
#Requires -Version 5.1
#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="PowerShellGet"; ModuleVersion="2.2.4"}


        Prerequisite validation/installation module for Office 365: Security Optimization Assessment

        Contains installation cmdlet which must be run in advance of a Microsoft
        proactive offering of the Office 365 Security Optimization Assessment

        The output of the script (JSON file) should be sent to the engineer who will be performing
        the assessment.

        # This sample script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.
        # This sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind.
        # Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied
        # warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising
        # out of the use or performance of the sample script and documentation remains with you. In no
        # event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or
        # delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation,
        # damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information,
        # or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample script or
        # documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Function Get-IsAdministrator {
        Determine if the script is running in the context of an administrator or not

    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    Return $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)

Function Exit-Script {

Function Get-PowerShellCount
        Returns count of PowerShell windows opened

    $Processes = Get-Process -Name PowerShell
    Return $Processes.Count

Function Write-Important {
        Writes IMPORTANT to screen - used at various points during execution

    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "##########################################" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "# IMPORTANT #" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "##########################################" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host ""

function New-TemporaryDirectory {
        Create a new temporary path for storing files

    $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
    [string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
    $r = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name)
    Return $r.FullName

function Get-SOADirectory
        Gets or creates the SOA directory in AppData

    $Directory = "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\SOA"

    If(Test-Path $Directory) 
        Return $Directory
        mkdir $Directory | out-null
        Return $Directory


function Get-SPOTenantName
        Used to determine what the SharePoint Tenant Name is during connection tests

    $sku = (Get-MsolAccountSku -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)[0]
    return $sku.AccountName


function Get-SharePointAdminUrl
        Used to determine what the SharePoint Admin URL is during connection tests

    $tenantName = Get-SPOTenantName
    $url = "https://" + $tenantName + ""
    return $url

Function Reset-AppSecret {
        This function creates a new secret for the application

    Param (

    # Provision a short lived credential +48 hrs.
    $clientsecret = New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $App.ObjectId -EndDate (Get-Date).AddDays(2) -CustomKeyIdentifier "Prereq on $(Get-Date -Format "dd-MMM-yyyy")"
    Start-Sleep 30

    Return $clientsecret.Value

Function Invoke-LoadAdal {
        Finds a suitable ADAL library from AzureAD Preview and uses that
        This prevents us having to ship the .dll's ourself.


    $AadModule = Get-Module -Name "AzureADPreview" -ListAvailable

    $Latest_Version = ($AadModule | Select-Object version | Sort-Object)[-1]
    $aadModule      = $AadModule | Where-Object { $_.version -eq $Latest_Version.version }
    $adal           = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
    $adalforms      = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll"

    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adal) | Out-Null
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adalforms) | Out-Null

Function Get-AccessToken {
        Fetch the Access Token using ADAL libraries

        [Switch]$ClearTokenCache # useful if we need to get newly added scopes

    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Get-AccessToken Tenant $TenantName ClientID $ClientID Resource $Resource TokenCache $ClearTokenCache SecretLength $($Secret.Length)"

    if (!$CredPrompt){$CredPrompt = 'Auto'}

    $authority          = "$TenantName"
    $authContext        = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority   
    If($ClearTokenCache) {
    $ClientCredential   = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential" -ArgumentList @($ClientID,$Secret)
    $authResult         = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($Resource,$ClientCredential)

    return $authResult.Result

Function Get-AzureADConnected {
        Determine if AzureAD is connected


    Try {
        Get-AzureADTenantDetail -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
        Return $True
    } Catch {
        Return $False

Function Invoke-GraphTest {
        Performs a test against Graph by pulling secure scores

    Param (

    $Success = $False
    $RunError = $Null

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Testing Graph..."
    $Resource = ""

    $Token = Get-AccessToken -TenantName $tenantdomain -ClientID $AzureADApp.AppId -Secret $Secret -Resource $Resource
    $headerParams = @{'Authorization'="$($Token.AccessTokenType) $($Token.AccessToken)"}

    $Result = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Headers $headerParams -Uri '$top=1' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable:RunError)

    If($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) {
        $Success = $True
    } Else {
        $Success = $False

    Return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Check="AAD App Graph Test"


Function Set-AzureADAppPermission {
        Sets the required permissions on the application


    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Setting Azure AD App Permissions for Application"
    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Set-AzureADAppPermissions App $($App.ObjectId)"

    $RequiredResources = @()
    $PermissionSet = $False
    $ConsentPerformed = $False

    $Roles = Get-RequiredAppPermissions -HasATPP2License $ATPLicensed

        The following creates a Required Resources array. The array consists of RequiredResourceAccess objects.
        There is one RequiredResourceAccess object for every resource; for instance, Graph is a resource.
        In the RequiredResourceAccess object is an array of scopes that are required for that resource.

