
    This CmdLets returns licensing information.
    Retrieve license information about specific users or a summary report, using the -summary parameter
    PS C:\> Get-SLLicenseInfo|Where-Object userid -like ''
    Get the license status for a specific users
    PS C:\> Get-SLLicenseInfo -summary
    Get the license summary of the appliance
    General notes

function Get-SLLicenseInfo
    param (
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Receive a table with license summary info instead of single entries for each user'
        Set-SLConfig | Out-Null
        $urlroot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort
        $uri = $urlroot + 'statistics' + '?' + 'returnType' + '=' + 'CSV'
        $csvstats = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Credential $SLConfig.secret | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';'
        #'Account last used' Datum länger als 3 Monate her - keine Lizenz
        # wenn 'May not sign mails'-like 'YES' UND 'May not encrypt mails' -like 'YES - keine Lizenz verbraucht == Deaktiviert

        # Transform output to HT-Array and make sure to have proper values everywhere.
        $statsarray = @()
        $statsArray = $csvstats | Select-Object 'User ID', 'Registered User', 'May not sign mails', 'May not encrypt mails', 'Account last used'`
        | ForEach-Object {
                'userid'   = if (($_.'User ID').Length -eq '0') { 'none' } else { $_.'User ID' };
                'reguser'  = $_.'Registered user';
                'nosig'    = if (($_.'May not sign mails').Length -eq '0') { $true } else { $false };
                'noenc'    = if (($_.'May not encrypt mails').Length -eq '0') { $true } else { $false };
                'lastused' = if (($_.'Account last used').Length -eq '0') { Get-Date -Day 1 -Month 1 -Year 2000 } else { Get-Date $_.'Account last used' }

        if ($summary)
            $totalKnownUsers = ($statsArray.count)
            $totalLic = ($statsArray | Where-Object { ($_.'reguser' -eq '1') } | Measure-Object).Count
            $inactiveLic = ($statsArray | Where-Object { ($_.'reguser' -eq '0') } | Measure-Object).Count
            $nosend3m = ($statsArray | Where-Object { ($_.'reguser' -eq '1') -and ($_.'nosig' -eq $true) -and ($_.'noenc' -eq $true) -and ($_.'lastused' -gt (Get-Date).AddMonths(-3)) } | Measure-Object).Count
            $usedLic = ($statsArray | Where-Object { ($_.userid -ne 'none') -and ($_.'reguser' -eq '1') -and ($_.'nosig' -eq $true) -and ($_.'noenc' -eq $true) -and ($_.'lastused' -gt (Get-Date).AddMonths(-3)) } | Measure-Object).Count
            <# Total of 3 encryption/signature users with an account,
            but 0 set to inactive and 2 did not send mails in the last three months

            [psobject]$sum = @{
                'Total known users'                       = $totalKnownUsers
                'Total ever used licenses'                = $totalLic
                'Deactivated Licenses'                    = $inactiveLic
                'released licenses (inactive > 3 months)' = $nosend3m
                'Currently used Licenses'                 = $usedLic
            return $sum

            return $statsarray | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]$_ }
    Retrieve group-membership of a SEPPmail appliance
    SEPPmail uses groups to control access to the web-interface and other areas. This CmdLet reads the group configuration.
    PS C:\> Get-SLGroupInfo
    Retrieve all groups and all members
    PS C:\> Get-SLGroupInfo -Membername
    Retrieve the membership of a specific user

function Get-SLGroupInfo 
    param (
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Username to look for group membership'

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Groupname to look for user membership'


        #Write-Verbose 'Writing SLConfig to $global:SLConfig'
        Set-SLConfig | Out-Null

        $urlroot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort
        $uri = $urlroot + 'groupinfo' + '?' + 'returnType' + '=' + 'CSV'
        Write-Verbose 'Call REST-API'
        $groupraw = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Credential $SLConfig.secret | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';'
        Write-Verbose 'Transform output to HT-Array and make sure to have proper values everywhere. '
        # [0] returns object with 2 members 'group name' and 'member names'
        # GroupName param set
        if ($groupName)
            if ($groupraw | Where-Object { $_.'group name' -like $groupName })
                $groupraw | Where-Object { $_.'group name' -like $groupName }
                Write-Warning 'Group name not found, run without parameters to get list of group names'
        # MemberName param set

        if ($memberName)
            foreach ($group in $groupraw) 
                [string[]]$members = $group.'member names' -replace ' ', '' -split ','
                foreach ($m in $members) 
                    if ($m -like $memberName) 
                        "User " + $m + " is member of " + "GroupName: " + $group.'group name'

