
    Generates a report of the current Status of the Exchange Online environment
    The report will write all needed information of Exchange Online into an HTML file. This is useful for documentation and decisions for the integration. It also makes sense as some sort of snapshot documentation before and after an integration into
    PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport
    This reads relevant information of Exchange Online and writes a summary report in an HTML in the current directory
    PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -FilePath '~/Desktop'
    -Filepath requires a relative path and may be used with or without filename (auto-generated filename)
    PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -LiteralPath c:\temp\expreport.html
    Literalpath requires a full and valid path
    HTML Report
    See for more

function New-SC365ExOReport {
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
                ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
     DefaultParameterSetName  = 'FilePath',
                      HelpURI = ''
    Param (
        # Define output relative Filepath
           Mandatory   = $false,
           HelpMessage = 'Relative path of the HTML report on disk',
           ParameterSetName = 'FilePath',
           Position = 0
           #Position = 0
        [string]$filePath = '.',

           Mandatory   = $false,
           HelpMessage = 'Literal path of the HTML report on disk',
           ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath',
           Position = 0
        [string]$Literalpath = '.'

        if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)){
            throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }
        else {
            Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue
            Write-verbose 'Defining Function fo read Exo Data and return an info Message in HTML even if nothing is retrieved'

        function New-SelfGeneratedReportName {
            Write-Verbose "Creating self-generated report filename."
            return ("{0:HHm-ddMMyyy}" -f (Get-Date)) + (Get-AcceptedDomain|where-object default -eq $true|select-object -expandproperty Domainname) + '.html'

        #region Filetest only if not $Literalpath is selected
        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FilePath") {

            If (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Container) {
                Write-Verbose "Filepath $Filepath is a directory"
                if (Test-Path (Split-Path (Resolve-Path $Filepath) -Parent)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Filepath $Filepath Container exists on disk, creating default ReportFilename"
                    $ReportFilename = New-SelfGeneratedReportName
                    $FinalPath = Join-Path -Path $filePath -ChildPath $ReportFilename
                } else {
                    throw [System.Exception] "$FilePath is not valid. Enter a valid filepath like ~\Desktop or c:\temp\expreport.html"

                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "FilePath $Filepath is a Full Path including Filename"
                    if ((Split-Path $FilePath -Extension) -eq '.html') {
                        $FinalPath = $Filepath
                    } else {
                        throw [System.Exception] "$FilePath is not an HTML file. Enter a valid filepath like ~\Desktop or c:\temp\expreport.html"

        else {
        # Literalpath
            $SplitLiteralPath = Split-Path -Path $LiteralPath -Parent
            If (Test-Path -Path $SplitLiteralPath) {
                $finalPath = $LiteralPath
            } else {
                throw [System.Exception] "$LiteralPath does not exist. Enter a valid literal path like ~\exoreport.html or c:\temp\expreport.html"

        function Get-ExoHTMLData {
            param (
                      Mandatory = $true,
                    HelpMessage = 'Enter Cmdlte to ')]
            try {
                $rawData = Invoke-Expression -Command $exoCmd
                if ($null -eq $rawData) {
                    $ExoHTMLData = New-object -type PSobject -property @{Result = '--- no information available ---'}|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
                } else {
                    $ExoHTMLData = $rawData|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
                return $ExoHTMLData
            catch {
                Write-Warning "Could not fetch data from command '$exoCmd'"

