
#Get Permisisons for SPO CSOM objects.
#Uses the CSOM API to return initialize the the CSOM collections RoleAssignements, RoleAssignments.RoleDefinitionBindings, and RoleAssignments.Members.
#This script also ignores the 'limited permissions' permission as these permissions were probably set at a lower level on a different object.
#The objects to return permissions from.
#Get-SPOObjectRoleAssignments -item $Context.Web.Lists[0]
#This may need to be updated to support different kinds of objects or collections. Easy to do, using Parameter sets.
Function Get-SPOObjectRoleAssignments{


        [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Principal[]]$results = @()

        Write-Verbose -Message "Steeping through each item and getting the RoleAssignments and RoleDefinition Bindings. (This could take a while)"
        Foreach($obj in $Objects){
            Write-Verbose -Message "Initializing $($obj.Title) RoleAssignments/DefinitionBindings and RoleAssignment members."
            Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $obj.RoleAssignments

            #Foreach Role Assignment, get the DefinitionBindings and Members. Do not report any definition bindings with "Limited Access" as the only permission
            Foreach($ra in $obj.RoleAssignments){
                Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $ra.RoleDefinitionBindings
                Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $ra.Member
                if($ra.RoleDefinitionBindings.Count -eq 1 -And $ra.RoleDefinitionBindings[0].Name -eq "Limited Acces"){

                #Add a URL to the member property so we know which site it belongs to. THis needs to be updated to support other objects other than sites.
                $ra.member | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Url" -Value $url -Force
                $results += $ra.Member
        Return $results