    ForEach($ResourceRolesGrouping in ($Roles | Group-Object Resource)) 

        # Define the resource
        $Resource = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess"
        $Resource.ResourceAppId = $ResourceRolesGrouping.Name

        # Add the scopes
        ForEach($Role in $($ResourceRolesGrouping.Group)) {
            Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Set-AzureADAppPermissions Add $($Role.Name) $($Role.ID)"
            $Perm = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList $Role.ID,"Role"
            $Resource.ResourceAccess += $Perm

        # Add to the list of required access
        $RequiredResources += $Resource

        Set-AzureADApplication -ObjectId $App.ObjectId -RequiredResourceAccess $RequiredResources
        $PermissionSet = $True
        $PermissionSet = $False

    If($PermissionSet -eq $True)
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Verifying new permissions applied (this may take up to 5 minutes)..."
        If($(Invoke-AppPermissionCheck -App $App -NewPermission) -eq $False)
            $PermissionSet = $False

    If($PerformConsent -eq $True)
        If((Invoke-Consent -App $AzureADApp) -eq $True) {
            $ConsentPerformed = $True

    If($PermissionSet -eq $True -and $PerformConsent -eq $True -and $ConsentPerformed -eq $True) 
        Return $True
    ElseIf ($PermissionSet -eq $True -and $PerformConsent -eq $False) 
        Return $True
        Return $False


Function Invoke-AppPermissionCheck 
        Check the permissions are set correctly on the Azure AD application


    $Provisioned = $True
    $Roles = Get-RequiredAppPermissions -HasATPP2License $ATPLicensed

    # In the event of a NewPermission, $MaxTime should be longer to prevent race conditions
        $MaxTime = 300
        $MaxTime = 20

    # SleepTime is how long we sleep between checking the permissions
    $SleepTime = 10
    $Counter = 0

    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppPermissionCheck App ID $($App.ObjectId) Role Count $($Roles.Count)"

    While($Counter -lt $MaxTime)

        # Refresh roles from AAD
        $App = Get-AzureADApplication -ObjectId $App.ObjectId

        $Missing = @()

        # Go through each role this app should have, and check if this is in the RequiredResources field for the app
        ForEach($Role in $Roles) {

            $RequiredResources = @(($app.RequiredResourceAccess | Where-Object {$_.ResourceAppId -eq $Role.Resource}).ResourceAccess).Id

            If($RequiredResources -notcontains $Role.ID) {
                # Role is missing
                $Provisioned = $False
                $Missing += $Role.Name

        If($Provisioned -eq $True)
            Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppPermissionCheck App ID $($App.ObjectId) Role Count $($Roles.Count) OK"
            Start-Sleep $SleepTime
            $Counter += $SleepTime
            Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppPermissionCheck loop - waiting for permissions on Azure AD Application - Counter $Counter maxTime $MaxTime Missing $($Missing -join ' ')"


    Return $Provisioned


function ConvertFrom-JWT {
    param ($token)
    # Perform decode from JWT
    $tokenPayload = $token.accesstoken.Split(".")[1].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
    while ($tokenPayload.Length % 4) { $tokenPayload += "=" }
    $tokenByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($tokenPayload)
    $tokenArray = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($tokenByteArray)
    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck Token JWT $($tokenArray)"
    return ($tokenArray | ConvertFrom-Json)

Function Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck {
        This function checks for the presence of the right roles in the token
        Consent may not have been completed without the right roles


    Param (

    $MissingRoles = @()
    $GraphResource = ""
    $SecurityResource = ''

    $Roles = Get-RequiredAppPermissions -HasATPP2License $ATPLicensed

    # For race conditions, we will wait $MaxTime seconds and Sleep interval of $SleepTime
    $MaxTime = 300
    $SleepTime = 10
    $Counter = 0
    # Check Graph endpoint
    While($Counter -lt $MaxTime)

        Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck Begin for Graph endpoint"
        # Obtain the token
        $Token = Get-AccessToken -TenantName $tenantdomain -ClientID $App.AppId -Secret $Secret -Resource $GraphResource -ClearTokenCache

        If($Null -ne $Token)
            # Perform decode from JWT
            $tokobj = ConvertFrom-JWT -token $Token

            # Check the roles are in the token, only check Graph at this stage.
            ForEach($Role in ($Roles | Where-Object {$_.Resource -eq "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"})) {
                If($tokobj.Roles -notcontains $Role.Name) {
                    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck missing $($Role.Name)"
                    $MissingRoles += $Role
        If($MissingRoles.Count -eq 0 -and $Null -ne $Token)
            $GraphResult = $True
            $GraphResult = $False
        If($GraphResult -eq $True)
            Start-Sleep $SleepTime
            $Counter += $SleepTime
            Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck loop - Counter $Counter maxTime $MaxTime"
    # Check Security endpoint
    if ($ATPLicensed -eq $true) {
        $MaxTime = 300
        $SleepTime = 10
        $Counter = 0
        While($Counter -lt $MaxTime)

            Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck Begin for Security endpoint"

            # Obtain the token
            $Token = Get-AccessToken -TenantName $tenantdomain -ClientID $App.AppId -Secret $Secret -Resource $SecurityResource -ClearTokenCache

