=$null; 'serviceAccountInfo'=$null; 'LDAPPoliciesEffective'=$null `
    Process {

        #build request
        $rq=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest
        $rq.Scope =  [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope]::Base
        $rq.Attributes.AddRange($propDef.Keys) | Out-Null

        #try to get extra information with ExtendedDNControl
        #RFC4511: Server MUST ignore unsupported controls marked as not critical
        [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ExtendedDNControl]$exRqc = new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ExtendedDNControl('StandardString')
        $rq.Controls.Add($exRqc) | Out-Null

        try {
        catch {
           throw $_.Exception
        #if there was error, let the exception go to caller and do not continue

        #sometimes server does not return nothing if we ask for property that is not supported by protocol
        if($rsp.Entries.Count -eq 0) {

        $data=new-object PSObject -Property $propDef

        if ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['configurationNamingContext']) {
            $data.configurationNamingContext = [NamingContext]::Parse($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['configurationNamingContext'].GetValues([string])[0])
        if ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['schemaNamingContext']) {
            $data.schemaNamingContext = [NamingContext]::Parse(($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['schemaNamingContext'].GetValues([string]))[0])
        if ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['rootDomainNamingContext']) {
            $data.rootDomainNamingContext = [NamingContext]::Parse($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['rootDomainNamingContext'].GetValues([string])[0])
        if ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['defaultNamingContext']) {
            $data.defaultNamingContext = [NamingContext]::Parse($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['defaultNamingContext'].GetValues([string])[0])
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['approximateHighestInternalObjectID']) {
            try {
            catch {
                #it isn't a numeric, just return what's stored without parsing
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['highestCommittedUSN']) {
            try {
            catch {
                #it isn't a numeric, just return what's stored without parsing
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['currentTime']) {
            $val = ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['currentTime'].GetValues([string]))[0]
            try {
                $data.currentTime = [DateTime]::ParseExact($val,'yyyyMMddHHmmss.fZ',[CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,[System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None)
            catch {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dnsHostName']) {
            $data.dnsHostName = ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dnsHostName'].GetValues([string]))[0]
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['ldapServiceName']) {
            $data.ldapServiceName = ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['ldapServiceName'].GetValues([string]))[0]
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsServiceName']) {
            $val = ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsServiceName'].GetValues([string]))[0]
                $data.dsServiceName = $val.Split(';')
            else {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['serverName']) {
            $val = ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['serverName'].GetValues([string]))[0]
                $data.serverName = $val.Split(';')
            else {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedControl']) {
            $data.supportedControl = ( ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedControl'].GetValues([string])) | Sort-Object )
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedLdapPolicies']) {
            $data.supportedLdapPolicies = ( ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedLdapPolicies'].GetValues([string])) | Sort-Object )
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedSASLMechanisms']) {
            $data.supportedSASLMechanisms = ( ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedSASLMechanisms'].GetValues([string])) | Sort-Object )
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedConfigurableSettings']) {
            $data.supportedConfigurableSettings = ( ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['supportedConfigurableSettings'].GetValues([string])) | Sort-Object )
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['namingContexts']) {
            $data.namingContexts = @()
            foreach($ctxDef in ($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['namingContexts'].GetValues([string]))) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsSchemaAttrCount']) {
            [long]::TryParse($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsSchemaAttrCount'].GetValues([string]),[ref]$outVal) | Out-Null
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsSchemaClassCount']) {
            [long]::TryParse($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsSchemaClassCount'].GetValues([string]),[ref]$outVal) | Out-Null
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsSchemaPrefixCount']) {
            [long]::TryParse($rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsSchemaPrefixCount'].GetValues([string]),[ref]$outVal) | Out-Null
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['isGlobalCatalogReady']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['isSynchronized']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['pendingPropagations']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['subSchemaSubEntry']) {
         if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['domainControllerFunctionality']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['domainFunctionality']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['forestFunctionality']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplAllInboundNeighbors']) {
            foreach($val in $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplAllInboundNeighbors'].GetValues([string])) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplConnectionFailures']) {
            foreach($val in $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplConnectionFailures'].GetValues([string])) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplLinkFailures']) {
            foreach($val in $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplLinkFailures'].GetValues([string])) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplPendingOps']) {
            foreach($val in $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['msDS-ReplPendingOps'].GetValues([string])) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['dsaVersionString']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['serviceAccountInfo']) {
        if($null -ne $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['LDAPPoliciesEffective']) {
            foreach($val in $rsp.Entries[0].Attributes['LDAPPoliciesEffective'].GetValues([string]))
                if($vals.Length -gt 1) {