        # Ausgabe der Daten wenn keine Parameter angegeben werden
        if ((!($groupName)) -and (!($membername))) 
            return $groupraw


    Read satistics information from the SEPPmail Appliance
    SEPPmail provides statistic data via the API for reporting purposes.
    PS C:\> Get-SLStatsInfo
    Get all statistics data (i.e. for daily reports)
    PS C:\> Get-SLStatsInfo -type user | Where-Object emailAddress -like ''
    Get (sending) user-based status info only
    PS C:\> Get-SLStatsInfo -type domain|Where-Object domainname -like
    Get (sending) domain-based status info only

function Get-SLStatsInfo

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Get user or domain statistics'
        [ValidateSet('user', 'domain')]
        [string]$type = 'user',

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Rebuild cached stats info database'
        [switch]$rebuild = $false

        Set-SLConfig | Out-Null | Out-Null

        try {
        $urlroot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort
            if ($rebuild)
                $uribase = $urlroot + 'statistics' + '?' + 'returnType' + '=' + 'CSV' + '&rebuildList'
                $uribase = $urlroot + 'statistics' + '?' + 'returnType' + '=' + 'CSV'

            if ($type -like 'user') 
                $uri = $uribase + '&statisticsType=user'
                $userStatsRaw = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Credential $SLConfig.secret | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';'
                $userArray = @()
                $userArray = $userStatsRaw | ForEach-Object `
                    'emailAddress'                  = [string]$_.'E-mail address'
                    'userId'                        = if ((!($_.'User ID'))) { 'none' } else { [String]$_.'User ID' }
                    #'userId' = $_.'User ID'
                    'accountLastUsed'               = if (!($_.'Account last used')) { 'none' } else { [DateTime]$_.'Account last used' }
                    'noEnc'                         = if (($_.'May not encrypt mails').Length -eq '0') { $true } else { $false }
                    'noDec'                         = if (($_.'May not decrypt mails').Length -eq '0') { $true } else { $false }
                    'noSig'                         = if (($_.'May not sign mails').Length -eq '0') { $true } else { $false }
                    'groupMembership'               = [String[]]$_.'Group membership'
                    'regUser'                       = if ($_.'Registered user' -eq '0') { $false } else { $true }
                    'usesLicense'                   = if ($_.'Uses License' -eq '0') { $false } else { $true }
                    'certificateExpiresOn'          = if (($_.'Certificate expires on').Length -eq '0') { 'no expiration date set' } else { [DateTime]$_.'Certificate expires on' }
                    'smimeEncMailsSent'             = [int]$_.'S/MIME encrypted mails sent'
                    'smimeEncMailsReceived'         = [int]$_.'S/MIME encrypted mails received'
                    'smimeSigMailsSent'             = [int]$_.'S/MIME signed mails sent'
                    'smimeSigMailsReceived'         = [int]$_.'S/MIME signed mails received'
                    'openPGPEncMailsSent'           = [int]$_.'openPGP encrypted mails sent'
                    'openPGPEncMailsReceived'       = [int]$_.'openPGP encrypted mails received'
                    'ginaEncMailsSent'              = [int]$_.'GINA encrypted mails sent'
                    'ginaEncMailsReceived'          = [int]$_.'GINA encrypted mails received'
                    'smimeDomainEncMailsSent'       = [int]$_.'S/MIME Domain encrypted mails sent'
                    'smimeDomainEncMailsReceived'   = [int]$_.'S/MIME Domain encrypted mails received'
                    'openPGPDomainEncMailsSent'     = [int]$_.'openPGP Domain encrypted mails sent'
                    'openPGPDomainEncMailsReceived' = [int]$_.'openPGP Domain encrypted mails received'
                    'hinDomainEncMailsSent'         = [int]$_.'HIN Domain encrypted mails sent'
                    'hinDomainEncMailsReceived'     = [int]$_.'HIN domain encrypted mails received'
                    'mailsReroutedToIncamail'       = [int]$_.'Mails rerouted to Incamail'
                return $userArray | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]$_ }
            if ($type -like 'domain') 
            $uri = $uribase + '&statisticsType=domain'
            $domStatsRaw = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Credential $SLConfig.secret | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';'
            Write-Verbose "Creating output Hashtables"
            $domArray = @()
            $domArray = $domstatsraw | ForEach-Object `
                    'domainName'                    = [string]$_.'Domain Name'
                    'smimeEncMailsSent'             = [int]$_.'S/MIME encrypted mails sent'
                    'smimeEncMailsReceived'         = [int]$_.'S/MIME encrypted mails received'
                    'smimeSignedMailsSent'          = [int]$_.'S/MIME signed mails sent'
                    'smimeSignedMailsReceived'      = [int]$_.'S/MIME signed mails received'
                    'openPGPEncMailsSent'           = [int]$_.'openPGP encrypted mails sent'
                    'openPGPEncMailsReceived'       = [int]$_.'openPGP encrypted mails received'
                    'ginaEncMailsSent'              = [int]$_.'GINA encrypted mails sent'
                    'ginaEncMailsReceived'          = [int]$_.'GINA encrypted mails received'
                    'smimeDomainEncMailsSent'       = [int]$_.'S/MIME Domain encrypted mails sent'
                    'smimeDomainEncMailsReceived'   = [int]$_.'S/MIME Domain encrypted mails received'
                    'openPGPDomainEncMailsSent'     = [int]$_.'openPGP Domain encrypted mails sent'
                    'openPGPDomainEncMailsReceived' = [int]$_.'openPGP Domain encrypted mails received'
                    'hinDomainEncMailsSent'         = [int]$_.'HIN Domain encrypted mails sent'
                    'hinDomainEncMailsReceived'     = [int]$_.'HIN domain encrypted mails received'
                    'mailsReroutedToIncamail'       = [int]$_.'Mails rerouted to Incamail'
            return $domArray | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]$_ }
        } catch {
            Write-Error "Request to SEPPmail appliance failed with exception: $($_.Exception)"