            If($Null -ne $Token)
                # Perform decode from JWT
                $tokobj = ConvertFrom-JWT -token $Token

                Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck Token JWT $($tokenArray)"

                # Check the roles are in the token, check for MTP at this stage.
                ForEach($Role in ($Roles | Where-Object {$_.Resource -eq "8ee8fdad-f234-4243-8f3b-15c294843740"})) {
                    If($tokobj.Roles -notcontains $Role.Name) {
                        Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck missing $($Role.Name)"
                        $MissingRoles += $Role
            If($MissingRoles.Count -eq 0 -and $Null -ne $Token)
                $SecurityResult = $True
                $SecurityResult = $False

            If($SecurityResult -eq $True)
                Start-Sleep $SleepTime
                $Counter += $SleepTime
                Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck loop - Counter $Counter maxTime $MaxTime"

    # Check if Graph and, if applicable, Security pass. If Graph fails, return false regardless of Security result
    if ($GraphResult) {
        $return = $true
        if ($ATPLicensed) {
            if ($SecurityResult) {$return = $true}
            else {$return = $false}
    else {$return = $false}
    return $return

Function Invoke-WinRMBasicCheck {
        Checks to determine if WinRM basic authentication is enabled.
        This is required for Exchange Online and Skype for Business PowerShell modules.

    $RegistrySetting = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRM\Client\" -Name "AllowBasic" -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

    If($RegistrySetting.AllowBasic -eq 0) {
    } Else {

    Return New-Object -TypeName PSOBject -Property @{
        Check="WinRM Basic Authentication"


Function Invoke-Consent {
        Perform consent for application

    Param (

    $Location = "$($App.AppId)&state=12345&redirect_uri="
    Write-Host "In 20 seconds, a window will load asking for you to consent to Security Optimization Assessment reading information in your tenant."
    write-Host "You need to log on and consent as a Global Administrator"
    Write-Host "When consent is complete - a green OK message should appear - You can close the browser window at this point."
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "For more information about this consent, please review the Scoping Email."
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "If you have Single Sign On (SSO) turned on, and you are not logged on as a Global Administrator, you will need to copy the link below in to an in-private browser session."
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "If the browser window does not load in 20 seconds, copy and paste the following in to a browser:"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host $Location
    Write-Host ""
    Start-Sleep 20
    Start-Process $Location

    While($(Read-Host -Prompt "Type 'yes' when you have completed consent") -ne "yes") {}

    Return $True

Function Install-AzureADApp {

        Installs the Azure AD Application used for accessing Graph and Security APIs

    # Create the Azure AD Application
    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Install-AzureADPApp Installing App"
    $AzureADApp = New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName "Office 365 Security Optimization Assessment"  -ReplyUrls @("https://security.optimization.assessment.local","")
    # Set up the correct permissions
    Set-AzureADAppPermission -App $AzureADApp -PerformConsent:$True

    # Return the newly created application
    Return (Get-AzureADApplication -ObjectId $AzureADApp.ObjectId)

Function Get-ModuleStatus {
        Determines the status of the module specified by ModuleName

    Param (

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Checking module $($ModuleName)"

    # Set variables used
    $MultipleFound = $False
    $Installed = $False

    $InstalledModule = @(Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ListAvailable)

    ForEach($M in $InstalledModule)
        Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Get-ModuleStatus $ModuleName Version $($M.Version.ToString()) Path $($M.Path)"

    If($InstalledModule.Count -gt 1) {
        # More than one module, flag this
        $MultipleFound = $True
        $Installed = $True

        # Use the latest for comparisons
        $InstalledModule = ($InstalledModule | Sort-Object Version -Desc)[0]
    } ElseIf($InstalledModule.Count -eq 1) {
        # Only one installed
        $Installed = $True

    # Check version in PS Gallery
    $PSGalleryModule = @(Find-Module $ModuleName -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)
    If($PSGalleryModule.Count -eq 1) {
        [version]$GalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version
        If($GalleryVersion -gt $InstalledModule.Version) {
            $NewerAvailable = $true
        } Else {
            $NewerAvailable = $false

    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Get-ModuleStatus $ModuleName Verdict Installed $($Installed) InstalledV $($InstalledModule.Version) GalleryV $($GalleryVersion) Multiple $($Multiple) NewerAvailable $($NewerAvailable)"

    Return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Conflict=$(If($Installed -and $ConflictModule) { $True } Else { $False })

Function Uninstall-OldModules {
        Removes old versions of a module



    $Modules = (Get-Module $Module -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending)
    $Latest = $Modules[0]

    If($Modules.Count -gt 1) {
        ForEach($Module in $Modules) {
            If($Module.Version -ne $Latest.Version) {
                # Not the latest version, remove it.
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Uninstalling $($Module.Name) Version $($Module.Version)"
                Try {
                    Uninstall-Module $Module.Name -RequiredVersion $($Module.Version) -ErrorAction:Stop
                } Catch {
                    # Some code needs to be placed here to catch possible error.