Function Get-LdapConnection
    Connects to LDAP server and returns LdapConnection object
    Creates connection to LDAP server according to parameters passed.
    LdapConnection object
Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
Returns LdapConnection for caller's domain controller, with active Kerberos Encryption for data transfer security
Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos -Credential (Get-AdmPwdCredential)
Returns LdapConnection for caller's domain controller, with active Kerberos Encryption for data transfer security, authenticated by automatically retrieved password from AdmPwd.E client
$thumb = '059d5318118e61fe54fd361ae07baf4644a67347'
$cert = (dir Cert:\CurrentUser\my).Where{$_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumb}[0]
Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -Port 636 -CertificateValidationFlags ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags]::AllowUnknownCertificateAuthority) -ClientCertificate $cert
Returns LdapConnection over SSL for given LDAP server, authenticated by a client certificate and allowing LDAP server to use self-signed certificate
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #LDAP server name
            #Default: default server given by environment

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #LDAP server port
            #Default: 389

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Use different credentials when connecting

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Type of encryption to use.

            #enable support for Fast Concurrent Bind

        #enable support for UDP transport

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Time before connection times out.
            #Default: 120 seconds
        $Timeout = (New-Object System.TimeSpan(0,0,120)),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #The type of authentication to use with the LdapConnection

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Requested LDAP protocol version
        $ProtocolVersion = 3,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Requested LDAP protocol version
        $CertificateValidationFlags = 'NoFlag',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Client certificate used for authenticcation instead of credentials
            #See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winldap/nc-winldap-queryclientcert

        if($null -eq $script:ConnectionParams)

        [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapDirectoryIdentifier]$di=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapDirectoryIdentifier($LdapServer, $Port, $FullyQualifiedDomainName, $ConnectionLess)

        if($null -ne $Credential)
            $LdapConnection=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection($di, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential())
            $LdapConnection=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection($di)

        foreach($server in $LdapServer) {$script:ConnectionParams[$server]=$connectionParams}
        if($CertificateValidationFlags -ne 'NoFlag')
            $connectionParams['ServerCertificateValidationFlags'] = $CertificateValidationFlags
            $LdapConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = { param(
                [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain] $chain = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain
                foreach($server in $LdapConnection.Directory.Servers)
                    if($server -in $script:ConnectionParams.Keys)
                        if($null -ne $connectionParam['ServerCertificateValidationFlags'])
                            $chain.ChainPolicy.VerificationFlags = $connectionParam['ServerCertificateValidationFlags']
                $result = $chain.Build($Certificate)
                return $result
        if($null -ne $ClientCertificate)
            $connectionParams['ClientCertificate'] = $ClientCertificate
            $LdapConnection.SessionOptions.QueryClientCertificate = { param(
                $clientCert = $null
                foreach($server in $LdapConnection.Directory.Servers)
                    if($server -in $script:ConnectionParams.Keys)
                        if($null -ne $connectionParam['ClientCertificate'])
                            $clientCert = $connectionParam['ClientCertificate']
                return $clientCert

        if ($null -ne $AuthType) {
            $LdapConnection.AuthType = $AuthType

        switch($EncryptionType) {
            'None' {break}
            'TLS' {
            'Kerberos' {
            'SSL' {
        $LdapConnection.Timeout = $Timeout

        if($FastConcurrentBind) {

Function Add-LdapObject
    Creates a new object in LDAP server
    Creates a new object in LDAP server.
    Optionally performs attribute transforms registered for Save action before saving changes
$Props = @{"distinguishedName"=$null;"objectClass"=$null;"sAMAccountName"=$null;"unicodePwd"=$null;"userAccountControl"=0}
$obj = new-object PSObject -Property $Props
$obj.DistinguishedName = "cn=user1,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com"
$obj.sAMAccountName = "User1"
$obj.ObjectClass = "User"
$obj.unicodePwd = "P@ssw0rd"
$obj.userAccountControl = "512"
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
Register-LdapAttributeTransform -name UnicodePwd -AttributeName unicodePwd
Add-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -Object $obj -BinaryProps unicodePwd
Creates new user account in domain.
Password is transformed to format expected by LDAP services by registered attribute transform
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Source object to copy properties from