        try {
            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Target", "Operation")) {
                #"Whatis is $Whatif and `$pscmdlet.ShouldProcess is $($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess) "
                #For later Use
            $mv = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Version
            $Top = "<p><h1>Exchange Online Report</h1><p>"
            $now = Get-Date
            if ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Microsoft Windows*') {
                $repUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
            } else {
                $repUser = (hostname) + '/' + (whoami)
            $RepCreationDateTime = "<p><body>Report created on: $now</body><p>"
            $RepCreatedBy = "<p><body>Report created by: $repUser</body><p>"
            $ReportFilename = Split-Path $FinalPath -Leaf
            $moduleVersion = "<p><body>SEPPmail365cloud Module Version: $mv</body><p>"
            $reportTenantID = Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain (Get-AcceptedDomain|where-object InitialDomain -eq $true|select-object -expandproperty Domainname)
            $TenantInfo = "<p><body>Microsoft O/M365 AzureAD Tenant ID: $reportTenantID</body><p>"
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Accepted Domains"
            $hSplitLine = '<p><h2>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</h2><p>'
            #region General infos
            $hGeneral =  '<p><h2>General Exchange Online and Subscription Information</h2><p>'
            $hA = '<p><h3>Accepted Domains</h3><p>'
            $A = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-AcceptedDomain |select-object Domainname,DomainType,Default,EmailOnly,ExternallyManaged,OutboundOnly|Sort-Object -Descending Default '
            # Find out Office Configuration
            Write-Verbose "Collecting M365 Configuration"
            $hB = '<p><h3>ExO Configuration Details</h3><p>'
            $B = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-OrganizationConfig |Select-Object DisplayName,ExchangeVersion,AllowedMailboxRegions,DefaultMailboxRegion,DisablePlusAddressInRecipients'

            # Find out possible Sending Limits for LFT
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Send and Receive limits for SEPPmail LFT configuration"
            $hP = '<p><h3>Send and Receive limits (for SEPPmail LFT configuration)</h3><p>'
            $P = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd  'Get-TransportConfig |Select-Object MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize'

            # Find out possible Office Message Encryption Settings
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Office Message Encryption Settings"
            $hP = '<p><h3>Office Message Encryption Settings</h3><p>'
            $P = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-OMEConfiguration|Select-Object PSComputerName,TemplateName,OTPEnabled,SocialIdSignIn,ExternalMailExpiryInterval,Identity,IsValid'
            # Get MX Record Report for each domain
            $hO = '<p><h3>MX Record for each Domain</h3><p>'
            $O = $Null
            $oTemp = Get-AcceptedDomain
            Foreach ($AcceptedDomain in $oTemp.DomainName) {
                    $O += (Get-MxRecordReport -Domain $AcceptedDomain|Select-Object -Unique|Select-Object HighestPriorityMailhost,HighestPriorityMailhostIpAddress,Domain|Convertto-HTML -Fragment)

            #region Security
            $hSecurity = '<p><h2>Security related Information</h2><p>'
            $hC = '<p><h3>DKIM Settings</h3><p>'
            $C = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-DkimSigningConfig|Select-Object Domain,Enabled,Status,Selector1CNAME,Selector2CNAME|sort-object Enabled -Descending'
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Phishing and Malware Policies"
            $hD = '<p><h3>Anti Phishing Policies</h3><p>'
            $D = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-AntiPhishPolicy|Select-Object Identity,isDefault,IsValid,AuthenticationFailAction'
            $hE = '<p><h3>Anti Malware Policies</h3><p>'
            $E = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-MalwareFilterPolicy|Select-Object Identity,Action,IsDefault,Filetypes'

            $hk = '<p><h3>Content Filter Policy</h3><p>'
            $k= Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy|Select-Object QuarantineRetentionPeriod,EndUserSpamNotificationFrequency,TestModeAction,IsValid,BulkSpamAction,PhishSpamAction,OriginatingServer'

            Write-Verbose "Blocked Sender Addresses"
            $hH = '<p><h3>Show Senders which are locked due to outbound SPAM</h3><p>'
            $h = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-BlockedSenderAddress'
            Write-Verbose "Get Outbound SPAM Filter Policy"
            $hJ = '<p><h3>Outbound SPAM Filter Policy</h3><p>'
            $J = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy|Select-Object Name,IsDefault,Enabled,ActionWhenThresholdReached'
            Write-Verbose "Get Filter Policy"
            $hJ1 = '<p><h3>SPAM Filter Policy</h3><p>'
            $J1 = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy|select-Object Name,IsDefault,Enabled,IPAllowList,IPBlockList'
            #endregion Security

            #region other connectors
            $hOtherConn = '<p><h2>Hybrid and other Connectors</h2><p>'
            Write-Verbose "Get-HybridMailflow"
            $hG = '<p><h3>Hybrid Mailflow Information</h3><p>'
            $g = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HybridMailflow'

            Write-Verbose "Get-IntraorgConnector"
            $hI = '<p><h3>Intra Org Connector Settings</h3><p>'
            $I = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-IntraOrganizationConnector|Select-Object Identity,TargetAddressDomains,DiscoveryEndpoint,IsValid'

