
Function Add-SPRColumn {
    Adds a column to a SharePoint list.
    Adds a column to a SharePoint list.
    The human readable list name. So 'My List' as opposed to 'MyList', unless you named it MyList.
    The human readable web name. So 'My Web' as opposed to 'MyWeb', unless you named it MyWeb.
    The address to the site collection. You can also pass a hostname and it'll figure it out.
    Don't want to specify the Site or Credential every time? Use Connect-SPRSite to create a reusable connection.
    See Get-Help Connect-SPRsite for more information.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Provide alternative credentials to the site collection. Otherwise, it will use default credentials.
    The column name.
.PARAMETER DisplayName
    The column display name.
   The column datatype.
 .PARAMETER Description
    The column description.
    This commands builds up the XML for AddFieldAsXml. If you want to override that and just pass
    an xml command, use this parameter.
    See this site for examples:
    Sets the default value of the column.
.PARAMETER DoNotAddToDefaultView
    By default, the newly added column will be added to the default view. Use this parameter
    to prevent this.
.PARAMETER FieldOption
    The Field Options for the column. This parameter has auto-complete for your convenience.
    If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run.
    If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Allows piping from Get-SPRList
.PARAMETER EnableException
    By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
    This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
    Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
    Connect-SPRSite -Site
    Add-SPRColumn -List 'My List' -ColumnName TestColumn -Description "One column"
    Adds a text column named TestColumn to 'My List' on
    Add-SPRColumn -Site -List 'My List' -Credential ad\user -ColumnName TestColumn
    Adds a text column named TestColumn to 'My List' on and logs into the site collection as ad\user.
    Add-SPRColumn -Site -List List1 -ColumnName Age -Default 40 -Type Integer
    Adds a number column named Age to List1 on and sets the default value to 40s.
    $xml = "<Field Type='URL' Name='EmployeePicture' StaticName='EmployeePicture' DisplayName='Employee Picture' Format='Image'/>"
    Get-SPRList -List List1 -Site | Add-SPRColumn -Xml $xml
    Adds a column named EmployeePicture with the URL datatype to List1 on

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Human-readble SharePoint list name")]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Human-readble SharePoint web name")]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, HelpMessage = "SharePoint Site Collection")]
        [string]$Type = "Text",
        [ValidateSet("DefaultValue", "AddToDefaultContentType", "AddToNoContentType", "AddToAllContentTypes", "AddFieldInternalNameHint", "AddFieldToDefaultView", "AddFieldCheckDisplayName")]
        [string[]]$FieldOption = "AddFieldInternalNameHint",
    begin {
        if (-not $DisplayName) {
            $DisplayName = $ColumnName
        $addtodefaultlist = $DoNotAddToDefaultView -eq $false
    process {
        if (-not $ColumnName -and -not $Xml) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException:$EnableException -Message "You must specify ColumnName or Xml"
        if ($Xml -and $Default) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException:$EnableException -Message "You cannot specify Xml and Default. Add the default to the Xml instead."
        if (-not $InputObject) {
            if ($Site) {
                $InputObject = Get-SPRList -Site $Site -Credential $Credential -List $List -Web $Web
            elseif ($script:spsite) {
                $InputObject = Get-SPRList -List $List -Web $Web
            else {
                Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException:$EnableException -Message "You must specify Site and List pipe in results from Get-SPRList"
        if (-not $InputObject) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException:$EnableException -Message "List does not exist"
        foreach ($thislist in $InputObject) {
            try {
                $server = $thislist.Context

                if (-not $Xml) {
                    $xml = "<Field Type='$Type' Name='$ColumnName' StaticName='$ColumnName' DisplayName='$DisplayName' Description ='$Description' />"
                    if ($Default) {
                        $xml = $xml.Replace(" />", "><Default>$Default</Default></Field>")
                if (-not $ColumnName) {
                    $xmldata = [xml]($xml.ToString())
                    $ColumnName = $xmldata.Field.Name
                if ((Test-PSFShouldProcess -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -Target $server.Url -Action "Added $ColumnName as $Type to $List")) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message $xml
                    $null = $thislist.Fields.AddFieldAsXml($xml, $addtodefaultlist, $FieldOption)
                    $thislist | Get-SPRColumnDetail | Where-Object Name -eq $ColumnName | Sort-Object ID -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
            catch {
                Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException:$EnableException -Message "Failure" -ErrorRecord $_