            #Properties to ignore on source object

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #List of properties that we want to handle as byte stream.
            #Note: Properties not listed here are handled as strings
            #Default: empty list, which means that all properties are handled as strings

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #Existing LDAPConnection object.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Additional controls that caller may need to add to request

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Time before connection times out.
            #Default: 120 seconds
        $Timeout = (New-Object System.TimeSpan(0,0,120))

        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Object.DistinguishedName)) {
            throw (new-object System.ArgumentException("Input object missing DistinguishedName property"))
        [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AddRequest]$rqAdd=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AddRequest

        #add additional controls that caller may have passed
        foreach($ctrl in $AdditionalControls) {$rqAdd.Controls.Add($ctrl) | Out-Null}

        foreach($prop in (Get-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty)) {
            if($prop.Name -eq "distinguishedName") {continue}
            if($IgnoredProps -contains $prop.Name) {continue}
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute]$propAdd=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute
            $transform = $script:RegisteredTransforms[$prop.Name]
            $binaryInput = ($null -ne $transform -and $transform.BinaryInput -eq $true) -or ($prop.Name -in $BinaryProps)
            if($null -ne $transform -and $null -ne $transform.OnSave) {
                #transform defined -> transform to form accepted by directory
                $attrVal = (& $transform.OnSave -Values $Object.($prop.Name))
            else {
                #no transform defined - take value as-is
                $attrVal = $Object.($prop.Name)

            if($null -ne $attrVal)  #ignore empty props
                if($binaryInput) {
                    foreach($val in $attrVal) {
                        $propAdd.Add([byte[]]$val) | Out-Null
                } else {

                if($propAdd.Count -gt 0) {
                    $rqAdd.Attributes.Add($propAdd) | Out-Null
        if($rqAdd.Attributes.Count -gt 0) {
            $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rqAdd, $Timeout) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AddResponse] | Out-Null

Function Edit-LdapObject
    Modifies existing object in LDAP server
    Modifies existing object in LDAP server.
    Optionally performs attribute transforms registered for Save action before saving changes
$Props = @{"distinguishedName"=$null;employeeNumber=$null}
$obj = new-object PSObject -Property $Props
$obj.DistinguishedName = "cn=user1,cn=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com"
$obj.employeeNumber = "12345"
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
Edit-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -Object $obj
Modifies existing user account in domain.
$conn = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
$dse = Get-RootDSE -LdapConnection $conn
$User = Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $conn -searchFilter '(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=organizationalPerson)(sAMAccountName=myUser1))' -searchBase $dse.defaultNamingContext
$Group = Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $conn -searchFilter '(&(objectClass=group)(objectCategory=group)(cn=myGroup1))' -searchBase $dse.defaultNamingContext -AdditionalProperties @('member')
Edit-LdapObject -LdapConnection $conn -Object $Group -Mode Add
Finds user account in LDAP server and adds it to group
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Source object to copy properties from

            #Properties to ignore on source object. If not specified, no props are ignored

            #Properties to include on source object. If not specified, all props are included

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #List of properties that we want to handle as byte stream.
            #Note: Those properties must also be present in IncludedProps parameter. Properties not listed here are handled as strings
            #Default: empty list, which means that all properties are handled as strings

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #Existing LDAPConnection object.

            #Mode of operation
            #Replace: Replaces attribute values on target
            #Add: Adds attribute values to existing values on target
            #Delete: Removes atribute values from existing values on target

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Additional controls that caller may need to add to request

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Time before request times out.
            #Default: 120 seconds
        $Timeout = (New-Object System.TimeSpan(0,0,120)),

            #when turned on, we are returning modified object to pipeline

        if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Object.DistinguishedName)) {
            throw (new-object System.ArgumentException("Input object missing DistinguishedName property"))

        [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyRequest]$rqMod=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyRequest
        $permissiveModifyRqc = new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PermissiveModifyControl
        $permissiveModifyRqc.IsCritical = $false
        $rqMod.Controls.Add($permissiveModifyRqc) | Out-Null