            #region connectors
            $hConnectors = '<p><h2>Existing Exchange Connectors</h2><p>'
            Write-Verbose "InboundConnectors"
            $hL = '<p><h3>Inbound Connectors</h3><p>'
            $L = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-InboundConnector |Select-Object Identity,Enabled,SenderDomains,SenderIPAddresses,OrganizationalUnitRootInternal,TlsSenderCertificateName,OriginatingServer,IsValid'
            Write-Verbose "OutboundConnectors"
            $hM = '<p><h3>Outbound Connectors</h3><p>'
            $M = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-OutboundConnector -IncludeTestModeConnectors:$true|Select-Object Identity,Enabled,SmartHosts,TlsDomain,TlsSettings,RecipientDomains,OriginatingServer,IsValid'
            #endregion connectors
            #region mailflow rules
            $hTransPortRules = '<p><h2>Existing Mailflow Rules</h2><p>'
            Write-Verbose "TransportRules"
            $hN = '<p><h3>Existing Transport Rules</h3><p>'
            $N = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-TransportRule | select-object Name,State,Mode,Priority,FromScope,SentToScope'
            #endregion transport rules

            $HeaderLogo = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -path $PSScriptRoot\..\HTML\SEPPmailLogo_T.png -AsByteStream))

            $LogoHTML = @"
<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,$($HeaderLogo)" style="left:150px alt="Exchange Online System Report">

            $hEndOfReport = '<p><h2>--- End of Report ---</h2><p>'
            $style = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\HTML\SEPPmailReport.css
            $finalreport = Convertto-HTML -Body "$LogoHTML $Top $RepCreationDatetime $RepCreatedBy $moduleVersion $TenantInfo`
                   $hSplitLine $hGeneral $hSplitLine $hA $a $hB $b $hO $o`
                  $hSplitLine $hSecurity $hSplitLine $hC $c $hd $d $hE $e $hP $P $hH $H $hK $k $hJ $j $hJ1 $J1 `
                 $hSplitLine $hOtherConn $hSplitLine $hG $g $hI $i `
                $hSplitLine $hConnectors $hSplitLine $hL $l $hM $m `
            $hSplitLine $hTransPortRules $hSplitLine $hN $n $hEndofReport "
 -Title "SEPPmail365 Exo Report" -Head $style

            # Write Report to Disk
            try {
                $finalReport|Out-File -FilePath $FinalPath -Force
                Write-Warning "Could not write report to $FinalPath"
                if ($IsWindows) {
                    $FinalPath = Join-Path -Path $env:localappdata -ChildPath $ReportFilename
                if ($IsMacOs) {
                    $Finalpath = Join-Path -Path $env:HOME -ChildPath $ReportFilename
                Write-Verbose "Writing report to $finalPath"
                try {
                    $finalReport|Out-File -FilePath $finalPath -Force
                catch {

            if ($IsWindows) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Opening $finalPath with default browser"
                Invoke-Expression "& '$finalpath'"
            if ($IsMacOs) {
                "Report is stored on your disk at $finalpath. Open with your favorite browser."
        catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    end {

function Remove-SC365Setup {

    Begin {}
    Process {

function Get-SC365Setup {

    Begin {}
    Process {

    Read Office/Microsoft365 Azure TenantID
    Every Exchange Online is part of some sort of Microsoft Subscription and each subscription has an Azure Active Directory included. We need the TenantId to identify managed domains in
    PS C:\> Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain ''
    Explanation of what the example does
    Maildomain as string (mandatory)
    TenantID (GUID) as string
    See for more

Function Get-SC365TenantID {
        HelpURI = ''
    param (
            { if (Get-AcceptedDomain -Identity $_ -Erroraction silentlycontinue) {
                } else {
                    Write-Error "Domain $_ could not get validated, please check accepted domains with 'Get-AcceptedDomains'"

    $uri = '' + $maildomain + '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
    $TenantId = (Invoke-WebRequest $uri| ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
    Return $tenantid

