
#Creates a context object for connection to SharePoint Online.
#Creates a context object to the supplied site using the SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline module. This context is stored as a global
#variable. It can also be assigned to a differenent variable to support mulitple connections to multiple sites, simultaneously.
#02/21/2010 - Updated to use SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline to support modern authentiction methods.
#The site for the context.
#$credentail = Get-PSCredential
#Connect-SPCSOM -credential $credential -SiteURL "Https://"
#$ctx = Connect-SPCSOM -username "<username>" -SiteURL "Https://"
#Need to work on the global variable usage in other functions. This doesn't seem to be working 100%.
Function Connect-SPOCSOM {

    #Create the CSOM Context
    Write-Verbose -Message "Creating connection to $SiteURL"

    Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -UseWebLogin
    $Context = Get-PnPContext

    Write-Verbose -Message "Assign context to globabl variable."
    $Global:SPOCSOMContext= $Context
    return $Context