        #add additional controls that caller may have passed
        foreach($ctrl in $AdditionalControls) {$rqMod.Controls.Add($ctrl) | Out-Null}

        foreach($prop in (Get-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty)) {
            if($prop.Name -eq "distinguishedName") {continue} #Dn is always ignored
            if($IgnoredProps -contains $prop.Name) {continue}
            if(($IncludedProps.Count -gt 0) -and ($IncludedProps -notcontains $prop.Name)) {continue}
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute]$propMod=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeModification
            $transform = $script:RegisteredTransforms[$prop.Name]
            $binaryInput = ($null -ne $transform -and $transform.BinaryInput -eq $true) -or ($prop.Name -in $BinaryProps)

            if($null -ne $transform -and $null -ne $transform.OnSave) {
                #transform defined -> transform to form accepted by directory
                $attrVal = (& $transform.OnSave -Values $Object.($prop.Name))
            else {
                #no transform defined - take value as-is
                $attrVal = $Object.($prop.Name)

            if($null -ne $attrVal) {
                #we're modifying property
                if($attrVal.Count -gt 0) {
                    if($binaryInput)  {
                        foreach($val in $attrVal) {
                            $propMod.Add([byte[]]$val) | Out-Null
                    } else {
                    $rqMod.Modifications.Add($propMod) | Out-Null
            } else {
                #source object has no value for property - we're removing value on target
                $rqMod.Modifications.Add($propMod) | Out-Null
        if($rqMod.Modifications.Count -gt 0) {
            $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rqMod, $Timeout) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyResponse] | Out-Null
        if($Passthrough) {$Object}

Function Remove-LdapObject
    Removes existing object from LDAP server
    Removes an object from LDAP server.
    All proprties of object are ignored and no transforms are performed; only distinguishedName property is used to locate the object.
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
Remove-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -Object "cn=User1,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com"
Removes existing user account.
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection (Get-LdapConnection) -SearchFilter:"(&(objectClass=organitationalUnit)(adminDescription=ToDelete))" -SearchBase:"dc=myDomain,dc=com" | Remove-LdapObject -UseTreeDelete
Removes existing subtree using TreeDeleteControl
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Either string containing distinguishedName or object with DistinguishedName property
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #Existing LDAPConnection object.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Additional controls that caller may need to add to request

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Whether or not to use TreeDeleteControl.

        [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DeleteRequest]$rqDel=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DeleteRequest
        #add additional controls that caller may have passed
        foreach($ctrl in $AdditionalControls) {$rqDel.Controls.Add($ctrl) | Out-Null}

                if($null -ne $Object.distinguishedName)
                    throw (new-object System.ArgumentException("DistinguishedName must be passed"))
        if($UseTreeDelete) {
            $rqDel.Controls.Add((new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.TreeDeleteControl)) | Out-Null
        $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rqDel) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DeleteResponse] | Out-Null

Function Rename-LdapObject
    Changes RDN of existing object or moves the object to a different subtree (or both at the same time)
    Performs only rename of object.
    All properties of object are ignored and no transforms are performed.
    Only distinguishedName property is used to locate the object.
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
Rename-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -Object "cn=User1,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -NewName 'cn=User2'
This command changes CN of User1 object to User2. Notice that 'cn=' is part of new name. This is required by protocol, when you do not provide it, you will receive NamingViolation error.
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection
Rename-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -Object "cn=User1,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -NewName "cn=User1" -NewParent "ou=CompanyUsers,dc=mydomain,dc=com"
This command Moves the User1 object to different OU. Notice the newName parameter - it's the same as old name as we do not rename the object a new name is required parameter for protocol.
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            #Either string containing distinguishedName
            #Or object with DistinguishedName property
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #Existing LDAPConnection object.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            #New name of object

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #DN of new parent

            #whether to delete original RDN

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #Additional controls that caller may need to add to request

        [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyDNRequest]$rqModDN=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyDNRequest
                    throw (new-object System.ArgumentException("DistinguishedName must be passed"))
        $rqModDn.NewName = $NewName
        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NewParent)) {$rqModDN.NewParentDistinguishedName = $NewParent}
        $rqModDN.DeleteOldRdn = ($DeleteOldRdn)
        $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rqModDN) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyDNResponse] | Out-Null

