
$ModuleVersion = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Version

    Read existing SEPPmail Exchange Online connectors
    SEPPmail uses 2 Connectors to transfer messages between SEPPmail and Exchange Online
    This commandlet will show existing connectors.

function Get-SM365Connectors

    if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"
    else {
        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings
        $outbound = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings
        if (Get-OutboundConnector -outvariable obc | Where-Object Identity -eq $($outbound.Name))
            $obc|select-object Name,Enabled,WhenCreated,SmartHosts
        else {
            Write-Warning "No SEPPmail Outbound Connector with name `"$($outbound.Name)`" found"
        if (Get-InboundConnector -outvariable ibc | Where-Object Identity -eq $($inbound.Name))
            $ibc|select-object Name,Enabled,WhenCreated,TlsSenderCertificateName
            Write-Warning "No SEPPmail Inbound Connector with Name `"$($inbound.Name)`" found"

    Adds SEPPmail Exchange Online connectors
    SEPPmail uses 2 Connectors to transfer messages between SEPPmail and Exchange Online
    This commandlet will create the connectors for you.
    The -SEPPmailFQDN must point to a SEPPmail Appliance with a valid certificate to establish the TLS connection.
    To use a wildcard certifiacate, use the -TLSCertName parameter.
    Takes the Exchange Online environment settings and creates Inbound and Outbound connectors to a SEPPmail Appliance with a wildcard TLS certificate
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN '' -TLSCertName '*'
    Takes the Exchange Online environment settings and creates Inbound and Outbound connectors to a SEPPmail Appliance.
    Assumes that the TLS certificate is identical with the SEPPmail FQDN
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN ''
    Same as above, just no officially trusted certificate needed
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN '' -AllowSelfSignedCertificates
    Same as the default config, just with no TLS encryption at all.
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN -NoOutBoundTlsCheck
    If you want to create the connectors, but just disable them on creation, use the -Disabled switch.
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN -Disabled
    If your SEPPmail is just accessible via an IP Address, use the -SEPPmailIP parameter.
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailIp ''
    To avoid, adding the SEPPmail to the ANTI-SPAM WHiteList of Microsoft Defender use the example below
    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN -Option NoAntiSpamWhiteListing

function New-SM365Connectors
         SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
         ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
         DefaultParameterSetName = 'FqdnTls'

        #region FqdnTls
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'FQDN of the SEPPmail Appliance, i.e.',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnTls',
            Position = 0
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'FQDN of the SEPPmail Appliance, i.e.',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnNoTls',
            Position = 0
        [String] $SEPPmailFQDN,
        #endregion fqdntls

        #region TLSSenderCertificateName
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Name of the certificate if different from the SEPPmail-FQDN. Read the cetificate name in your SEPPmail under SSL==>Issued to==>Name (CN)',
            ParameterSetname = 'FqdnTls',
            Position = 1
        [String] $TLSCertificateName,

        #region selfsigned
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'OutBound Connector trusts also self signed certificates',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnTls'
        [Switch] $AllowSelfSignedCertificates,
        #endregion SelfSigned

        #region NoOutboundTls
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'OutBound Connector allows also non-TLS conenctions',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnNoTls'
        [Switch] $NoOutBoundTlsCheck,
        #endregion NoTls

        #region IP
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'If SEPPmail has no FQDN and is represented as an IP Address',
            ParameterSetName = 'Ip',
            Position = 0
        [string] $SEPPmailIP,
        #endregion IP

        #region NoAntiSpamWhiteListing
            HelpMessage = 'Do not Add SEPPmailIP to the HostedConnectionFilterPolicy',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnTls'
            HelpMessage = 'Do not Add SEPPmailIP to the HostedConnectionFilterPolicy',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnNoTls'
            HelpMessage = 'Do not Add SEPPmailIP to the HostedConnectionFilterPolicy',
            ParameterSetName = 'Ip'
        [switch]$NoAntiSpamWhiteListing = $false,

        #region disabled
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Disable the connectors on creation',
            ParameterSetName = 'FqdnTls'
           Mandatory = $false,
           HelpMessage = 'Disable the connectors on creation',
           ParameterSetName = 'FqdnNoTls'
           Mandatory = $false,
           HelpMessage = 'Disable the connectors on creation',
           ParameterSetName = 'Ip'
        #endregion disabled


        {throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"}
        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        #resolve IP
        if ($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -like 'Fqdn*') {
            try {
                Write-Verbose "Transform $SEPPmailFQDN to IP Adress for IP based options"
                $SEPPmailIP = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($SEPPmailFQDN).IPAddressToString)
                Write-Verbose "$SEPPmailFQDN equals the IP(s): $SEPPmailIP"
            catch {
                Write-Error "Could not resolve IP Address of $SEPPmailFQDN. Please check SEPPmailFQDN hostname and try again."

