
Function Connect-SPRSite {
    Creates a reusable SharePoint Client Context object that lets you use and
    manage the site collection in Windows PowerShell.
    Creates a reusable SharePoint Client Context object that lets you use
    and manage the site collection in Windows PowerShell.
    If you Connect-SPRSite, you no longer need to specify -Site and -Credential.
    The address to the site collection. You can also pass a hostname and it'll figure it out.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Provide alternative credentials to the site collection. Otherwise, it will use default credentials.
.PARAMETER AuthenticationMode
    Specifies the authentication modes of the client Web request.
    Onprem or Online, this only needs to be set once, then it's cached. See Get-SPRConfig for more information.
.PARAMETER EnableException
    By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
    This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
    Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
    Connect-SPRSite -Site
    Creates a web service object for Figures out the wsdl address automatically.
    Connect-SPRSite -Site
    Creates a web service object for using the formal and complete address.
    Connect-SPRSite -Site -Credential ad\user
    Creates a web service object and logs into the webapp as ad\user.
    Connect-SPRSite -Site -Credential -Location Online
    Creates a connection to SharePoint Online using the credential
    By default, this module is set to On-Premises. To change this use: Set-SPRConfig -Name Location -Value Online

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "SharePoint Site Collection")]
        [PsfValidateSet(TabCompletion = 'SPReplicator-Location')]
        [ValidateSet("Default", "FormsAuthentication", "Authentication")]
        [string]$AuthenticationMode = "Default",
    begin {
        if ($Site -notmatch 'http') {
            $Site = "https://$Site"
        # handle online vs onprem
        $hostname = ([System.Uri]$Site).Host
        $hash = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName SPReplicator.SiteMapper
        if (-not $Location) {
            $hash = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName SPReplicator.SiteMapper
            if ($hash[$hostname]) {
                $Location = $hash[$hostname]
            else {
                $Location = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName SPReplicator.Location
        if ($hash[$hostname]) {
            $hash[$hostname] = $Location
        else {
            $hash.Add($hostname, $Location)
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName SPReplicator.SiteMapper -Value $hash -Description "Hosts and locations"
    process {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to the SharePoint service at $Site"
        try {
            $script:spsite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($Site)
            if ($Credential) {
                if ($Location -eq "Onprem") {
                    $script:spsite.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
                    Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite.Credentials -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { $Credential.UserName } -Force
                else {
                    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
                        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Core works with Onprem but not yet SharePoint online, waiting for working DLL :("
                    else {
                        $credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Credential.UserName, $Credential.Password)
                        $script:spsite.Credentials = $credentials
                        Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite.Credentials -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { $this.UserName } -Force
            if ($script:spsite.HasPendingRequest) {
            Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { $this.Url } -Force
            if (-not $script:spsite.ExecuteQuery) {
                # ty
                Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ExecuteQuery -Value {
                    if ($script:spsite.HasPendingRequest) {
                } -Force
            $script:spsite.AuthenticationMode = $AuthenticationMode
            $script:spweb = $script:spsite.Web
            Add-Member -InputObject $script:spweb -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { $this.Title } -Force
            if ($script:spsite.Credentials) {
                $loginname = Get-SPRUser -Identity $script:spsite.Credentials.UserName
            else {
                $username = whoami
                $loginname = Get-SPRUser -Identity $username
            $global:SPReplicator.Web     = $script:spweb
            $global:SPReplicator.Site    = $script:spsite
            $global:SPReplicator.LogList = $global:SPReplicator.LogList
            $global:SPReplicator.ListNames = $script:spweb.Lists.Title
            Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name List -ScriptBlock {
            Register-PSFTeppArgumentCompleter -Command (Get-Command -Module SPReplicator).Name -Parameter List -Name List
            if ($credentials) {
                $thislocation = "Online"
            else {
                $thislocation = "Onprem"
            $getsite = $script:spsite.get_site()
            $rootweb = $getsite.get_rootWeb()
            Add-Member -InputObject $rootweb -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { $this.Title } -Force
            Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RootWeb -Value $rootweb -Force
            Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Location -Value $thislocation -Force
            Add-Member -InputObject $script:spsite -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CurrentUser -Value $loginname -Force
            $script:spsite | Select-DefaultView -Property Url, ServerVersion, AuthenticationMode, Credentials, RequestTimeout, Location, RootWeb, CurrentUser
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException:$EnableException -Message "Failure" -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue