
#Initiaizes a specific properties on a CSOM object that was not originally returned.
#Initialized specific properties on CSOM objects by creating lambda expressions to load into the context.
#The objects that contain the properties we want initialized or returned.
#.PARAMETER PropertyName
#The name of the properties we want returned.
#The context these objects are from. This is used for bulk processing the commands.
#.PARAMETER BulkProcess
#This specified whether to attempt to return the properties in bulk. CSOM object become overloaded with more than 15 requests at a time. This can
#significantly reduce the execution time. However, it is unpredictable as wo what will cause a request overload. So this feature can be skipped using
#this switch.
#Initialize-SPOCSOMObjectProperty -Objects $Context.Web.Webs[0] -PropertyName "HasUniqueRoleAssignments" -BulkProcess -Context $Context
#Initialize-SPOCSOMObjectProperty -Objects $Context.Web.Webs -PropertyName @("HasUniqueRoleAssignments","MembersCanShare")
#It would be nice to get the bulk process to work better. Some sort of load query management system or check.
Function Initialize-SPOCSOMObjectProperty() {

    #Provide the object(s) to be iterated trough
    #Supply the property names to generate the lambda expressions for CSoM

    # Providing a context will allow for bulk processing
    # Providing a context will allow for bulk processing

        #Check if all the objects have the same context. If so, speed of the process by assigning it to $context.
        if($objects.Count -gt 1){
            if((-not ($Objects | Where-Object {$_.Context -ne $Objects[0].Context})) -And (-Not $Context)){
                Write-Verbose -Message "No Context Supplied, but all objects are in the same context. Assigning to Context Variable."
                $context = $objects[0].Context

        #Iterate through each object supplied
        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Lambda Expression for each property and object supplied."
        Foreach($Object in $Objects){

            Write-Progress -Activity "Initializing CSOM Collections" -PercentComplete (($Objects.IndexOf($Object) / $Objects.Length) * 100)
            $Expressions = @()
            #$load = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext].GetMethod("Load")
            $type = $Object.GetType()
            Foreach($pn in $PropertyName){
                #Creates a ParamaterExpression node that can be used to identify a parameter or variable in an expression tree. Object Type and Object type name.
                $Parameter = [System.Linq.Expressions.Expression]::Parameter(($type), $type.Name)
                #Creates a member expression that represents accessing a property or field.
                $PropertyExpression = [System.Linq.Expressions.Expression]::PropertyOrField($Parameter,$pn)
                #Creates a unary expression that represents a type conversion
                $UnaryExpression = [System.Linq.Expressions.Expression]::Convert($PropertyExpression,[System.Object])
                #Creates a lambda expression by first constructing a delegate type.
                $Expression = [System.Linq.Expressions.Expression]::Lambda($UnaryExpression,$($Parameter))

                $Expressions += @($Expression)

            #Load the object and lambda expressions to the Context.

            #If no $context is set, execute the query against the Objects Context.
            if(-not $Context -or -not $BulkProcess){
                Write-Verbose -Message "Executing Single CSOM Query"

            #If a conext was provided/derived, bulk process the requests. Process the requests 14 a time to prevent the request from using too many resources
            elseif(($objects.IndexOf($Object) % 12) -eq 0){
                Write-Verbose -Message "Reached resource limit for CSOM. Executing Query."
            Write-Verbose -Message "Final Execute Query."