
function GetDSEPMs {
    # query DSE's PMs from AD.
    $OU = "OU=VUTDCs,OU=pMachines,OU=Servers,DC=chn,DC=sponetwork,DC=com"
    $ADPMs = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $OU -Filter *
    return $ADPMs.Name

function FindOutDSEPM {
# to find out DSE's PM from list.
    param ([String[]]$PMachines)

    $Result = @()
    $DSEPMs = GetDSEPMs
    foreach ($pm in $PMachines) {
        if ($pm -in $DSEPMs) { 
            $Result += $pm 
            if ($DSEPMs.Count -eq $Result.Count) { break }

    return $Result

function Get-Servers
  return Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -Like $Search -AND OperatingSystem -notlike "*Standard*"} | select -expand name

function Test-Pingable {
    param([string[]] $PMachines)

    $Result = @()

    $PMachines | ForEach-Object {
        if (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet)) {
            Write-Verbose "PMs: $_ cannot be reachable.`n"
            $Result += $_



Function Watch-Jobs {
    Watch PowerShell jobs to finish and return results.
    This function is used to monitor PS backgroud job running.
    It will treate the jobs in stats "Finished", "failed" and "Blocked".
    "Finished" jobs will be receive returned results and delete jobs.
    "Failed" jobs will be receicve jobs and show failed computer name and delete jobs.
    Just show warning but don't delete for "Blocked".
    PowerShell job ID.
    .PARAMETER Activity
    Display in progress bar.
    .PARAMETER TimeOut
    The limited time for PowerShell job running. Default is 120 seconds.
    If time end up, all unfinished jobs will be terminated.
    This function will return result immediately once any job finished or failed.
    Watch-Jobs -Activity "Watching jobs" -Status "Executing" -TimeOut 3600
    Watch all background jobs in 1 hour.
    Watch-Jobs -NoWait
    Watch all background jobs in 120 seconds. It will end up if one of jobs finished.
    Watch-Jobs -Id 2
    Just watch job 2 in 120 seconds.

        Param (
            [Int[]] $Id,
            [String] $Activity = "Getting PowerShell Job(s) info",
            [String] $Status = "Querying",
            [Int] $TimeOut = 120,
            [Switch] $NoWait
        $results = @()
        $FailedComputers = $()
        If (!$Id) { $command = "Get-Job" }
        Else { $command = "Get-Job -Id $Id -ErrorAction Ignore" }
        while ($jobs = Invoke-Expression $command) {
            $RunningJobs = $jobs | ? State -EQ "Running"
            $CompletedJobs = $jobs | ? State -EQ "Completed"
            $FailedJobs = $jobs | ? State -EQ "Failed"
            $blockedJobs = $jobs | ? State -EQ "Blocked"
            if ($RunningJobs.Count -eq $jobs.Count) {
                $timeout --
                Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "$Status" -CurrentOperation "$($jobs | ? State -EQ "Running" | % {$_.Name})"
                Start-Sleep 1 
                Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "$Status ." -CurrentOperation "$($jobs | ? State -EQ "Running" | % {$_.Name})"
                Start-Sleep 1 
                Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "$Status .." -CurrentOperation "$($jobs | ? State -EQ "Running" | % {$_.Name})"
                Start-Sleep 1 
                Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "$Status ..." -CurrentOperation "$($jobs | ? State -EQ "Running" | % {$_.Name})"
                Start-Sleep 1
            if ($CompletedJobs) {
                $results += Receive-Job $CompletedJobs
                Remove-Job $CompletedJobs
            if ($FailedJobs) {
                $results += Receive-Job $FailedJobs -ErrorAction Ignore
                If ($FailedJobs.ChildJobs) {
                    $ChildJobs = $FailedJobs.ChildJobs
                    $FailedComputers = $ChildJobs | ? State -EQ "Failed" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Location
                Remove-Job $FailedJobs
            # Blocked job will not be treated.
            If ($blockedJobs.Count -eq $jobs.Count) {
                Write-Warning "There are some blocked jobs that will not be clean!"
            # Should be end up if 'NoWait' is present.
            if ($NoWait.IsPresent -and ($CompletedJobs -or $FailedJobs)) { break }
            If ($timeout -lt 1) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Jobs running time out." -Status "Terminating ..."
                get-job | Remove-Job -Force
                Write-Host "Jobs running time out. Terminated!" -ForegroundColor Red
        If ($FailedComputers) {
            Write-Host "Job can't be run for below machines:"
            $FailedComputers | %{Write-Host $_}
        Return $results