    Test Exchange Online connectivity
    When staying in a Powershell Session with Exchange Online many things can occur to disturb the session. The Test-SC365connectivity CmdLet figures out if the session is still valid
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus
    Whithout any parameter the CmdLet emits just true or false
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -verbose
    For deeper analisys of connectivity issues the verbose switch provides a lot of relevant information.
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -showDefaultDomain
    ShowDefaultdomain will also emit the current default e-mail domain
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -Connect
    Connnect will try to connect via the standard method (web-browser)
    Inputs (if any)
    See for more

function Test-SC365ConnectionStatus
        HelpURI = ''
            HelpMessage = 'If turned on, the CmdLet will emit the current default domain'

            HelpMessage = 'If turned on, the CmdLet will try to connect to Exchange Online is disconnected'


    [bool]$isConnected = $false

    Write-Verbose "Check if module ExchangeOnlineManagement is imported"
    if(!(Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        Write-Warning "ExchangeOnlineManagement module not yet imported, importing ..."

        if(!(Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        {throw [System.Exception] "ExchangeOnlineManagement module does not seem to be installed! Use 'Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement' to install.'"}
        $ExoConnInfo = if (Get-Connectioninformation) {(Get-ConnectionInformation)[-1]}

        if ($ExoConnInfo) {
            Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Online Tenant $($ExoConnInfo.TenantID)"

            [datetime]$TokenExpiryTimeLocal = $ExoConnInfo.TokenExpiryTimeUTC.Datetime.ToLocalTime()
            $delta = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $TokenExpiryTimeLocal
            $ticks = $delta.Ticks
            if ($ticks -like '-*') # Token expired
                $isconnected = $false
                Write-Warning "You're not actively connected to your Exchange Online organization. TOKEN is EXPIRED"
                if(($InteractiveSession) -and ($Connect))# defined in public/Functions.ps1
                        # throws an exception if authentication fails
                        Write-Verbose "Reconnecting to Exchange Online"
                        Connect-ExchangeOnline -SkipLoadingFormatData
                        $isConnected = $true
                        throw [System.Exception] "Could not connect to Exchange Online, please retry."}
                else {
                    $isConnected = $false
            else # Valid connection
                $tokenLifeTime = [math]::Round($delta.TotalHours)
                Write-verbose "Active session token exipry time is $TokenExpiryTimeLocal (roughly $tokenLifeTime hours)"
                $tmpModuleName = Split-Path -Path $ExoConnInfo.ModuleName -Leaf
                Write-verbose "Active session Module name is $tmpModuleName"
                $isConnected = $true
                [string] $Script:ExODefaultDomain = Get-AcceptedDomain | Where-Object{$_.Default} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DomainName -First 1
                if ($showDefaultDomain) {"$Script:ExoDefaultdomain"}
            else # No Connection
                if(($InteractiveSession) -and ($connect)) # defined in public/Functions.ps1
                        # throws an exception if authentication fails
                        Write-Verbose "Connecting to Exchange Online"
                        Connect-ExchangeOnline -SkipLoadingFormatData
                        throw [System.Exception] "Could not connect to Exchange Online, please retry."}
                else {
                    $isConnected = $false
    return $isConnected

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-SC365TenantId -ParameterName MailDomain -ScriptBlock $paramDomSB

