
# Some hard-coded definitions
New-Variable -Name "MSGraphAppId" -Value "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly
#$MSGraphAppId = "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"
New-Variable -Name "MSGraphUserReadPermission" -Value "e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly

New-Variable -Name "MSGraphDirectoryReadAllPermission" -Value "7ab1d382-f21e-4acd-a863-ba3e13f7da61" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly
New-Variable -Name "MSGraphDeviceManagementReadPermission" -Value "2f51be20-0bb4-4fed-bf7b-db946066c75e" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly
New-Variable -Name "MSGraphDeviceManagementConfigurationReadAll" -Value "dc377aa6-52d8-4e23-b271-2a7ae04cedf3" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly
New-Variable -Name "MSGraphIdentityRiskyUserReadPermission" -Value "dc5007c0-2d7d-4c42-879c-2dab87571379" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly # IdentityRiskyUser.Read.All

# "0000000a-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Service Principal App Id of Intune, not required here
New-Variable -Name "IntuneAppId" -Value "c161e42e-d4df-4a3d-9b42-e7a3c31f59d4" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly # Well-known App ID of the Intune API
New-Variable -Name "IntuneSCEPChallengePermission" -Value "39d724e8-6a34-4930-9a36-364082c35716" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly

# To-be JSON defining App Role that CertMaster uses to authenticate against SCEPman
New-Variable -Name "ScepmanManifest" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly -Value @(@{
  'allowedMemberTypes' = @( 'Application' )
  'description' = "Request certificates via the raw CSR API"
  'displayName' = 'CSR Requesters'
  'isEnabled' = $true
  'value' = 'CSR.Request'
  'allowedMemberTypes' = @( 'Application' )
  'description' = "Request certificates via the raw CSR API that automatically stores issued certificates"
  'displayName' = 'CSR DB Requesters'
  'isEnabled' = $true
  'value' = 'CSR.Request.Db'
  'allowedMemberTypes' = @( 'Application' )
  'description' = "Request certificates via the raw CSR API with the caller being responsible for storing the certificates"
  'displayName' = 'Direct CSR Requesters'
  'isEnabled' = $true
  'value' = 'CSR.Request.Direct'

# To-be JSON defining App Role that User can have to when authenticating against CertMaster
New-Variable -Name "CertmasterManifest" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly -Value @(@{
  'allowedMemberTypes' = @( 'User' )
  'description' = "Full access to all SCEPman CertMaster functions like requesting and managing certificates"
  'displayName' = 'Full Admin'
  'isEnabled' = $true
  'value' = 'Admin.Full'

New-Variable -Name "Artifacts_Certmaster" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly -Value @{
  prod =  ""
  beta = ""
  internal = ""

New-Variable -Name "Artifacts_Scepman" -Scope "Script" -Option ReadOnly -Value @{
  prod =  ""
  beta = ""
  internal = ""