
     Created on: 10/16/2017 9:12 PM
     Created by: JordanTheITGuy
     Filename: CollectionDependencies.psm1
     Module Name: SCCM-ProbRes

#Import-Module (Join-Path $(Split-Path $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH) ConfigurationManager.psd1)
#Remove the above comment if you want the module to auto attempt to load the Configuration Manager module.

#Requires -Modules SQLServer , ConfigurationManager
#If auto-load is enabled (Default) this sets the requirements and will attempt to load the required modules if they are in the PSModule Library.

function Get-CollectionRelationships
#Uses SQL Commands to connect to SCCM database and get collection include/exclue relationships. Results can be saved to a variable.
#User can specificy the Server name and Database Name if not specified script assumes local server, and will attempt to find the DB CM_*
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $CollectionID = "'" + $CollectionID + "'"
    $Var = "ColID = $CollectionID"
    If ($Server)
        Write-Verbose "Connecting to $Server provided by user"
        Write-Verbose "User did not proivde SQL Server to connect to assuming local server $ENV:COMPUTERNAME"
        $Server = $ENV:COMPUTERNAME
    If ($DataBase)
        Write-Verbose "Connecting to $DataBase specified by user"
        Write-Verbose -Message 'User did not provide Database Name attempting to determine'
        If ($Server -ne $ENV:COMPUTERNAME)
            $CMDB = Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $Server -Verbose:$false | where { $_.Name -like "CM_*" } | select Name
            $DataBase = $CMDB.Name
            Write-Verbose "Using Remote SQL Server determined database name as $DataBase"
            $CMDB = Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $ENV:COMPUTERNAME -Verbose:$false | where { $_.Name -like "CM_*" } | select Name
            $DataBase = $CMDB.Name
            Write-Verbose "Assuming Local Server determined database name as $DataBase"
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Executing SQL Query to collect Collection Relationships'
    $CollectionRelationships = Invoke-Sqlcmd -query "select distinct as 'CollectionName', v_Collection.Collectionid as RuleCollectionID, vSMS_CollectionDependencies.SourceCollectionID as 'SourceCollectionID', Case When vSMS_CollectionDependencies.relationshiptype = 1 then 'Limited' when vSMS_CollectionDependencies.relationshiptype = 2 then 'Include ' when vSMS_CollectionDependencies.relationshiptype = 3 then 'Exclude ' end as 'Relationship' from v_Collection join vSMS_CollectionDependencies on vSMS_CollectionDependencies.DependentCollectionID = v_Collection.CollectionID where vSMS_CollectionDependencies.SourceCollectionID = `$(ColID)" -ServerInstance $Server -Database $DataBase -Variable $Var

function Remove-CollectionRules
#Accepts a PS object that is the result of Get-CollectionRelationships. Reads the object and will remove collection include/exclude dependencies.
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]
    $CurentDir = (get-item -Path ".\" -Verbose).Fullname
    #Gets the current directory - returns here after executing functions
    If ($SiteServer.substring($SiteServer.Length - 1) -eq ':')
            Write-Verbose "Mounted drive $SiteServer"
            Set-Location $SiteServer -Verbose:$false
            #Sets the location of the SCCM Site Server Drive
            Write-Verbose "Computer failed to mount the site server drive"
    Elseif ($SiteServer.substring($SiteServer.Length - 1) -ne ':')
            $SiteServer = $SiteServer + ":"
            Write-Verbose "Mounted drive $SiteServer"
            Set-Location $SiteServer -Verbose:$false
            Write-Verbose "Computer failed to mount the site server drive"
    ForEach ($Item in $CollectionRulesToEvaluate)
        If ($Item.Relationship -match 'Include')
            $SourceCollectionID = $Item.SourceCollectionID
            $RuleCollectionID = $Item.RuleCollectionID
            Write-Verbose "Removing the Include rule $SourceCollectionID from the collection $RuleCollectionID"
            Remove-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule -CollectionID $Item.RuleCollectionID -IncludeCollectionID $Item.SourceCollectionID -force
            #If the $Item is an include rule, it sets variables and removes the collection rule.
        elseif ($Item.Relationship -match 'Exclude')
            $SourceCollectionID = $Item.SourceCollectionID
            $RuleCollectionID = $Item.RuleCollectionID
            Write-Verbose "Removing the Exclude rule $SourceCollectionID from the collection $RuleCollectionID"
            Remove-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionID $Item.RuleCollectionID -ExcludeCollectionID $Item.SourceCollectionID -force
            #If the $Item is an exclude rule it sets variables and removes the collection rule.
    Set-Location $CurentDir -Verbose:$false
    #returns to source directory.