Function Remove-FromPSModulePath {
        Remove from PSModulePath

        This module removes paths from the PSModulePath. It can be used to 'uninstall' the manual installation
        of the SharePoint module, for instance.



    $PathArray = (Get-ChildItem Env:PSModulePath).Value.Split(";")

    If($PathArray -Contains $Folder) {
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Removing $Folder from PSModulePath"
        $NewPathArray = $PathArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $Folder}
        Set-Item Env:PSModulePath -Value ($NewPathArray -Join ";")
        Return $True
    } Else {
        Write-Error "Attempted to remove $Folder from PSModulePath, however, there is no entry. PSModulePath is $((Get-ChildItem Env:PSModulePath).Value)"
        Return $False


Function Get-PSModulePath {
    Gets PSModulePath using a like condition.
    This is used for determining if a module is manually installed, and can be used for removing that manual installation.


    Param (

    $PathArray = (Get-ChildItem Env:PSModulePath).Value.Split(";")
    $Return = @($PathArray | Where-Object {$_ -like $LikeCondition})

    Return $Return


function Get-LicenseStatus {
    param ($LicenseType)
    if ($LicenseType -eq 'ATPP2') {
        # SKUs that start with strings include Defender P2 to be able to use the Defender API
    else {
        Write-Error -Message "$(Get-Date) Invalid license type specified"
        return $false
    $subscribedSku = Get-AzureADSubscribedSku
    foreach ($tSku in $targetSkus) {
        foreach ($sku in $subscribedSku) {
            if ($sku.PrepaidUnits.Enabled -gt 0 -or $sku.PrepaidUnits.Warning -gt 0 -and $sku.SkuPartNumber -match $tSku) {
                return $true
    return $false

Function Install-ModuleFromGallery {
        Updates module from PSGallery


    # Install the module from PSGallery specifying Force
    # AllowClobber allows Teams module to be installed when SfBO module is installed/loaded
    Install-Module $Module -Force -Scope:AllUsers -AllowClobber

    If($Update) {
        # Remove old versions of the module
        Uninstall-OldModules -Module $Module

Function Invoke-ModuleFix {

        Attempts to fix modules if $Remediate flag is specified


    If(Get-IsAdministrator -eq $True) {

        # Administrator so can remediate
        $OutdatedModules = $Modules | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.InstalledVersion -and $_.NewerAvailable -eq $true -and $_.Conflict -ne $True}
        $DupeModules = $Modules | Where-Object {$_.Multiple -eq $True}
        $MissingGalleryModules = $Modules | Where-Object {$null -eq $_.InstalledVersion -and $Null -ne $_.GalleryVersion }
        $ConflictModules = $Modules | Where-Object {$_.Conflict -eq $True}

        # Determine status of PSGallery repository
        $PSGallery = Get-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery"
        If($PSGallery) {
            If($PSGallery.InstallationPolicy -eq "Untrusted") {
                # Untrusted PSGallery, set to trust
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Trusting PSGallery for remediation activities"
                Try {
                    Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted -ErrorAction Stop
                } Catch {
                    Write-Error "$(Get-Date) Could not trust PSGallery due to error"
        } Else {
            Write-Error "PSGallery is not present on this host, so modules cannot be remediated."

        # Conflict modules, need to be removed
        ForEach($ConflictModule in $ConflictModules) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Removing conflicting module $($ConflictModule.Module)"
            Uninstall-Module -Name $($ConflictModule.Module) -Force

        # Out of date modules
        ForEach($OutdatedModule in $OutdatedModules) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Updating $($OutdatedModule.Module) from $($OutdatedModule.InstalledVersion) to $($OutdatedModule.GalleryVersion)"
            Install-ModuleFromGallery -Module $($OutdatedModule.Module) -Update

        # Missing gallery modules
        ForEach($MissingGalleryModule in $MissingGalleryModules) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Installing $($MissingGalleryModule.Module)"
            Install-ModuleFromGallery -Module $($MissingGalleryModule.Module)          

        # Dupe modules
        ForEach($DupeModule in $DupeModules) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Removing duplicate modules for $($DupeModule.Module)"
            Uninstall-OldModules -Module $($DupeModule.Module)

    } Else {
        Write-Error "Load PowerShell as administrator in order to fix modules"
        Return $False

Function Get-ManualModules
    Determines if there are any manual module installs as opposed to PowerShell Gallery installs


    $Return = @()

    $ModuleChecks = @("SharePoint Online Management Shell","SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline")

    ForEach($ModuleCheck in $ModuleChecks)
        $RemediateSuccess = $False

        $Result = Get-PSModulePath -LikeCondition "*$($ModuleCheck)*"

            ForEach ($r in $Result)
                $RemediateSuccess = Remove-FromPSModulePath -Folder $r

        If($Result.Count -gt 0 -and $RemediateSuccess -eq $False) {
            $Return += $ModuleCheck

    Return $Return


Function Invoke-SOAModuleCheck {

    $RequiredModules = @()
    # Conflict modules are modules which their presence causes issues
    $ConflictModules = @("AzureAD")