        Write-Verbose "Prepare Values out of Parametersets"
        If (($PsCmdLet.ParameterSetName -like 'FqdnTls') -or ($PsCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FqdnTls')) {
                $InboundTlsDomain = $SEPPmailFQDN
                $OutboundTlsDomain = $SEPPmailFQDN
        else {
            [string[]]$SenderIPAddresses = $SEPPmailIP

        #region collecting existing connectors
        Write-Verbose "Collecting existing connectors"
        $allInboundConnectors = Get-InboundConnector
        $allOutboundConnectors = Get-OutboundConnector

        Write-Verbose "Testing for hybrid Setup"
        $HybridInboundConn = $allInboundConnectors |Where-Object {(($_.Name -clike 'Inbound from *') -or ($_.ConnectorSource -clike 'HybridWizard'))}
        $HybridOutBoundConn = $allOutboundConnectors |Where-Object {(($_.Name -clike 'Outbound to *') -or ($_.ConnectorSource -clike 'HybridWizard'))}

        if ($HybridInboundConn -or $HybridOutBoundConn)
            Write-Warning "!!! - Hybrid Configuration detected - we assume you know what you are doing. Be sure to backup your connector settings before making any change."

                Write-Verbose "Ask user to continue if Hybrid is found."
                Do {
                    try {
                        [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$hybridContinue = Read-Host -Prompt "Create SEPPmail connectors in hybrid environment ? (Y/N)"
                    catch {}
                until ($?)
                if ($hybridContinue -eq 'n') {
                    Write-Verbose "Exiting due to user decision."
                # should we error out here, since connector creation might be dangerous?
        } else {
            Write-Information "No Hybrid Connectors detected, seems to be a clean cloud-only environment" -InformationAction Continue


        #region OutboundConnector
        $param = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings
        if ($PsCmdLet.ParameterSetname -like 'fqdn*') {
            $param.SmartHosts = $SEPPmailFQDN            
        } else {
            $param.SmartHosts = $SenderIPAddresses                  
        Write-Verbose "Set Tls outbound domain depending in ParameterSetName $PsCmdLet.ParameterSetName"
        if ($PsCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FqdnTls') {
            $param.TlsDomain = $OutboundTlsDomain
            if ($AllowSelfSignedCertificates) {
                $param.TlsSettings = 'EncryptionOnly'

        if ($PsCmdLet.ParameterSetName -ne 'FqdnTls') {
            $param.TlsSettings = $null

        Write-verbose "if -disabled switch is used, the connector stays deactivated"
        if ($Disabled) {
            $param.Enabled = $false

        Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail outbound connector"
        $existingSMOutboundConn = $allOutboundConnectors | Where-Object Name -like '`[SEPPmail`]*'
        # only $false if the user says so interactively
        [bool]$createOutBound = $true #Set Default Value
        if ($existingSMOutboundConn)
            Write-Warning "Found existing SEPPmail outbound connector with name: `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.Name)`" created on `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.WhenCreated)`" pointing to SEPPmail `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.TlsDomain)`" "

                [string] $tmp = $null

                Do {
                    try {
                        [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$tmp = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate the outbound connector (will only work if no rules use it)? (Y/N)"
                    catch {}
                until ($?)

                if ($tmp -eq 'y') {
                    $createOutbound = $true

                    Write-Verbose "Removing existing Outbound Connector $($existingSMOutboundConn.Name) !"
                    if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($existingSMOutboundConn.Name), 'Removing existing SEPPmail Outbound Connector')) {
                        $existingSMOutboundConn | Remove-OutboundConnector -Confirm:$false # user already confirmed action

                        if (!$?)
                        { throw $error[0] }
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Leaving existing SEPPmail outbound connector `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.Name)`" untouched."
                    $createOutbound = $false
                throw [System.Exception] "Outbound connector $($outbound.Name) already exists"
        {Write-Verbose "No existing Outbound Connector found"}