    Read information about encryption for domains and users
    SEPPmail stores information which encryption capabilities are available for an external recipient. The CmdLet
    can retrieve this data.
    This CmdLets support the `-rebuild` parameter to get current infos of the statistics database.
    The CmdLet has three operation modes (ParameterSets), personal, domain and EMailAddress.
    PS C:\> Get-SLEncInfo -personal -encModePer SMIME
    Show external recipients having SMIME as encryption method
    PS C:\> Get-SLEncInfo -personal -encModePer PGP
    Show external recipients having PGP as encryption method
    PS C:\> Get-SLEncInfo -personal -encModePer GINA|Where-Object status -ne 'enabled'
    Show external recipients having GINA as encryption method
    PS C:\> Get-SLEncInfo -domain -encModeDom SMIME
    Show external domains have SMIME as encryption method
    PS C:\> Get-SLEncInfo -eMailAddress
    Find out what encryption methods are possible for an external recipient

function Get-SLEncInfo
    param (
        # Param block personal
            ParameterSetName = 'personal',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Restrict to smtp-address-based encryption info'
            ParameterSetName = 'personal',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Filter output to a specific encryption method'
        [ValidateSet('SMIME', 'PGP', 'GINA')]

        # Param block domain
            ParameterSetName = 'domain',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Restrict to eMail-domain-based encryption info'
            ParameterSetName = 'domain',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Filter output to a specific encryption method'
        [ValidateSet('SMIME', 'PGP', 'HIN', 'TLS')]
        # param Block used in 'eMail' and multiple paramsets
            ParameterSetName = 'personal',
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Define a specific eMail adress'
            ParameterSetName = 'eMail',
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Define a specific eMail adress'

            ParameterSetName = 'personal',
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Rebuild cached encryption info database'
            ParameterSetName = 'domain',
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Rebuild cached encryption info database'
            ParameterSetName = 'eMail',
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Rebuild cached encryption info database'
        [switch]$rebuild = $false