#Transform registration handling support

# Internal holder of registered transforms
$script:RegisteredTransforms = @{}

Function Register-LdapAttributeTransform
    Registers attribute transform logic
    Registered attribute transforms are used by various cmdlets to convert value to/from format used by LDAP server to/from more convenient format
    Sample transforms can be found in GitHub repository
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
#get list of available transforms
Get-LdapAttributeTransform -ListAvailable
#register transform for specific attributes only
Register-LdapAttributeTransform -Name Guid -AttributeName objectGuid
Register-LdapAttributeTransform -Name SecurityDescriptor -AttributeName ntSecurityDescriptor
#register for all supported attributes
Register-LdapAttributeTransform -Name Certificate
#find objects, applying registered transforms as necessary
# Notice that for attributes processed by a transform, there is no need to specify them in -BinaryProps parameter: transform 'knows' if it's binary or not
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -SearchBase "cn=User1,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -SearchScope Base -PropertiesToLoad 'cn','ntSecurityDescriptor','userCert,'userCertificate'
This example registers transform that converts raw byte array in ntSecurityDescriptor property into instance of System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
After command completes, returned object(s) will have instance of System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity in ntSecurityDescriptor property
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
#register all available transforms
Get-LdapAttributeTransform -ListAvailable | Register-LdapAttributeTransform
#find objects, applying registered transforms as necessary
# Notice that for attributes processed by a transform, there is no need to specify them in -BinaryProps parameter: transform 'knows' if it's binary or not
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -SearchBase "cn=User1,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -SearchScope Base -PropertiesToLoad 'cn','ntSecurityDescriptor','userCert,'userCertificate'
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx
More about attribute transforms and how to create them: https://github.com/jformacek/S.DS.P/tree/master/Transforms

    param (
            #Name of the transform
            #Name of the attribute that will be processed by transform
            #If not specified, transform will be registered on all supported attributes

            'TransformObject' {
                $Name = $transform.TransformName

        if(-not (Test-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Transforms\$Name.ps1") )
            throw new-object System.ArgumentException "Transform $Name not found"

        $SupportedAttributes = (& "$PSScriptRoot\Transforms\$Name.ps1").SupportedAttributes
            'Name' {
                    $attribs = $SupportedAttributes
                    if($supportedAttributes -contains $AttributeName)
                        $attribs = @($AttributeName)
            'TransformObject' {
                $attribs = $SupportedAttributes
        foreach($attr in $attribs)
            $t = (. "$PSScriptRoot\Transforms\$Name.ps1" -FullLoad)
            $t = $t | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value $Name -PassThru
            $script:RegisteredTransforms[$attr]= $t

Function Unregister-LdapAttributeTransform
    Unregisters previously registered attribute transform logic
    Unregisters attribute transform. Attribute transforms transform attributes from simple types provided by LDAP server to more complex types. Transforms work on attribute level and do not have acces to values of other attributes.
    Transforms must be constructed using specific logic, see existing transforms and template on GitHub
$Ldap = Get-LdapConnection -LdapServer "mydc.mydomain.com" -EncryptionType Kerberos
#get list of available transforms
Get-LdapAttributeTransform -ListAvailable
#register necessary transforms
Register-LdapAttributeTransform -Name Guid -AttributeName objectGuid
#we no longer need the transform, let's unregister
Unregister-LdapAttributeTransform -AttributeName objectGuid
Find-LdapObject -LdapConnection $Ldap -SearchBase "cn=User1,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -SearchScope Base -PropertiesToLoad 'cn',objectGuid -BinaryProperties 'objectGuid'
#now objectGuid property of returned object contains raw byte array
This example registers transform that converts raw byte array in ntSecurityDescriptor property into instance of System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
After command completes, returned object(s) will have instance of System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity in ntSecurityDescriptor property
Then transform is unregistered, so subsequent calls do not use it
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx
More about attribute transforms and how to create them: https://github.com/jformacek/S.DS.P/tree/master/Transforms

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
            #Name of the attribute to unregister transform from

        if($script:RegisteredTransforms.Keys -contains $AttributeName)