    # Bypass checks
    If($Bypass -notcontains "AAD") { $RequiredModules += "AzureADPreview" }
    If($Bypass -notcontains "MSOL") { $RequiredModules += "MSOnline" }
    If($Bypass -notcontains "SharePoint") { $RequiredModules += "SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline","Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell" }
    If($Bypass -notcontains "Teams") {$RequiredModules += "MicrosoftTeams"}
    if (($Bypass -notcontains "Exchange" -or $Bypass -notcontains "SCC")) {$RequiredModules += "ExchangeOnlineManagement"}

    $ModuleCheckResult = @()

    ForEach($m in $RequiredModules) {
        $ModuleCheckResult += (Get-ModuleStatus -ModuleName $m)

    ForEach($m in $ConflictModules) {
        $MInfo = (Get-ModuleStatus -ModuleName $m -ConflictModule)
        If($MInfo.Installed -eq $True) {
            $ModuleCheckResult += $MInfo

    Return $ModuleCheckResult

Function Test-Connections {

    $Connections = @()

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting..."

        AD PowerShell Version 1. Aka MSOL

    If($Bypass -notcontains "MSOL") {

        # Reset vars
        $Connect = $False; $ConnectError = $Null; $Command = $False; $CommandError = $Null

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to Azure AD PowerShell 1.."
        Connect-MsolService -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ConnectError

        # If no error, try test command
        If($ConnectError) { $Connect = $False; $Command = $False} Else { 
            $Connect = $True 
            Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable CommandError | Out-Null
            If($CommandError) { $Command = $False } Else { $Command = $True }

        $Connections += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

        AD PowerShell Version 2.

    If($Bypass -notcontains "AAD") {
        # Reset vars
        $Connect = $False; $ConnectError = $Null; $Command = $False; $CommandError = $Null

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to Azure AD PowerShell 2.."
        Connect-AzureAD -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ConnectError | Out-Null

        # If no error, try test command
        If($ConnectError) { $Connect = $False; $Command = $False} Else { 
            $Connect = $True 
            Get-AzureADDomain -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable CommandError | Out-Null
            If($CommandError) { $Command = $False } Else { $Command = $True }

        $Connections += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{


    If($Bypass -notcontains "SCC") {
        # Reset vars
        $Connect = $False; $ConnectError = $Null; $Command = $False; $CommandError = $Null

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to SCC..."
        ExchangeOnlineManagement\Connect-IPPSSession -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable:ConnectErrors -PSSessionOption $RPSProxySetting | Out-Null

        If((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "*"}).State -eq "Opened") { $Connect = $True } Else { $Connect = $False }

        # Run test command
        If(Get-Command "Get-ProtectionAlert") {
            $Command = $True
        } Else {
            $Command = $False

        $Connections += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{


    If($Bypass -notcontains "Exchange") {
        # Reset vars
        $Connect = $False; $ConnectError = $Null; $Command = $False; $CommandError = $Null

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to Exchange..."
        Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowBanner:$false -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable:ConnectErrors -PSSessionOption $RPSProxySetting | Out-Null
        If((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -eq ""}).State -eq "Opened") { $Connect = $True } Else { $Connect = $False }

        # Run test command
        If(Get-Command "Get-OrganizationConfig") {
            If((Get-OrganizationConfig).Name) {
                $Command = $True
            } Else {
                $Command = $False
        } Else {
            $Command = $False

        $Connections += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{


    If($Bypass -notcontains "SharePoint") {
        # Reset vars
        $Connect = $False; $ConnectError = $Null; $Command = $False; $CommandError = $Null

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to SharePoint Online.."
        $adminUrl = Get-SharePointAdminUrl
        Connect-SPOService -Url $adminUrl -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ConnectError | Out-Null

        # If no error, try test command
        If($ConnectError) { $Connect = $False; $Command = $False} Else { 
            $Connect = $True 
            Get-SPOTenant -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable CommandError | Out-Null
            If($CommandError) { $Command = $False } Else { $Command = $True }

        $Connections += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Microsoft Teams (includes Skype for Business Online)

    If($Bypass -notcontains "Teams") {
        # Reset vars
        $Connect = $False; $ConnectError = $Null; $Command = $False; $CommandError = $Null

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to Teams (including Skype for Business Online)..."
        $SfBOAdminDomain = (Get-AzureADTenantDetail | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VerifiedDomains | Where-Object { $_.Initial }).Name
        Connect-MicrosoftTeams -TenantId $SfBOAdminDomain -ErrorVariable $ConnectError -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

       # Run test command
        If(Get-Command "Get-CSTenant") {
            If((Get-CSTenant).TenantID) {
                $Command = $True
            } Else {
                $Command = $False
        } Else {
            $Command = $False
    # Check for connection after command test because remote session is not established until after a cmdlet that needs it is run
    If((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "*"}).State -eq "Opened") { $Connect = $True } Else { $Connect = $False }

        $Connections += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

    Return $Connections

Function Get-RequiredAppPermissions {
    param ($HasATPP2License)

        This function returns the required application permissions for the AAD application

        Required Application Permissions

        ID, Name and Resource are required
        - ID is the scope's unique GUID
        - Name is used during the token check (to see we are actually getting these scopes assigned to us)
        - Resource is the application ID for the API we are using, usually this is "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" which is for Graph

    $AppRoles = @()

    # Microsoft Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph
    $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        Resource="00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" # Graph

    if ($HasATPP2License -eq $true) {
        $AppRoles += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Resource="8ee8fdad-f234-4243-8f3b-15c294843740" # Microsoft Threat Protection

    Return $AppRoles

Function Invoke-ManualModuleCheck
            Manual installation check

            Manual installs can cause issues with modules installed from the PowerShell gallery.
            It is also difficult to update manual PowerShell module installs.