# SIG # Begin signature block
# QxWggglAMIIEmTCCA4GgAwIBAgIQcaC3NpXdsa/COyuaGO5UyzANBgkqhkiG9w0B
# A1UECxMfQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBTZXJ2aWNlcyBEaXZpc2lvbjE4MDYGA1UECxMv
# KGMpIDIwMDYgdGhhd3RlLCBJbmMuIC0gRm9yIGF1dGhvcml6ZWQgdXNlIG9ubHkx
# 4Ol+1B72qhuRRv31Fu2YB1P6uocbfZ4fASerudJnyrcQJVP0476bkLjtI1xC72Ql
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# 3VCNA/hmzcp2gxPI1w5xHeRjyboX+NG55IjSLCjIISANQbcL4i/CgOaIe1Nsw0Rj
# gX9oR4wrKs9b9IxJYbpphf1rAHgFJmkTMIA4TvFaVcnFUNaqOIlHQ1z+TXOlScWT
# af53lpqv84wOV7oz2Q7GQtMDd8S7Oa2R+fP3llw6ZKbtJ1fB6EDzU/K+KTT+X/kC
# oCOGIWh0dHA6Ly90MS5zeW1jYi5jb20vVGhhd3RlUENBLmNybDAdBgNVHSUEFjAU
# pimK5PbC4hMYiYXN3LcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUe1tFz6/Oy3r9MZIaarbzRutXSFAw
# DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBACQ79degNhPHQ/7wCYdo0ZgxbhLkPx4flntrTB6H
# novFbKOxDHtQktWBnLGPLCm37vmRBbmOQfEs9tBZLZjgueqAAUdAlbg9nQO9ebs1
# tq2cTCf2Z0UQycW8h05Ve9KHu93cMO/G1GzMmTVtHOBg081ojylZS4mWCEbJjvx1
# T8XcCcxOJ4tEzQe8rATgtTOlh5/03XMMkeoSgW/jdfAetZNsRBfVPpfJvQcsVncf
# hd1G6L/eLIGUo/flt6fBN591ylV3TV42KcqF2EVBcld1wHlb+jQQBm1kIEK3Osgf
# HUZkAl/GR77wxDooVNr2Hk+aohlDpG9J+PxeQiAohItHIG4wggSfMIIDh6ADAgEC
# 26kzBt9Pe2UcawfjnyqvYpWeCuOXxy9XXif24RNuBROEc3eqV4EHbA9v+cOrE1me
# 4HTct7byRM0AQCzobeFAyei3eyeDbvb963pUD+XrluCQS+L80n8yCmcOwB+weX+Y
# j2CY7s3HZfbArzTxBHo5AKEDp9XxyoCc/tUQOq6vy+wdbOOfLhrNMkDDCsBWSLqi
# jx3t1E+frAYF7tXaO5/FEGTeb/OjXqOpoooNL38FmCJh0CKby090sBJP5wSienn1
# NdhmBOKRL+0K3bomozoYmQscpT5AfWo4pFQm+8bG4QdNaT8AV4AHPb4zf23bxWUC
# MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly90bC5zeW1jYi5jb20vdGwuY3JsMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQE
# MCYGCCsGAQUFBwIBFhpodHRwczovL3d3dy50aGF3dGUuY29tL2NwczAvBggrBgEF
# BQcCAjAjDCFodHRwczovL3d3dy50aGF3dGUuY29tL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkwVwYIKwYB
# AQUFBzAChhpodHRwOi8vdGwuc3ltY2IuY29tL3RsLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF
# AAOCAQEAdszNU8RMB6w9ylqyXG3EjWnvii7aigN0/8BNwZIeqLP9aVrHhDEIqz0R
# u+KJG729SgrtLgc7OenqubaDLiLp7YICAsZBUae3a+MS7ifgVLuDKBSdsMEH+oRu
# N1iGMfnAhykg0P5ltdRlNfDvQlIFiqGCcRaaGVC3fqo/pbPttbW37osyIxTgmB4h
# EWs1jo8uDEHxw5qyBw/3CGkBhf5GNc9mUOHeEBMnzOesmlq7h9R2Q5FaPH74G9FX
# xAG2z/rCA7Cwcww1Qgb1k+3d+FGvUmVGxJE45d2rVj1+alNc+ZcB9Ya9+8jhMssM
# NiBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgQ0ECEF0xOuf5lHR9Mf0X/F6tAjYwCQYFKw4DAhoFAKB4
# Z0L5fyfQRbeWQFJpHDgn6GEEUDSL75SEiQU9zo4KEBQaF5vcb21UF2kti3Gg67nQ
# B5qq6N/64z1vowzW3cPJHv/fIXaYiU7zpXnvItsUbKzvv+1VZLv1+JqWkVHwTVL8
# uKyNtUULqZR72G+wZZhWOYywtrggpB1NTW8Yeen+3s2CLMBaVEQQjnW2ufN5EwNI
# 3DnaGJaiTG55XQPo9Xq5Blov3TCXUcL+6pi7Zskyde5meXg7pLn+IoMKxd+d0geW
# 9JbM6OK4hl3lvBkGFyLdwgi+BwrAF12eDmwpU1Ln6E1ZrcAns8tyN+txHNykYzej
# Iykp7XWqYmRi/Bs=
# SIG # End signature block