
     Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2019 v5.6.156
     Generated on: 2018-12-05 12:52 AM
     Generated by: Marc Collins
     Organization: Qlik - Consulting
        Script generated by PowerShell Studio 2019

         Created on: 2018-12-04 4:42 PM
         Created by: Nillth
         Filename: SMSBroardcast.psm1
         Module Name: SMSBroardcast

    $Script:URI = ""
            Get-SMSBroadcastBalance gets the remaining SMS credit balance for the account used
            Connects via the APIs and returns the number of remaining credits
            the Switch Paramater -WebResponse returns the RAW response
        .PARAMETER SMSUsername
            Your SMS Broadcast username. This is the same username that you would use to login to the SMS Broadcast website.
        .PARAMETER SMSPassword
            Your SMS Broadcast password. This is the same password that you would use to login to the SMS Broadcast website.
                    PS C:\> Get-SMSBroadcastBalance -SMSUsername 'YourUsername' -SMSPassword 'Password123'

    function Get-SMSBroadcastBalance
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $PostParasCheck = @{
            username = $SMSUsername;
            password = $SMSPassword;
            action   = 'balance'
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Body $PostParasCheck -Uri $URI -DisableKeepAlive
        $responsecontent = $response.Content.Split(":")
        if ($responsecontent[0] -eq "OK")
            Write-verbose "SMS Broadcast balance is $($responsecontent[1])"
            Write-verbose "There was an error with this request. Reason: $($responsecontent[1])"
        if ($WebResponse -eq $true)
            return $response
            return $responsecontent[1].trim()
            Send-SMSBroadcast sends a SMS Message via the SMSBroadcast APIs
            Connects to the SMSBroadcast APIs to send Messages.
        .PARAMETER SMSUsername
            Your SMS Broadcast username. This is the same username that you would use to login to the SMS Broadcast website.
        .PARAMETER SMSPassword
            Your SMS Broadcast password. This is the same password that you would use to login to the SMS Broadcast website.
        .PARAMETER To
            The receiving mobile number(s). The numbers can be in the format:
            04xxxxxxxx (Australian format)
            614xxxxxxxx (International format without a preceding +)
            4xxxxxxxx (missing leading 0)
            We recommend using the international format, but your messages will be accepted in any of the above formats.
            To send the same message to multiple recipients, the numbers should be separated by a comma. The numbers should contain only numbers, with no spaces or other characters
        .PARAMETER Message
            The content of the SMS message. Must not be longer than 160 characters unless the maxsplit parameter is used. Must be URL encoded.
        .PARAMETER From
            The sender ID for the messages. Can be a mobile number or letters, up to 11 characters and should not contain punctuation or spaces.
            Leave blank to use SMS Broadcast's 2-way number.
        .PARAMETER ReferenceNum
            Your reference number for the message to help you track the message status. This parameter is optional and can be up to 20 characters.
        .PARAMETER Delay
            Number of minutes to delay the message. Use this to schedule messages for later delivery.
            PS C:\> Send-SMSBroadcast -SMSUsername "YourUserName' -SMSPassword 'Password123' -To 04xxxxxxxx -Message "Hello World"

    function Send-SMSBroadcast
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if ($Message.Length -gt 160)
            $SplitMessageCount = [int][Math]::Ceiling($Message.Length/153)
            if ($SplitMessageCount -le 5)
                $MaxSplit = $SplitMessageCount
                "Message is too Long"
                return $False
        $postParams = @{
            username = $SMSUsername
            password = $SMSPassword
            to         = $To
            message  = $Message
            maxsplit = $MaxSplit
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("From"))
            $postParams.from = $From
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ReferenceNum"))
            $postParams.ref = $ReferenceNum
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Delay"))
            $postParams.delay = $Delay
        $paramInvokeRestMethod = @{
            Uri                 = $Uri
            Method             = 'Post'
            WebSession         = $WebSession
            DisableKeepAlive = $true
            Body             = $postParams
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod @paramInvokeRestMethod
        $SMSResponse = $response.Split(":")
        $Status = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Date = $((get-date).ToString("s"))
            To   = $SMSResponse[1].trim()
            Response = $SMSResponse[0].trim()
            SMSReference = $SMSResponse[2].trim()
            Reference = $ReferenceNum
            Message = $Message
        if ($WebResponse -eq $true)
            return $response
            return $Status