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Checking manual module installations..."
        $ManualInstalls = Get-ManualModules

        If($ManualInstalls -gt 0)

            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Modules manually installed that need to be removed:"

            If($DoNotRemediate -eq $false){
                # Fix manual installs
                $ManualInstalls = Get-ManualModules -Remediate
            else {
                $ManualInstalls = Get-ManualModules

            If($ManualInstalls.Count -gt 0)

                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) The module check has failed because some modules have been manually installed. These will conflict with newer required modules from the PowerShell Gallery." -ForegroundColor Red

                if ($DoNotRemediate -eq $false) {
                    Throw "$(Get-Date) An attempt to remove these from the PowerShell path was unsuccessful. You must remove them using Add/Remove Programs."

Function Invoke-SOAVersionCheck
        Determines if SOA module is up to date

    $SOAGallery = Find-Module SOA
    $SOAModule = Get-Module SOA

    If($SOAGallery.Version -gt $SOAModule.Version) 
        $NewerAvailable = $True
        $NewerAvailable = $False

    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Invoke-SOAVersionCheck NewerAvailable $NewerAvailable Gallery $($SOAGallery.Version) Module $($SOAModule.Version)"

    Return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        NewerAvailable = $NewerAvailable
        Gallery = $SOAGallery.Version
        Module = $SOAModule.Version


Function Get-SOAAzureADApp

    # Determine if Azure AD Application Exists
    $AzureADApp = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "displayName eq 'Office 365 Security Optimization Assessment'" | Where-Object {$_.ReplyUrls -Contains "https://security.optimization.assessment.local"}

        if ($DoNotRemediate -eq $false) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Installing Azure AD Application..."
            $AzureADApp = Install-AzureADApp
            Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Get-SOAAzureADApp App $($AzureADApp.ObjectId)"

    Return $AzureADApp


Function Test-SOAApplication

    Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Test-SOAApplication App $($App.AppId) TenantDomain $($TenantDomain) SecretLength $($Secret.Length)"

    # Perform permission check
    If($WriteHost) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Performing application permission check... (This may take up to 5 minutes)" }
    $PermCheck = Invoke-AppPermissionCheck -App $App

    # Perform check for consent
    If($PermCheck -eq $True)
        If($WriteHost) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Performing token check... (This may take up to 5 minutes)" }
        $TokenCheck = Invoke-AppTokenRolesCheck -App $App -Secret $Secret -TenantDomain $tenantdomain

    Return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

Function Install-SOAPrerequisites
    Param (


        Variable setting


    #Detect if running in ISE and abort ($psise is an automatic variable that exists only in the ISE)
    if ($psise)
        throw "Running this script in the PowerShell ISE is not supported."

    # Detect if running in PS 7
    # EXO 2.0.3, Teams, MSOnline modules do not support PS 7
    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -like "7.*") {
        throw "Running this script in PowerShell 7 is not supported."
    # Default run
    $ConnectCheck = $True
    $ModuleCheck = $True
    $AzureADAppCheck = $True

    # Default to remediate (applicable only when not using ConnectOnly)
    if ($DoNotRemediate -eq $false){
        $Remediate = $true
    else {
        $Remediate = $false

    # Change based on ModuleOnly flag
    If($ModulesOnly) {
        $ConnectCheck = $False
        $ModuleCheck = $True
        $AzureADAppCheck = $False

    # Change based on ConnectOnly flag
    If($ConnectOnly) {
        $ConnectCheck = $True
        $AzureADAppCheck = $True
        $ModuleCheck = $False

    # Change based on AzureADAppOnly flag
    If($AzureADAppOnly) {
        $ConnectCheck = $False
        $AzureADAppCheck = $True
        $ModuleCheck = $False

        Directory creating and transcript starting

    $SOADirectory = Get-SOADirectory
    $TranscriptName = "prereq-$(Get-Date -Format "MMddyyyyHHmms")-log.txt"
    Start-Transcript "$SOADirectory\$TranscriptName"

    if ($DoNotRemediate){
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) The DoNotRemediate switch was used. Any missing, outdated, or duplicate modules, as well as the registration and/or configuration of the Azure AD application will not be performed." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    if ($NoVersionCheck) {
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) NoVersionCheck switch was used. Skipping version check..."
    else {    
        # Check for newer version
        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Performing version check..."
        $VersionCheck = Invoke-SOAVersionCheck
        If($VersionCheck.NewerAvailable -eq $true)
            Throw "Version $($VersionCheck.Gallery) of the SOA module has been released. Your version $($VersionCheck.Module) is out of date. Run Update-Module SOA."