        Set-SLConfig | Out-Null
        $urlroot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort
        try {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'personal') 
            #$uri = "{0}{1}{2}/personal{3}{4}" -f $urlroot, 'encinfo', ($encModePer ? '/' + $encModePer.ToUpper():$null), ($eMailAddress ? '?mailAddress=' + $eMailAddress.ToLower():$null), ($rebuild ? '?rebuildList=1':$null)
            Write-Verbose 'Constructing personal parameterset'
            $encModePerParam = if ($encModePer) { '/' + "$($encModePer.ToUpper())" } else { $null }
            $eMailParam = if ($eMailAddress) { '?mailAddress=' + "$($eMailAddress.ToLower())" } else { $null }
            $rebuildParam = if ($rebuild) { '?rebuildList=1' } else { $null }
            Write-Verbose "passing encModeParam: $EncModePerParam, eMailParam: $eMailParam, rebuildParam: $rebuildParam"
            $uri = "{0}{1}{2}/personal{3}{4}" -f $urlroot, 'encinfo', $encModeParam, $eMailParam, $rebuildParam
            Write-Verbose "Final URI: $URI"
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'domain')
            #$uri = "{0}{1}{2}/domain{3}" -f $urlroot, 'encinfo', ($encModeDom ? '/' + $encModeDom.ToUpper():$null), ($rebuild ? '?rebuildList=1':$null)
            Write-Verbose 'Constructing domain parameterset'
            $encModeDomParam = if ($encModeDom) { '/' + "$($encModeDom.ToUpper())" } else { $null }
            $rebuildParam = if ($rebuild) { '?rebuildList=1' } else { $null }            
            Write-Verbose "passing encModeParam: $EncModeParam, eMailParam: $eMailParam, rebuildParam: $rebuildParam"
            $uri = "{0}{1}{2}/domain{3}" -f $urlroot, 'encinfo', $encModeDomParam, $rebuildParam
            Write-Verbose "Final URI: $URI"
            elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'eMail')
            $uri = "{0}{1}/?mailAddress={2}" -f $urlroot, 'encinfo', $eMailAddress
            $rawdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Credential $SLConfig.secret
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetname) 
                Switch ($encModePer)
                    SMIME { return $rawdata.smime.personal }
                    PGP { return $rawdata.pgp.personal }
                    GINA { return $rawdata.gina.personal }
                switch ($encModeDom)
                    SMIME { return $rawdata.smime.domain }
                    PGP { return $rawdata.pgp.domain }
                    HIN { return $rawdata.hin.domain }
                    TLS { return $rawdata.tls.domain }
                $returndata = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                if ($rawdata.smime.domain.domain) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name SMIMEdomain -Value $rawdata.smime.domain.domain }
                if ($rawdata.smime.personal.status) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name SMIMEpersonal -Value $rawdata.smime.personal.status }
                if ($rawdata.pgp.domain.domain) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name PGPdomain -Value $rawdata.pgp.domain.domain }
                if ($rawdata.pgp.personal.status) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name PGPdomain -Value $rawdata.pgp.personal.status }
                if ($rawdata.hin.domain.domain) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name HINdomain -Value $rawdata.hin.domain.domain }
                if ($rawdata.tls.domain.domain) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name TLSdomain -Value $rawdata.tls.domain.domain }
                if ($rawdata.gina.personal.status) { $returndata | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name GINAperonal -Value $rawdata.gina.personal.status }
                return $returndata
        } catch {
            Write-Error "Request to SEPPmail appliance failed with exception $($_.Exception)"

    Create a GINA-User
    This PS Module allows you to create and modify GINA Users.
    This avoids the registration process for external recipients
    and allows the usage of known passwords for the user
    (i.e. an invoice Number, social security number or similar)
    and the mobile number to communicate via a second channel.
    PS C:\> New-SLGINAUser -userName 'Max Mustermann' -eMailAddress -oneTimePw 'hZ76$59' -mobile '+49123456789'
    To create a new GINA user use the CmdLet as above.
    PS C:\> Import-Csv .\examples\NewGINAUsers.csv|New-SLGINAUser
    Use a CSV File (see examples folder) to bulk-create GINA Users.

function New-SLGinaUser
    param (
            Mandatory                       = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user eMail address'

            Mandatory                       = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user full name'

            Mandatory                       = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user password as string'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user mobile number including country code'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = "GINA user `'expired`' setting 0 or 1"
        [string]$expired = '0',

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user passwort reset question'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user passwort reset answer'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'For MSP´s and multi-customer environments, set the GINA users customer'
        try {
            Set-SLConfig | Out-Null
        catch {
            Write-error "Could not load configuration with set-SLConfig"
            Write-Error $_
    process {
        try {
            $urlRoot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort
            $uri = $urlRoot + 'newginauser'
            # V1.1 $uri = $urlRoot + 'ginauser/new'
            $userData = [ordered]@{
                email    = $eMailAddress
                password = $pwd
                name     = $userName
                mobile   = $mobile
                expired  = $expired
                question = $question
                answer   = $answer
                customer = $customer
            } | ConvertTo-Json

            $invokeParam = @{
                Uri         = $uri 
                Method      = 'POST '
                Credential  = $SLConfig.secret
                ContentType = "application/json"
                body        = $userData
            Write-Verbose "Creating new GINA User $userName with E-mailAdress $eMailAddress"
            $NewGinaUser = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeParam
            Write-Verbose "ErrorCode $($NewGinaUser.ErrorCode)"
            if (!($($NewGinaUser.errorCode))) {
                return $NewGinaUser.message
            else {
                Write-Error "SEPPmail returned Error $($newGinaUser.errorCode): $($NewGinaUser.ErrorMessage)"
        } catch {
            Write-Error "Request to SEPPmail failes with exception $($_.Exception)"