            Write-Verbose "Creating SEPPmail Outbound Connector $($param.Name)!"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($param.Name), 'Creating Outbound Connector'))
                Write-Debug "Outbound Connector settings:"
                $param.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object{
                    Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                $Now = Get-Date
                $param.Comment += "`n#Created with SEPPmail365 PowerShell Module version $ModuleVersion on $now"

                if ($TLSCertificateName.Length -gt 0) {
                    $param.TlsDomain = $TLSCertificateName

                [void](New-OutboundConnector @param)

                {throw $error[0]}
        #endregion OutboundConnector

        #region - Inbound Connector
        Write-Verbose "Read Inbound Connector Settings"
        $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings
        if ($PSCmdLet.ParametersetName -eq 'FqdnTls') {
            $inbound.TlsSenderCertificateName = $InboundTlsDomain
        Write-verbose "if -disabled switch is used, the connector stays deactivated"
        if ($disabled) {
            $inbound.Enabled = $false

        Write-Verbose "Setting SEPPmail IP Address(es) $SEPPmailIP for EFSkipIP´s and Anti-SPAM Whitelist"
        [string[]]$SEPPmailIpRange = $SEPPmailIP
        $inbound.EFSkipIPs = $SEPPmailIpRange

        Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector from Exchange Online"
        $existingSMInboundConn = $allInboundConnectors | Where-Object Name -like '`[SEPPmail`]*'

        # only $false if the user says so interactively
        [bool]$createInbound = $true
        if ($existingSMInboundConn)
            Write-Warning "Found existing SEPPmail inbound Connector with name: `"$($existingSMInboundConn.Name)`", created `"$($existingSMInboundConn.WhenCreated)`" incoming SEPPmail is `"$($existingSMInboundConn.TlsSenderCertificateName)`""

                [string] $tmp = $null
                Do {
                    try {
                        [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$tmp = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate the inbound connector (will only work if no rules use it)? (Y/N)"
                    catch {}
                until ($?)

                if ($tmp -eq 'y') {
                    $createInbound = $true

                    Write-Verbose "Removing existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector $($existingSMInboundConn.Name) !"
                    if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($existingSMInboundConn.Name), 'Removing existing SEPPmail inbound Connector')) {
                        $existingSMInboundConn | Remove-InboundConnector -Confirm:$false # user already confirmed action

                        if (!$?)
                        { throw $error[0] }
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Leaving existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector `"$($existingSMInboundConn.Name)`" untouched."
                    $createInbound = $false
                throw [System.Exception] "Inbound connector $($inbound.Name) already exists"
        {Write-Verbose "No existing Inbound Connector found"}

            # necessary assignment for splatting
            $param = $inbound

            Write-Verbose "Modify params based on ParameterSet"
            Write-Verbose "IP based Config, using $SenderIPAdresses"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Ip') {
                $param.SenderIPAddresses = $SenderIPAddresses
                $param.RequireTls = $false
            Write-Verbose "FQDN and Self Signed certificates, TLSCertificatename = $SEPPmailFQDN"
            if (($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FQDNTls') -and ($AllowSelfSignedCertificates)) {
                $param.RestrictDomainsToCertificate = $false
                $param.TlsSenderCertificateName = $SEPPmailFQDN
            Write-Verbose "FQDN and certificatename equals FQDN, using $SEPpmailFQDN as TLSCertificateName"
            if (($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FQDNTls') -and ($TLSCertificateName.Length -eq 0)) {
                $param.TlsSenderCertificateName = $SEPPmailFQDN
            Write-Verbose "FQDN and certificatename specified, using $TlscertificateName as TLSCertificateName"
            if (($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FQDNTls') -and ($TLSCertificateName.Length -gt 0)) {
                $param.TlsSenderCertificateName = $TLSCertificateName
            Write-Verbose "NoTls, using $SEPPmailFQDN as TLSCertificateName"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FqdnNoTls') {
                $param.TlsSenderCertificateName = $SEPPmailFQDN

