
#Returns only the immediate subsites for a given web or context.
#Returns only the immediate subsites for a given web or context.
#he context to start at. The root site for lack of a better term.
#The web to start at.
#.PARAMETER MinusAppDomains
#Do not include sites in the return that are part of an application.
#$subWebs = Get-SPOSubWebs -web $web
#Needs to be cleaned up.
Function Get-SPOSubWebs{
    $Context = $Global:SPOCSOMContext,




        $regex = "https:\/\/\w+\.sharepoint\.com"

        #Use the context and return sub sites for the root web object.
        If(-not $web){
            $result = Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $Context.Web.webs -ReturnObject

        #Use the supplied web object and return the sub sites.
            $result = Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $web.Webs -ReturnObject


        #Return the subsites. Remove AppDomains if requested.
            $result | Initialize-SPOCSOMObjectProperty -PropertyName "HasUniqueRoleAssignMents"
            return ,($result | Where-Object {$_.Url -match $regex})
            return ,$result