    Update GINA Users properties
    This CmdLet lets you modify and add additional properties on GINA Users.
    This CmdLet is also pipeline-aware.
    PS C:\> Set-SLGINAUser -eMailAddress '' -answer 'Red'
    Update a single property of a GINA User
    PS C:\> Import-Csv .\examples\UpdateGINAUsers.csv|Set-SLGINAUser
    Mass-update GINA Users

function Set-SLGinaUser
    param (
            Mandatory                       = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user eMail adress'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user full name'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user password as string'
            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user mobile number including country code, i.e. +4911122233344'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = "GINA user `'language`' setting e or d"
        [string]$language = 'd',

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = "GINA user `'expired`' setting 0 or 1"

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user passwort reset question'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user passwort reset answer'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'For MSP´s and multi-customer environments, set the GINA users customer'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = "GINA user `'ZIP attachment`' setting"

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = "GINA user `'created by`' information"
        try {
            Set-SLConfig | Out-Null
        catch {
            Write-error "Could not load configuration with Set-SLConfig"
            Write-Error "$error"
        try {
            $urlRoot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort
            $uri = $urlRoot + 'modifyginauser'
            # V1.1 $uri = $urlRoot + 'ginauser/set'
            $userData = [ordered]@{
                email          = $eMailAddress
                name           = $userName
                customer       = $customer
                language       = $language
                password       = $password
                mobile         = $mobile
                zip_attachment = $zip_attachment
                question       = $question
                answer         = $answer
                creator        = $creator
                expired        = $expired
            } | ConvertTo-Json

            $invokeParam = @{
                Uri         = $uri 
                Method      = 'POST '
                Credential  = $SLConfig.secret
                ContentType = "application/json"
                body        = $userData
            Write-Verbose "Modifying GINA User $EMailAddress using URL $uri"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($userdata.eMailAddress),'Update GINA User')) {
                $SetGinaUser = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeParam
                Write-Verbose "ErrorCode $($SetGinaUser.ErrorCode)"
                if (!($($SETGinaUser.errorCode))) {
                    return $SetGinaUser.message
            else {
                Write-Error "SEPPmail returned Error $($SetGinaUser.errorCode): $($SetGinaUser.ErrorMessage)"
        catch {
                Write-Error "An error occured, see $error"
        if ($SetGinaUser) {return $SetGinaUser}

    Get a GINA Users properties
    This CmdLet lets youread properties on an existing GINA User.
    This CmdLet is also pipeline-aware.
    PS C:\> Get-SLGINAUser
    Get all GINA Users
    PS C:\> Get-SLGINAUser -eMailAddress ''
    Get information about a GINA User
    PS C:\> Import-Csv .\examples\UpdateGINAUsers.csv|Get-SLGINAUser
    Mass-receive GINA Users (test if they exist)

function Get-SLGinaUser
    param (
            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user eMail adress'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user full name'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'GINA user mobile number including country code, i.e. +4911122233344 or 004911122233344'

            Mandatory                       = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage                     = 'For MSP´s and multi-customer environments, set the GINA users customer'

        try {
            Set-SLConfig | Out-Null
        catch {
            Write-error "Could not load configuration with Set-SLConfig"
            Write-Error "$error"
        try {
            $urlRoot = New-SLUrlRoot -FQDN $SLConfig.SEPPmailFQDN -adminPort $SLConfig.adminPort

            Write-Verbose "Passing eMailAddress: $eMailAddress, userName: $userName, mobile: $mobile, customer: $customer"
            $uri = "{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}" -f $urlroot, 'ginauser/get', $eMailAddress, $userName, $mobile, $customer
            $invokeParam = @{
                Uri         = $uri 
                Method      = 'GET'
                Credential  = $SLConfig.secret
                ContentType = "application/json"
            Write-Verbose "Receiving GINA Users using URL $uri"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($uri,'Get GINA User')) {
                $GetGinaUser = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeParam
                Write-Verbose "ErrorCode $($SetGinaUser.ErrorCode)"
                if (!($($GetGinaUser.errorCode))) {
                    return $GetGinaUser.message
            else {
                Write-Error "SEPPmail returned error $($SetGinaUser.errorCode): $($SetGinaUser.ErrorMessage)"
        catch {
                Write-Error "An error occured, see $error"
        if ($GetGinaUser) {return $GetGinaUser}
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# SIG # End signature block