
#Get all lists from a specific site, sites, or root web context
#Initializes and returns all lists from a specific site, site of sites, or root site of a supplied context.
#.PARAMETER context
#The context of the root web to return the lists from.
#The site(s) to return the lists from.
#Get-SPOWebLists -Webs $Context.Web.Webs
#Get-SPOWebLists -Context $Context.
#Rename to get SPOWebList. Allow for targetet list retrieval, e.g. supply a name or id and return one list or multiples if multiple values are passed.
function Get-SPOWebList {

        $Context = $Global:SPOCSOMContext,




        #Get the lists from the site(s) or Context
            [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List[]]$results = @()
            Write-Verbose -Message "Web supplied. Getting Lists."
            foreach($w in $webs){
                $results += Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $w.Lists -ReturnObject
            Write-Verbose -Message "Context Supplied. Getting lists from root web."
            $results = Initialize-SPOCSOMCollections -CSOMCollection $Context.Web.Lists -ReturnObject

        #return the lists.
        Return ,$results