            Write-Verbose "Creating SEPPmail Inbound Connector $($param.Name)!"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($param.Name), 'Creating Inbound Connector'))
                Write-Debug "Inbound Connector settings:"
                $param.GetEnumerator() | Foreach-Object {
                    Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"
                $Now = Get-Date
                $ModuleVersion = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Version
                $param.Comment += "`n#Created with SEPPmail365 PowerShell Module version $ModuleVersion on $now"
                [void](New-InboundConnector @param)

                if(!$?) {
                    throw $error[0]
                } else {
                    #region - Add SMFQDN to hosted Connection Filter Policy Whitelist
                    if ($NoAntiSpamWhiteListing -eq $true)
                        Write-Verbose "Adding SEPPmail Appliance to wWhitelist in 'Hosted Connection Filter Policy'"
                        Write-Verbose "Collecting existing WhiteList"
                        $hcfp = Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy
                        [string[]]$existingAllowList = $hcfp.IPAllowList
                        Write-verbose "Adding SEPPmail Appliance to Policy $($hcfp.Id)"
                        if ($existingAllowList) {
                            $FinalIPList = ($existingAllowList + $SEPPmailIP)|sort-object -Unique
                        else {
                            $FinalIPList = $SEPPmailIP
                        Write-verbose "Adding IPaddress list with content $finalIPList to Policy $($hcfp.Id)"
                        if ($FinalIPList) {
                            Set-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy -Identity $hcfp.Id -IPAllowList $finalIPList
                    #endRegion - Hosted Connection Filter Policy WhiteList
        #endRegion InboundConnector


    Removes the SEPPmail inbound and outbound connectors
    Convenience function to remove the SEPPmail connectors

function Remove-SM365Connectors

    if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
    { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

    Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

    $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings
    $outbound = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings
    $hcfp = Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($outbound.Name, "Remove SEPPmail outbound connector $($Outbound.Name)"))
        if (Get-OutboundConnector | Where-Object Identity -eq $($outbound.Name))
            Remove-OutboundConnector $outbound.Name
        else {
            Write-Warning 'No SEPPmail Outbound Connector found'

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($inbound.Name, "Remove SEPPmail inbound connector $($inbound.Name)"))
        $InboundConnector = Get-InboundConnector | Where-Object Identity -eq $($inbound.Name)
        if ($inboundConnector)
            Write-Verbose 'Collect Inbound Connector IP for later Whitelistremoval'
            [string]$InboundSEPPmailIP = $null
            if ($inboundConnector.SenderIPAddresses.count -le 1) {
                $InboundSEPPmailIP = $InboundConnector.SenderIPAddresses[0]
            if ($inboundConnector.TlsSenderCertificateName) {
                try {
                    $InboundSEPPmailIP = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($($inboundConnector.TlsSenderCertificateName)).IPAddressToString)
                catch {
                    $InboundSEPPmailIP = $null
            Remove-InboundConnector $inbound.Name

            Write-Verbose "If Inbound Connector has been removed, remove also Whitelisted IPs"
            if ((!($leaveAntiSpamWhiteList)) -and (!(Get-InboundConnector | Where-Object Identity -eq $($inbound.Name))) -and ($InboundSEPPmailIP))
                    Write-Verbose "Remove SEPPmail Appliance IP from Whitelist in 'Hosted Connection Filter Policy'"
                    Write-Verbose "Collecting existing WhiteList"
                    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$existingAllowList = $hcfp.IPAllowList
                    Write-verbose "Removing SEPPmail Appliance IP $InboundSEPPmailIP from Policy $($hcfp.Id)"
                    if ($existingAllowList) {
                        Set-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy -Identity $hcfp.Id -IPAllowList $existingAllowList
                        Write-Information "IP: $InboundSEPPmailIP removed from Hosted Connection Filter Policy $hcfp.Id"
            Write-Warning 'No SEPPmail Inbound Connector found'

if (!(Get-Alias 'Set-SM365Connectors' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
    New-Alias -Name Set-SM365Connectors -Value New-SM365Connectors

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# A3T/wE3Bkh6os/1pWseEMQirPRG74okbvb1KCu0uBzs56eq5toMuIuntggICxkFR
# p7dr4xLuJ+BUu4MoFJ2wwQf6hG43WIYx+cCHKSDQ/mW11GU18O9CUgWKoYJxFpoZ
# ULd+qj+ls+21tbfuizIjFOCYHiERazWOjy4MQfHDmrIHD/cIaQGF/kY1z2ZQ4d4Q
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# SIG # End signature block