    # Check administrator and multiple PowerShell windows
    If($(Get-IsAdministrator) -eq $False -and $ModuleCheck -eq $True -and $DoNotRemediate -eq $false) {
        Throw "PowerShell must be run as Administrator in order to allow for any changes when running Install-SOAPrerequisites"
    If($AllowMultipleWindows) {
        Write-Host "Allow multiple windows has been specified. This should not be used in general operation. Module remediation may fail!"
        If($(Get-PowerShellCount) -gt 1 -and $ModuleCheck -eq $True -and $DoNotRemediate -eq $false) {
            Throw "There are multiple PowerShell windows open. This can cause issues with PowerShell modules being loaded, blocking uninstallation and updates. Close all open PowerShell windows and start with a clean PowerShell window running as Administrator."

    # Final check list
    $CheckResults = @()


        Display the banner


    Write-Host "#############################################################" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "# Office 365 Security Optimization Assessment Prerequisites #" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "#############################################################" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ""

    Write-Host "The purpose of this cmdlet (script) is to install and check the prerequisites for running the data collection"
    Write-Host "script for the Office 365 Security Optimization Assessment, a Microsoft Support proactive offering."
    Write-Host "At the conclusion of this cmdlet running successfully, a file named SOA-PreCheck.json will be generated."
    Write-Host "This file should be sent, prior to the first day of the engagement, to the engineer who will be delivering the assessment."
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "This cmdlet MUST be run on the workstation that will be used to perform the data collection on Day 1 of the assessment."
    Write-Host ""


    Write-Host "This cmdlet makes changes on this workstation and in your Office 365 tenant (unless DoNotRemediate was used). The following will occur:" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "1. Update any existing PowerShell modules on this machine that are required for the assessment" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "2. Install any PowerShell modules on this machine that are required for the assessment" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "3. Install/register an Azure AD application in your tenant:" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host " -- The application name is 'Office 365 Security Optimization Assessment" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host " -- The application will not be visible to end users" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host " -- The application secret (password) will not be stored, is randomly generated, and is removed when this cmdlet completes." -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host " (The application will not work without a secret. Do NOT remove the application until the conclusion of the engagement.)" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ""

    While($True) {
        $rhInput = Read-Host "Is this cmdlet being run on the machine that will be used for collection, are you aware of the potential changes above, and do you want to proceed (y/n)"
        if($rhInput -eq "n") {
            Throw "Run Install-SOAPrerequisites on the machine that will be performing the data collection."
        } elseif($rhInput -eq "y") {
            Write-Host ""


        Proxy requirement auto-detection


        Write-Host "The UseProxy switch was used. An attempt will be made to connect through the proxy infrastructure where possible."
        $RPSProxySetting = New-PSSessionOption -ProxyAccessType IEConfig
        Write-Host "Proxy requirement was not specified with UseProxy. Connection will be attempted directly."
        Write-Host ""
        $RPSProxySetting = New-PSSessionOption -ProxyAccessType None 


        Perform the module check


    If($ModuleCheck -eq $True) {

        # Determine if the nuget provider is available

        If(!(Get-PackageProvider -Name nuget -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
            Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Out-Null

        # Determine if PowerShell gallery is installed
        If(!(Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
            Register-PSRepository -Default -InstallationPolicy Trusted | Out-Null


        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Checking modules..."

        $ModuleCheckResult = Invoke-SOAModuleCheck

        $Modules_OK = @($ModuleCheckResult | Where-Object {$_.Installed -eq $True -and $_.Multiple -eq $False -and $_.NewerAvailable -ne $true})
        $Modules_Error = @($ModuleCheckResult | Where-Object {$_.Installed -eq $False -or $_.Multiple -eq $True -or $_.NewerAvailable -eq $true -or $_.Conflict -eq $True})

        If($Modules_Error.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Modules with errors" -ForegroundColor Red
            $Modules_Error | Format-Table Module,InstalledVersion,GalleryVersion,Conflict,Multiple,NewerAvailable

            # Fix modules with errors unless instructed not to
            if ($DoNotRemediate -eq $false){
                Invoke-ModuleFix $Modules_Error

                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Post-remediation prerequisites check..."
                $ModuleCheckResult = Invoke-SOAModuleCheck
                $Modules_OK = @($ModuleCheckResult | Where-Object {$_.Installed -eq $True -and $_.Multiple -eq $False -and $_.NewerAvailable -ne $true})
                $Modules_Error = @($ModuleCheckResult | Where-Object {$_.Installed -eq $False -or $_.Multiple -eq $True -or $_.NewerAvailable -eq $true})
            # Don't continue to check connections, still modules with errors
            If($Modules_Error.Count -gt 0) {

