
    This resource is responsible for enabling or disabling key exchange algorithms.
.PARAMETER KeyExchangeAlgorithm
    Key - String
    Allowed values: Diffie-Hellman, ECDH, PKCS
    Specifies the Key Exchange Algorithm to configure
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Enabled, Disabled, Default
    Specifies the state of the specified Key Exchange Algorithm
.PARAMETER RebootWhenRequired
    Write - Boolean
    Specifies if a reboot will be performed when required (Default: False)
This example shows how to enable the ECDH key exchange algorithm.
Configuration Example
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SChannelDsc
    node localhost {
        KeyExchangeAlgorithm EnableECDH
            KeyExchangeAlgorithm = "ECDH"
            State = "Enabled"
This example shows how to disable the ECDH key exchange algorithm.
Configuration Example
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SChannelDsc
    node localhost {
        KeyExchangeAlgorithm DisableECDH
            KeyExchangeAlgorithm = "ECDH"
            State = "Disabled"
This example shows how to reset the ECDH key exchange algorithm to the OS default.
Configuration Example
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SChannelDsc
    node localhost {
        KeyExchangeAlgorithm DisableECDH
            KeyExchangeAlgorithm = "ECDH"
            State = "Default"