Function Get-LdapAttributeTransform
    Lists registered attribute transform logic
    List of registered transforms
More about System.DirectoryServices.Protocols: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332056.aspx
More about attribute transforms and how to create them: https://github.com/jformacek/S.DS.P

    param (
            #Lists all tranforms available
        $TransformList = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Transforms\*.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        foreach($transformFile in $TransformList)
            $transform = (& $transformFile.FullName)
            $transform = $transform | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TransformName' -Value ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($transformFile.FullName)) -PassThru
            $transform | Select-Object TransformName,SupportedAttributes
    else {
        foreach($attrName in ($script:RegisteredTransforms.Keys | Sort-object))
            New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([Ordered]@{
                AttributeName = $attrName
                TransformName = $script:RegisteredTransforms[$attrName].Name

Add-Type @'
public static class Flattener
    public static System.Object FlattenArray(System.Object[] arr)
        if(arr==null) return null;
            case 0:
                return null;
            case 1:
                return arr[0];
                return arr;

if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') {$referencedAssemblies+='System.Security.Principal.Windows'}
Add-Type @'
public class NamingContext
    public System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier SID {get; set;}
    public System.Guid GUID {get; set;}
    public string distinguishedName {get; set;}
    public override string ToString() {return distinguishedName;}
    public static NamingContext Parse(string ctxDef)
        NamingContext retVal = new NamingContext();
        var parts = ctxDef.Split(';');
        if(parts.Length == 1)
            retVal.distinguishedName = parts[0];
            foreach(string part in parts)
                    retVal.SID=new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(part.Substring(5,part.Length-6));
        return retVal;
 -ReferencedAssemblies $referencedAssemblies

Function InitializeItemTemplateInternal

        foreach($prop in $additionalProps) {$template[$prop]= $null}
        foreach($prop in $props) {$template[$prop]=@()}
function GetResultsDirectlyInternal
        $template=InitializeItemTemplateInternal -props $PropertiesToLoad -additionalProps $additionalProps
        $pagedRqc=$rq.Controls | Where-Object{$_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultRequestControl]}
        if($NoAttributes) {
            $rq.Attributes.Add('1.1') | Out-Null
        } else {
            $rq.Attributes.AddRange($propertiesToLoad) | Out-Null
            $rsp = $conn.SendRequest($rq, $Timeout) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResponse]
            foreach ($sr in $rsp.Entries)
                foreach($attrName in $sr.Attributes.AttributeNames) {
                    $transform = $script:RegisteredTransforms[$attrName]
                    $BinaryInput = ($null -ne $transform -and $transform.BinaryInput -eq $true) -or ($attrName -in $BinaryProperties)
                    if($null -ne $transform -and $null -ne $transform.OnLoad)
                        if($BinaryInput -eq $true) {
                            $data[$attrName] = (& $transform.OnLoad -Values ($sr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([byte[]])))
                        } else {
                            $data[$attrName] = (& $transform.OnLoad -Values ($sr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([string])))
                    } else {
                        if($BinaryInput -eq $true) {
                            $data[$attrName] += $sr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([byte[]])
                        } else {
                            $data[$attrName] += $sr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([string])
                foreach($prop in $coll) {$data[$prop] = [Flattener]::FlattenArray($data[$prop])}
                #return result to pipeline
                New-Object PSCustomObject -Property $data
            #the response may contain paged search response. If so, we will need a cookie from it
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultResponseControl] $prrc=$rsp.Controls | Where-Object{$_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultResponseControl]}
            if($null -ne $prrc -and $prrc.Cookie.Length -ne 0 -and $null -ne $pagedRqc) {
                #pass the search cookie back to server in next paged request
                $pagedRqc.Cookie = $prrc.Cookie;
            } else {
                #either non paged search or we've processed last page

function GetResultsIndirectlyInternal




        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
            #additional controls that caller may need to add to request


        $template=InitializeItemTemplateInternal -props $PropertiesToLoad -additionalProps $additionalProps
        $pagedRqc=$rq.Controls | Where-Object{$_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultRequestControl]}
        $rq.Attributes.AddRange($propertiesToLoad) | Out-Null
        #load only attribute names now and attribute values later
        while ($true)
            $rsp = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rq, $Timeout) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResponse];

            #now process the returned list of distinguishedNames and fetch required properties directly from returned objects
            foreach ($sr in $rsp.Entries)