                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) The module check has errors. The connection check will not proceed until the module check has no errors." -ForegroundColor Red
                $Modules_Error | Format-Table Module,InstalledVersion,GalleryVersion,Conflict,Multiple,NewerAvailable
                Throw "$(Get-Date) The modules above must be remediated before continuing. Contact your CSAM or delivery engineer for further information as needed. "


        Generic checks


    # WinRM Basic Authentication
    $CheckResults += Invoke-WinRMBasicCheck


        Perform the connection check


    If($ConnectCheck -eq $True) {
        # Proceed to testing connections
        $Connections = @(Test-Connections -RPSProxySetting $RPSProxySetting)
        $Connections_OK = @($Connections | Where-Object {$_.Connected -eq $True -and $_.TestCommand -eq $True})
        $Connections_Error = @($Connections | Where-Object {$_.Connected -eq $False -or $_.TestCommand -eq $False -or $Null -ne $_.OtherErrors})

    If($AzureADAppCheck -eq $True) {

        $ATPLicensed = Get-LicenseStatus -LicenseType ATPP2
        Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Get-LicenseStatus ATPP2 License found: $ATPLicensed"
        $AppRoles = Get-RequiredAppPermissions -HasATPP2License ($ATPLicensed)

        # When AzureADAppCheck is run by itself, this script will not be connected to Azure AD
        If((Get-AzureADConnected) -eq $False) {
            Connect-AzureAD | Out-Null


        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Checking Azure AD Application..."

        # Get the default MSOL domain
        $tenantdomain = (Get-AzureADDomain | Where-Object {$_.IsInitial -eq $true}).Name

        # Determine if Azure AD Application Exists and create if doesnt
        $AzureADApp = Get-SOAAzureADApp


            # Pass the AAD app check
            $CheckResults += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Check="AAD Application"

            # Reset secret
            $clientsecret = Reset-AppSecret -App $AzureADApp

            $AppTest = Test-SOAApplication -App $AzureADApp -Secret $clientsecret -TenantDomain $tenantdomain -WriteHost
            # AAD App Permission - Perform remediation if specified
            If($AppTest.Permissions -eq $False -and $DoNotRemediate -eq $false)
                # Set up the correct AAD App Permissions
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Remediating application permissions..."
                If((Set-AzureADAppPermission -App $AzureADApp -Roles $AppRoles -PerformConsent:$True) -eq $True) {
                    # Perform check again after setting permissions
                    $AppTest = Test-SOAApplication -App $AzureADApp -Secret $clientsecret -TenantDomain $tenantdomain -WriteHost

            If($AppTest.Token -eq $False)
                Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Missing roles in access token; possible that consent was not completed..."
                if ($DoNotRemediate -eq $false) {
                    # Request admin consent
                    If((Invoke-Consent -App $AzureADApp) -eq $True) {
                        # Perform check again after consent
                        $AppTest = Test-SOAApplication -App $AzureADApp -Secret $clientsecret -TenantDomain $tenantdomain -WriteHost

            # Add final result to checkresults object
            $CheckResults += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Check="AAD App Permissions"
            $CheckResults += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Check="AAD App Token"

            # Perform Graph Check
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Performing Graph Test..."
            $CheckResults += Invoke-GraphTest -AzureADApp $AzureADApp -Secret $clientsecret -TenantDomain $tenantdomain

            # AAD application does not exist
            $CheckResults += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Check="AAD Application"


    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Detailed Output"

    If($ModuleCheck -eq $True) 

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Installed Modules" -ForegroundColor Green
        $Modules_OK | Format-Table Module,InstalledVersion,GalleryVersion,Multiple,NewerAvailable
        If($Modules_Error.Count -gt 0) 
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Modules with errors" -ForegroundColor Red
            $Modules_Error | Format-Table Module,InstalledVersion,GalleryVersion,Conflict,Multiple,NewerAvailable

            $CheckResults += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                Check="Module Installation"

            $CheckResults += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                Check="Module Installation"


    If($ConnectCheck -eq $True) 

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connections" -ForegroundColor Green
        $Connections_OK | Format-Table Name,Connected,TestCommand
        If($Connections_Error.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connections with errors" -ForegroundColor Red
            $Connections_Error | Format-Table Name,Connected,TestCommand
            $CheckResults += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Check="Module Connections"
        } Else {
            $CheckResults += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                Check="Module Connections"


    If($AzureADAppCheck -eq $True) {

        Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Azure AD app checks" -ForegroundColor Green


    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Summary of Checks"

    $CheckResults | Format-Table Check,Pass

    $SOAModule = Get-Module SOA
    if ($SOAModule) {
        $version = $SOAModule.Version.ToString()
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    } | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File SOA-PreCheck.json

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Output saved to SOA-PreCheck.json which should be sent to the engineer who will be performing the assessment."
    $CurrentDir = Get-Location 
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date) SOA-PreCheck.json is located in: " -NoNewline
    Write-Host "$CurrentDir" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host ""

    While($True) {
        $rhInput = Read-Host "Type 'yes' when you have sent the SOA-PreCheck.json file to the engineer who will be performing the assessment."
        if($rhInput -eq "yes") {
