
     Created on: 2018-12-05 12:34 AM
     Created by: Nillth
     Filename: Example.ps1
        A detailed example on how to use the SMSBroadcast PowerShell Module.

Import-Module 'SMSBroardcast'

#Reference number is optional, but will use for the example
$ReferenceNum = New-Guid

#Set your to and from details here
$From = "PWSH_Nillth"
$To = "04xxxxxxxx"
#Set the message to send here, we will include the Reference number so its dynamic
$Message = "PWSH - Test SMS $($ReferenceNum)"

#and uncomment and set a value here if you want to include a delay
#$Delay = 1

#If you want to log the response to a text file i have included the code in this example
#feel free to change the path
$Logfile = "C:\Temp\SMSBroadcastLog.csv"

#Set the Environment Variables to use for the message
#so we dont have to enter the credentials each time we will use the native function
#Import-CliXML / Export-CliXML to store the credentials.
#You will need to enter them the first time
$CredentialsPath = "C:\temp\SMSBroadcastCreds"
if ($null -eq $SMSCredentials)
    If (Test-Path $CredentialsPath)
        $SMSCredentials = Import-Clixml $CredentialsPath
        $SMSCredentials = Get-Credential
        $SMSCredentials = Export-Clixml $CredentialsPath

#populate the Variable we will use to check our balance
$SMSServiceParameters = @{
    SMSUsername = $SMSCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
    SMSPassword = $SMSCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password

#populate the Variable we will use to sned our message
$paramSendSMS = @{
    SMSUsername = $SMSServiceParameters.SMSUsername
    SMSPassword = $SMSServiceParameters.SMSPassword
    To            = $To
    From        = $From
    Message        = $Message
    ReferenceNum = $ReferenceNum
    Delay        = $Delay

#Send the Message
$SMSResponse = Get-SMSBroadcastBalance @paramSendSMS
#Write the Response to Screen

#Log the Response to the Logfile
$SMSResponse | Export-Csv $Logfile -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation -Append

#Check the Account Balance
Send-SMSBroadcast @SMSServiceParameters