                $rqAttr=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest

                #loading just attributes indicated as present in first search
                $rqAttr.Attributes.AddRange($sr.Attributes.AttributeNames) | Out-Null
                $rspAttr = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rqAttr)
                foreach ($srAttr in $rspAttr.Entries) {
                    foreach($attrName in $srAttr.Attributes.AttributeNames) {
                        $transform = $script:RegisteredTransforms[$attrName]
                        $BinaryInput = ($null -ne $transform -and $transform.BinaryInput -eq $true) -or ($attrName -in $BinaryProperties)
                        #protecting against LDAP servers who don't understand '1.1' prop
                        if($null -ne $transform -and $null -ne $transform.OnLoad)
                            if($BinaryInput -eq $true) {
                                $data[$attrName] = (& $transform.OnLoad -Values ($srAttr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([byte[]])))
                            } else {
                                $data[$attrName] = (& $transform.OnLoad -Values ($srAttr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([string])))
                        } else {
                            if($BinaryInput -eq $true) {
                                $data[$attrName] += $srAttr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([byte[]])
                            } else {
                                $data[$attrName] += $srAttr.Attributes[$attrName].GetValues([string])
                foreach($prop in $coll) {$data[$prop] = [Flattener]::FlattenArray($data[$prop])}
                #return result to pipeline
                New-Object PSCustomObject -Property $data
            #the response may contain paged search response. If so, we will need a cookie from it
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultResponseControl] $prrc=$rsp.Controls | Where-Object{$_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultResponseControl]}
            if($null -ne $prrc -and $prrc.Cookie.Length -ne 0 -and $null -ne $pagedRqc) {
                #pass the search cookie back to server in next paged request
                $pagedRqc.Cookie = $prrc.Cookie;
            } else {
                #either non paged search or we've processed last page

function GetResultsIndirectlyRangedInternal




            #additional controls that caller may need to add to request



        $template=InitializeItemTemplateInternal -props $PropertiesToLoad -additionalProps $additionalProps
        $pagedRqc=$rq.Controls | Where-Object{$_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultRequestControl]}
        #load only attribute names now and attribute values later
        while ($true)
            $rsp = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rq, $Timeout) -as [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResponse];

            #now process the returned list of distinguishedNames and fetch required properties directly from returned objects
            foreach ($sr in $rsp.Entries)

                $rqAttr=new-object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest

                #loading just attributes indicated as present in first search
                foreach($attrName in $sr.Attributes.AttributeNames) {
                    $transform = $script:RegisteredTransforms[$attrName]
                    $BinaryInput = ($null -ne $transform -and $transform.BinaryInput -eq $true) -or ($attrName -in $BinaryProperties)
                    while ($lastRange -eq $false) {
                        $start += $rangeSize
                        $rng = "$($attrName.ToLower());range=$start`-$($start+$rangeSize-1)"
                        $rqAttr.Attributes.Clear() | Out-Null
                        $rqAttr.Attributes.Add($rng) | Out-Null
                        $rspAttr = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($rqAttr)
                        foreach ($srAttr in $rspAttr.Entries) {
                            #LDAP server changes upper bound to * on last chunk
                            #load binary properties as byte stream, other properties as strings
                            if($BinaryInput) {
                            } else {
                                $data[$attrName] += $srAttr.Attributes[$returnedAttrName].GetValues([string])
                            if($returnedAttrName.EndsWith("-*") -or $returnedAttrName -eq $attrName) {
                                #last chunk arrived
                                $lastRange = $true

                    #perform transform if registered
                    if($null -ne $transform -and $null -ne $transform.OnLoad)
                        $data[$attrName] = (& $transform.OnLoad -Values $data[$attrName])
                foreach($prop in $coll) {$data[$prop] = [Flattener]::FlattenArray($data[$prop])}
                #return result to pipeline
                New-Object PSCustomObject -Property $data
            #the response may contain paged search response. If so, we will need a cookie from it
            [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultResponseControl] $prrc=$rsp.Controls | Where-Object{$_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.PageResultResponseControl]}
            if($null -ne $prrc -and $prrc.Cookie.Length -ne 0 -and $null -ne $pagedRqc) {
                #pass the search cookie back to server in next paged request
                $pagedRqc.Cookie = $prrc.Cookie;
            } else {
                #either non paged search or we've processed last page